I trust you are well! To all of my American friends, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving as we gather with family and friends for this weekend of pausing and being present for all that we have received abundantly this year. I bring forward this vibration of being Grateful. Grateful - "feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received..." Each year, Brad and I schedule our gathering with our family and friends around the days that Callie and Ryan are with us. On even years, that is Thanksgiving Day. On odd years, that is usually the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. And so yesterday, my husband and I were able to wake up without our alarm clocks. Our dog, Star, is usually the best alarm clock anyway, and I found myself yesterday morning being guided outside by Star at exactly the moment when the sun was brilliantly arriving into this day of giving thanks. I went back into the house to get my phone and took these two photographs, which I share with you now. As I was walking back up the driveway towards Home, guided by this beautiful Being (who I believed we rescued from the shelter but who I know has been rescuing and guiding us ever since), I was flooded with this beautiful sense of Peace... and Abundance... this warm wave of Pure Love moving through my body from my feet all the way up and out my crown. A certainty that this moment... right here... captured digitally and felt throughout my entire body... was perfect. Everything was exactly as it was meant to be. Exactly as I designed it to be when I was a Soul choosing to come have this human incarnation. Every detail was and IS perfect. I bring this vibration of KNOWING that All Is Well in every single Breath. In every single Sense experienced by the Body. Spirit is moving through every aspect of our human experience and that Knowing, that Certainty, brings Peace. Infinite Peace. These lyrics from "Fighting the Good Fight" by Alicia Mathewson feel timely and appropriate as I am Grateful... "And I’m so grateful for all of you walking by my side You agreed to be here too for this sacred time May we smile, be free and enjoy the ride Showering our love I can feel you deep inside Like a sacred flame of truth When I let my heart open wide I trust you’re in all I do Cause I’m the girl who wants it to be all right I’m the girl turning darkness into light I’m the girl fighting the good fight We’re just fighting the good fight" We gather in community on Sunday to co-create more moments of absolute perfection as we connect in deeper and deeper ways to Gaia... Earth... this planet that we chose to come experience in the physical form. You can join us here. I Am Grateful for each of You who walk by my side... SO much love, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
I trust you are well! I am writing to you on Saturday afternoon, with the New Moon in Scorpio. "The most intense and focused of the horoscope signs, Scorpio energy helps us dive deep, merge our superpowers and form bonds that are built to last." (Astrostyle.com) One of my favorite descriptions of the vibration of this New Moon and what it is opening in humanity came from Astrology King. "The November 18 new moon will make you more aware of climate change because of its near exact opposition to the planet Sedna. I make this assumption because the last time Sedna was this close to Earth 11,400 years ago, there was a sharp rise in temperature over 50 years. Rapid changes in the environment are threatening your way of life and now is the time to do something about it. By following your intuition and taking the lead, you will find practical ways to save time, energy and money. You may decide to have quicker showers or you might decide to buy an electric car. Every bit helps and new moon November 2017 is a good time to start. Saturn trine Uranus means you will cope very well in a calm and patient way. You can be a steady hand in this time of change and bring order out of chaos." This has been a year of humans waking up to the impact we have on our planet AND... our planet's impact on humans. In the ebbs and flows of the waters, the oceans, the rivers this year, we have many different Stories about what is happening and why. Stories:
I laughed when I read these varying definitions because there is such a blending of reality and Truth, imagination and perception. Stories are interpreted by the person experiencing or listening to the story. And so how do we know individually and collectively which stories are true and which stories are imaginary? The answer is simple, as I describe in my book One Day on page 25: "Truth Resonates. "It has a vibration that is strong and powerful. When Truth is shared, energy is physically and emotionally released. We have all at times felt Truth reach through our emotional walls and rigid belief systems... it is a tangible shiver of the spine or immediate tears flowing down your face. Truth can be felt as a punch in the solar plexus chakra - the "gut" of your physical body. It is experienced as an opening of the heart, a warming sensation spreading through your chest. There is a Knowing in your Soul when you hear someone speaking their Truth, even if it is information you have not heard before." Truth Resonates. We are entering a time where the imaginary, illusionary stories are falling apart and the REAL, authentic, True stories are shining brightly. Whether you gather your stories from news stations, YouTube, Facebook, or Snapchat is irrelevant. What matters is what feels True to YOU. What feels True to ME. And finding the bridges that allow for communication of your Truth and my Truth. I am a bridge-builder, a communicator, a messenger. I have always played this role within my family, my friendships, my corporate work. And these days, in my work as a Soul Guide. I have learned how to implicitly trust the ways in which Truth Resonates in my body, my heart, my Soul. And then I delight in sharing these stories of Truth! This week, I am opening a new playground for story-telling. TRUE story-telling. SOUL story-telling. LIVE story-telling! This sacred playground is called SO's Soul Stories. In our virtual reality world, I am creating a weekly virtual gathering of Souls curious about the Why, the How, the Where, the When of the Journeys of Souls. You can learn more here. The adventure begins on Tuesday! Tomorrow I invite you to align with this New Moon energy as we bridge the gap between physical and spiritual in Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditations. We are literally co-creating a new hologram for our Earth, a new vibration, a new energetic grid. If you have heard the term "New Earth," this is a place where we are co-creating the New Earth in real time. It is profoundly beautiful! Enjoy the magic and mystery of this New Moon in Scorpio this weekend! SO much love from my heart to yours, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. It is Thursday afternoon as I pause to feel into a word that could possibly summarize this week. I have been cleaning, shopping, cooking, and preparing the space for a gathering of my friends as we welcome Alicia Mathewson to Cincinnati, to my home, and to this beautiful community of Souls. I paused the to-do's and activity to be still for this time of Reflection, allowing myself a deeper clarity and wisdom through the pause. When Alicia and I spoke for the first time on the phone about a month ago, we both expressed how fun it would be to meet each other in person after this summer's connection via email and through her music and my book. In our minds, we were thinking that would perhaps happen in the spring of next year. What has unfolded so beautifully instead, with ease and absolute perfection, is this weekend's gathering on the 11-11 Portal. Portal: "A doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one; An internet site providing access or links to other sites..." The word that I choose each week usually comes through my meditation time and so when I looked up the definition after this word came forward, I laughed to see that the definition included a piece about internet sites! My Reflections post last week was comparing how energy works through our bodies and down to Gaia (Earth) to the evolution of the Internet and its impact on humanity here on Earth. Of course, the next word that I explore then in this week's post would be how an "internet site" connects to other "internet sites!" A little wink from my Soul that I am on track! As we explore the first part of the definition about a Portal being a "doorway, gate, or another entrance," it aligns with the vibration of the number of 11-11 (the date of our gathering in Cincinnati). The 11:11 Awakening Code on Facebook offers this description of the number combination: "11:11 can be the key to some kind of gateway of ascension and enlightenment, which is a perfect way to describe "the shift" taking place all over the world at this very minute." Yes. An expansion of consciousness. What I have found in my own journey is that whatever I focus on expands. The word that I focus on each week in my Reflections takes on more meaning, more weight, more teaching even as I write about it or share it. The vibration of that word continues because I am focusing on that word. For most of this year, I have been focusing on and describing in so many different ways, this shift in consciousness... this awakening... this ascension that is happening in humanity... here on Gaia... on our planet Earth. If I could distill my message about this Awakening down to simply two things it would be: 1. That this shift on our planet comes from self-empowerment, from each individual's expansion and stepping into his/her own beauty and brilliance, and then sharing those gifts with the world. 2. How incredible, how beautiful, how vibrantly ALIVE with joy and potential this time is on Earth! We have never experienced the possibilities that are opening to us, more and more each day. And so this word, Portal - "a doorway, a gate, an entrance - large and elaborate" is such a powerful description of this shift happening now in humanity. As I focus my attention more and more on what I KNOW to be True in my Soul, what I KNOW to be True in my human journey - that all of this is happening exactly as we all designed it - the magic and beauty expands exponentially. My Trust and Delight in this life's experience deepens. This weekend on 11-11, "time, space, and the density of matter" are dancing in a way that I have not experienced before. When I wrote my book, I offered these "suggested sound healing integrations" of the songs that have guided me in my journey. I had no idea then that I would be gifted with one of those sound healings (from one of my favorite of the many artists included in the book) here in my own home. With many of those whom I love right by my side. This human journey can feel dense, heavy, and limited. And so I sit here in this moment, recording this message to you, saying ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Allow your creative gifts to flow forward. Send your sound, your words, your visions, your ideas, your unique creations out into the world. Into communities. Into public forums. And then patiently WATCH the magic unfold! In ways beyond what you could have even dreamed possible in the moment of the creation. When I wrote my book, I had never met Alicia. I only knew and loved her music. And now, only a few months later, we are holding a new and powerful space as healers together. What an incredible journey... I know this is yet another portal opening in my journey, a gateway that I am stepping through this weekend. Three months, six months, a year from now... I can only imagine the more elaborate entrances that await. My heart and my Soul are filled with gratitude and peace and a deep sense of Trust that All Is Well. Consciousness is expanding. Love is expanding. And I am continuing to show up, sharing my gifts in deeper ways with such delight! Last week, I shifted my focus for our Sunday meditations, calling this expanded space Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditations. Our first gathering was so beautiful and powerful, as we tapped into the collective energy of all of the major continents on our planet, feeling how each of us is able to bring our awareness and attention to those places and send healing, send support. Hold a higher vibration for humanity. If you were not able to join us live, my gift to you on this 11-11 Portal is the link to the recording. Claim an hour to tune into this next Portal of humanity in this new way. You will leave the hour feeling empowered and in even greater awe of this experience of life on Earth. This weekend, we will be gathering in my living room on Sunday morning for our second Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation. I invite you to exchange with your own 11 energy ($11!) and take a seat in my living room with us. Alicia will be bringing her gift of sound, I will be sharing my gift of meditation, and we will be co-creating together live on the call. An "elaborate opening" that only continues to expand the love that I feel already in this moment! In this time of mastery and ascending, with ever-expanding love, I honor the journey we are each taking with such reverence. SO much love from my heart to yours, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. We are beginning the winter month of November here in the Midwest, and yet, as I have been outside walking Star, the temperatures are in the 50's, 60's, and 70's on Sunday. Even with the obvious signs of climate change happening on our planet, I am still surprised at moments when it shows up so clearly in my daily life. Like many of us, I have read lots of articles about climate change and meditated often about the shifts on our planet. And what I keep coming back to as my own understanding is that our planet, Earth... Gaia, is WELL. She is strong, vibrant, and healing. Healing in ways that we do not understand or feel comfortable with, as we see the devastation in human terms. But yes, healing the imbalance that we, as humans, have created. In all of the conversation about climate change, there are physical, tangible shifts we can each make that I see more and more people making in their everyday lives - such as recycling, conserving water, using recyclable grocery bags, monitoring electricity usage, keeping our cars in good condition, conserving trips where possible. I can see the awareness beginning to make change, which is wonderful. And as a healer, an intuitive, a human very much in touch with my Soul, I KNOW that there is an energetic support we can offer to our planet that has an even greater capacity to help humanity realign with nature, with Gaia. To help illustrate this, I use the word Grids. Grids: "A network of cables or pipes for distributing power, especially high-voltage transmission lines for electricity; a number of computers linked together via the Internet so that their combined power may be harnessed to work on difficult problems; to put into or set out as a grid..." Not that many years ago, the Internet (an energy grid) did not exist in the ways in which we understand it to exist now. There were computers that spoke to each other within companies and university laboratories, but not computers that spoke to each other around the globe, from home to home. And yet, once awareness was brought to this new way of communicating, an entire wave of technology, a new phenomenon for energy usage quickly and powerfully changed the way that we live our lives. Now the internet is the place we go for all of our answers! For new understandings. For our ways of communicating. Consider this info from Wikipedia: "The Internet's takeover of the global communication landscape was almost instant in historical terms: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunications networks in the year 1993, already 51% by 2000, and more than 97% of the telecommunicated information by 2007. Today the Internet continues to grow, driven by ever greater amounts of online information, commerce, entertainment, and social networking." When we look at the Internet as a whole, as a collective energy field, it clearly relies on the individual flow of energy through it. If every individual stopped going to the Internet for information, for purchases, for business, then there would be nothing to sustain the Internet. If all of the computers or phones being used by the individuals got viruses or shut down, the tools we usually use to connect would limit our access to the flow of energy we seek. Using this example, let us explore how we can create an energy grid that better aligns humans with our planet. We as Souls in human bodies are the computers, energetically connected to each other and to our planet (and then to our Universe). We receive energy, information, emotions, downloads... and then we try to process them. When we aren't clearing out the overwhelming load of data and gunk coming in each day, our computer (body) locks up. Or gets a virus! Or completely shuts down. The computer (body) is 'broken' until we pause to fix it. Our access to the Internet (collective flow of energy) is cut off or limited. When the Internet was first established, its success was dependent upon an ever-increasing trust in the system and usage of the system. If there was no value found in the Internet, it would have flopped and nobody would be using it today. But word of mouth brought more awareness, which created more energy, which created more value, which created more product, which fed the system. So over time, very rapidly, the Internet became an energy system, an energy grid that we as humans use all day, every day. It is difficult to imagine life now without access to that source of energy and information. I believe that this example is a direct parallel to what is shifting on our planet right now. We are JUST beginning to understand the Energy Grid of Consciousness and how it is intimately connected to Gaia, Earth. The Internet of Universal Information that is spiritual and energetic, not physical and tangible (yet!). And it is just like when the Internet first came into the public forum. Not everyone understood it. Not everyone wanted to use it. Once the social proof was evident, then it took on a life of its own. A power of its own. And created what it is today. We are at the edge of such a movement with consciousness. With Energy. With Light. With Crystals. With Meditation. Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey are on (as I write this) Day Six of a 21 Day Meditation Experience (Making Every Moment Matter), held via the Internet, and thousands or maybe millions of people are pausing for 20 minutes each day to focus their attention on Time. To harness their awareness and come into a collective alignment of their experience of Time. This is an Energy Grid that they have established. A way to help humanity heal and slow down the pace of our lives, which allows us to come back into alignment with nature, with Earth, this planet that we inhabit. As we bridge this gap between spiritual / energetic and physical, there are many tools and resources available. Many practices that resonate with each of us differently. For me, I have developed a love of intention grids. Bringing the spiritual or energetic into a physical form through stones and crystals - consciousness represented physically right in front of my hands, my eyes. I can see the formless put into a form. That intention grid then holds a vibration, an energy that anchors my spiritual concept into the physical moment. As we move towards the end of 2017 and stand at the threshold of 2018 - a year in which I believe our planet is going to have even more physical manifestations as she realigns with humanity - I am integrating my love for intention grids with my love for meditations.Bringing the two together into my weekly Sunday calls. I share more about this shift and why it feels so important at this time in my Healing Our Souls video below. Co-creation is the foundation of the human experience. I show up clear, completely in tune with my creativity and meet you in your space of creativity. Together we allow the new to be formed in a co-creative dance that has not existed before. Me in my power. You in your power. And then this magical spark of something new coming into existence. That is the vibration I have been holding since I started the Soul Shine calls a year and a half ago, and now we bring in this new element of Touch, this tangible way to feel energy in the physical. I am so excited for our first Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation this Sunday, November 5th, at 10am ET! I invite you to come play with us virtually, from your own living room. And then, so soon, we arrive at the 11-11 Energy Portal! One week from today, my dear friend Alicia Mathewson, singer-songwriter and meditation guide, is here in Cincinnati for our first meeting here in this lifetime in the physical form! We are in the most amazing flow of alignment and creation as we prepare for her 11-11 Concert from 3-5pm at my home, and then an Activation Ceremony that evening for those who are ready to experience a deeper, more pure understanding of Light and Love here on our planet. You can learn more here. If you are not able to join us for Saturday's festivities, we welcome you into our community and living room via the meditation call on Sunday, November 12th at 10am ET. Before the Internet, I remember thinking that life was amazing. And it was! Life was good! I didn't realize what I was missing with email, Google, Facebook, or Instagram because I didn't know yet that those ideas even existed. I was content and thrilled with life as it already was in that moment. If I had known then all that was going to be experienced in the future, would it have taken away from my enjoyment of that present moment I was living? It's hard to know, isn't it? And yet now that I know the joy and delight the Internet offers, the way it brings communities together who in the past would never even have known the other existed, I am filled with gratitude for the creation of the new that happened via the Internet. As I sit here in THIS moment, I feel the same sense of fulfillment, joy, appreciation in the depths of my Soul for how good life is RIGHT now. For all the beauty that exists right here in this very moment. AND... I can feel what is coming! I can sense the expansion, the delight, the harmony that is arriving as we tap into these understandings of energy in ways that humanity has not understood fully before. What will our energy grids look like in one year, five years, ten years? How will we be using energy to change health, education, our understanding of time, of relationships? To deepen our appreciation of nature and our love for this planet? We are standing at the edge of a cliff with a vista of paradise spread out in front of us. Come explore with me. We only just beginning to feel the joy that is possible as a Soul in a human body! It is SO good! With much love from my heart to yours, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
April 2023