What a week! So much has been said leading up to and during the Solar Eclipse and I sit here pondering what there is to add... and yet knowing there is so much that has been left unsaid. I come to you today with the theme of Messages. Messages - "short pieces of information that you give to a person when you cannot speak to them..." When I was little, we would play the game of Telephone where one person whispers a message into another person's ear, and then that person shares the message with the person next to them and the message makes its way all the way back around the big circle to the person who started the original message. It was always fascinating and hilarious to see how much the message changed from the beginning to the end. One word can change the meaning of the entire sentence. The filter of the person giving the message meets the filter of the person receiving the message and the message changes, transforms in the sharing of it. ![]() I believe that we are all Infinite Souls here on Earth having human experiences, and that the Soul is always sending messages through to guide us. These "short pieces of information" sent to "someone with whom you cannot speak" can often be misinterpreted, just like in the telephone game. The filters we put on in our human-ness can cause us to doubt the messages we receive. In this lifetime I am completing karma from a lifetime in the 1100's where I was believed to be a witch. My love for my husband was very powerful and my Soul was guiding me with messages from the future about how to have a healthy delivery of our baby. In my knowing to wash hands with soap and water to disinfect for germs and to boil the water to keep the birthing room clean, I was seen by the villagers as a witch and, immediately after childbirth, thrown from the castle tower. This memory of the Soul has haunted me in this lifetime with an extreme fear of heights and recurring nightmares of being killed. I have doubted the messages from my Soul many times in this life because I thought I got it "wrong" in that lifetime with disastrous results. Another clear memory of a past life that I have been healing is that of a Village Chief in the 1700's whose ego and need for power outweighed the messages and guidance he was hearing from Spirit. I have seen myself repeatedly sitting in a field, alone, surrounded by the bodies of my Tribe, filled with regret and deep, deep grief. Listening to and following the messages from our Souls here in our human journeys feels like a leap of faith into the unknown. And when fear sits underneath that unknown, we can be guided down paths that we then judge and evaluate as "wrong." What I have remembered in this lifetime as Vivienne is that the Infinite Soul is always coming from Love. Always expanding Life... Creation... Existence... into More. And as I have healed these painful past life memories, my trust in my Infinite Soul has deepened and strengthened and the messages have been coming through faster and more clearly. The weekend of the Solar Eclipse, I received three clear messages from my Infinite Soul:
Our Need for Information...Earlier this year, I traveled with my daughter to Costa Rica, and we had unexpected and frustrating delays that had us in the airport in Panama overnight with almost no resources or support for our stranded plane and passengers. Long lines, moving through areas of the airport, onto shuttle buses, into lines at a hotel, back to the airport after just a few hours of rest, with almost no communication to guide us throughout the process. We were thrown a full 24 hours off our original plan - arriving at our destination One Day later than expected. Nothing happens by chance... our lives are all following a Blueprint designed by our Infinite Soul. And so I questioned this experience - what was the point? What life lesson was I supposed to learn? ![]() After much contemplation, I realized that there are three priorities or basic needs for people during any crisis (and in the moments of turmoil during traveling, this situation felt like a crisis). We seek: Information Water Rest Food, shelter, cell phones, wifi... so many other things take a back seat. What we as humans most need in crisis is Information to calm the mind, Water to nourish the body, and Rest to soothe the Soul as the body and mind come back into harmony. I know now that I went through this experience to be able to resonate with the vibration of fear and chaos that is going to be moving through our planet during this shift humanity is taking. And to be able to solidly hold the new resonance of trust in the Information I bring from my Infinite Soul, and that others will be flowing through from their Infinite Souls. The information that I share next is coming through my human filter and perhaps is "wrong." And yet I can feel the momentum of my Infinite Soul insisting that it serves to share with others because it is a message coming from my deepest Love for humanity. The Pacific Northwest...A few weeks ago, I had a vivid dream that I was witnessing a tsunami, watching the water rising and swirling around me as I tried to direct people to safe land. I woke up and couldn't shake the feeling of the ocean waters coming. That day, I was looking up videos about the upcoming Solar Eclipse and saw a headline for a video that connected eclipses to earthquakes being activated weeks or months later. That video led me to an article titled, The Really Big One, written in July of 2015 by Kathryn Schulz, with the subheading - "An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when." The article won a Pulitzer Prize for the groundbreaking research that was gathered, presenting a scientific study of earthquakes along a 700-mile coastline of the Pacific Northwest as shown through core samples collected from the seafloor. I read the article and knew in my gut that this earthquake was VERY imminent, within this year of 2017. I sat with the information in my meditation time and had no clear guidance for action, so I kept my focus on the events happening in my own life. And then last weekend, as I could feel the energetic shifts happening on our planet as "the sun and the moon met across the West," I received the clear message that this earthquake would happen on or within three weeks of the Solar Eclipse. Three weeks. Three weeks from August 21, 2017 gives us the date of September 11, 2017. Chills went through me as I realized the date. Could that be possible? What would that mean to Americans? To the world? Seriously? September 11th?? And yet, I could feel my Soul staying steady with a "Yes... yes.. that is the correct timing" and, repeatedly, "Trust." (If you haven't yet, please open up the article and read it before coming back to the rest of this Message from me. The information Ms. Schulz shares is going to impact every single person who lives on this planet in some way... every one of us.) Just as in past lives I have lived, I feel the sharp hesitation of getting the message wrong and creating unnecessary turmoil or concern. Being held up for ridicule or judgment if my interpretation was incorrect. And yet, what if ... So I am willing to be wrong. I am not willing - what I choose to NOT make peace with is - to be right in my interpretation of this message and be silent. To have Information that could empower others to create a different reality. To be prepared. Just as when the weather forecasters predict hurricanes or snowstorms, and communities adjust their activities accordingly to be prepared. And so I have meditated, reflected, shared with a few of my trusted advisers, meditated more, chanted, meditated again, and finally arrived at a place of trust and surrender to sharing this message. Co-Creation...Earlier this year, I trusted the messages from my Infinite Soul as it channeled a book, titled One Day: My Soul Journey in the Gaia Tribe. The main message of the book is that Love (Consciousness) is always expanding and that we as Soul-humans are co-creating a new way of living - now experiencing Heaven here on Earth (Gaia). It is not a book about power or religion or politics or education. It is a book about remembering and allowing co-creation, the individual within the collective humanity. ![]() Our planet has finally entered the Age of Aquarius and the water is OUR healer for humanity, as well as our planet's own healer for Gaia. We are made up of water and water is what makes our planet unique in the Universe. Humanity has taken water for granted and polluted the water, and now I believe that Gaia is self-correcting and healing Life through the ocean waters. We are just beginning to see the rising of the water and the reshaping of our Earth's surface. We can move through this shift with fear, as humanity has done through the ages. OR... We can trust in the foundation of Love that is the Universe, that is our Mama Gaia, that is every Infinite Soul embodying here in the physical human experience. And so we co-create together. From Love. I offer my Message as Information that can be used to perhaps raise greater awareness in communities throughout the Pacific Northwest, igniting a sense of urgency that inspires action and empowers individuals to be prepared for what science is saying is inevitable. Whether my date is correct or not, the call to action has been sounded. First through the alarm to wake up shared in 2015 by a beautiful and courageous author who clearly and deeply loves humanity and our planet to be willing to put her theory out in public. And now through this connection to a tangible date. I, as one Soul-human walking on this planet, cannot change the lives of everyone who would be affected by this event. And yet, as I trust my intuition and share what I know individually, my own inspired action then allows for new awareness within the collective, which is the first step for change to happen. I trust that the ripples created from this message follow the flow of co-creation, which is one of the greatest gifts of our planet. There is no one person in charge of humanity. There are instead 7.442 Billion Soul-humans co-creating every experience, every moment of life here on our precious planet of Gaia. A Return to Love...What feels most important to share, along with the message of this date, is the message of Love. Love is the strongest emotion. Love is the foundation of our Universe, through which this planet was created. Fear is a human emotion that has been brought into this planet with purpose, as contrast, to teach us and help heal us as we become More Love. Last year on the 15th anniversary of September 11th, I led a guided meditation where I felt so deeply the message of Love that was shared with humanity through the sacrifices and actions on 9-11 that were originally created from fear and terrorism. I believe that Infinite Divine Love greeted every Soul who completed their human journey that day. ![]() When the events outlined in the article, "The Really Big One", inevitably happen, whether on September 11, 2017 or not, I already trust that Infinite Divine Love is greeting every Soul who transitions. And so the message that I send is one of the greatest Love, not fear. The message of a Universal Love where every Soul is intimately connected to and in harmony with every other Soul here on Gaia. Lifetimes ago, the Asatoma Prayer for Light and Wisdom was written in India and has been chanted in Sanskrit throughout the ages. This prayer for peace was shared with me last weekend and I have been chanting these beautiful words in the days since. Asatoma Sadgamaya (Lead me from untruth to truth) Tamasoma Jyotri Gamaya (Lead me from darkness to light) Myritorma Amritam Gamaya (Lead me from death to immortality). I invite you to sit with the messages I shared as you listen to this chant sung by the most beautiful Alicia Mathewson, and then trust whatever resonates and whatever does not. If you have inspired action that flows from what you read and feel, please trust whatever that inspired action is and follow your own guidance. It is a leap into the unknown to speak Truth. To trust your own Intuition. To empower yourself to act from that alignment. And I know that Love always sits as the foundation underneath that unknown. So there is no "wrong" next step when it comes from Love. Let's Meditate...As always, I believe that meditation is the simplest way through this journey of life. Becoming still and tuning IN to our own Knowing allows us to then co-create at the highest vibrational Soul-human level. If you are not yet meditating daily, I encourage you to claim some quiet space each day to hear the whispers of your own Soul. As a TimeKeeper for the Gaia Tribe, my role is to tune into what is happening on Gaia and with humanity during this shift into the Age of Aquarius and then share a Message of the Week with all who are ready to co-create this New Earth. If you are looking for such a community, you can join us on Sundays for a guided meditation as we usher in the greatest Age yet. Last month, beautiful wisdom flowed through as words in my meditation. I share those words now as I anchor in pure Love with this message. ![]() "We choose this journey of being in the physical. And right now, HERE, on Gaia, in these bodies, we are expanding the Consciousness of the Universe, of and with ALL Souls. Guided by Source - the Sun, the Light, the Breath at the center of each one of us. What a gift we are living. Be Present. Be in Gratitude. All Is Well." "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
We are in "the space in between" as I write this message to you. The intensity of the Full Moon, partial Lunar Eclipse, and Lion's Gate Portal of earlier this week is lifting and settling. And we are 10 days away from the Total Solar Eclipse that is moving across the United States on Monday, August 21st. As we approach this powerful natural phenomenon, the media coverage and preparation by millions of Americans is picking up momentum. Astrologers are being beautifully recognized for their knowledge, years of study, and intuitive gifts as they share predictions of what the planets are telling them will shift emotionally, mentally, politically, and physically for all of us. Our fascination seems to be increasing exponentially as they share! "Where were you for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017?" is a question that people will be asking in conversation for years to come. And... "As a Healer and Soul Guide, what value do I bring during this time?" is a question that I have been asking myself during meditation. What I know to be true is that all of the pieces of my path and my work are coming into a beautiful harmony and a flowering, after planting so many seeds along the way to this moment. For the past few weeks, I have been in a powerful space of Creation and Knowing and I trust how all of it now pulls together. I believe that as powerful as words are for communication, the connection from eye-to-eye, either in person or through video, is that much deeper and richer. And so I paused yesterday to create a Healing Our Souls video - Episode 25 - that is titled Down and In. If you, like many of us, are gathering information and resources about the solar eclipse, I invite you to include this video as one of your pieces of knowledge to explore. (See video below) What do I mean by Down and In? Down and In - "At this time on our planet, the Infinite Soul is coming Down and In to the physical vessel / body in greater and greater levels." I have this way of seeing how physical and non-physical blend - intuitively knowing numbers, dates, percentages, science, and medical information, even as I blend that with the emotional, feeling, and energetic information. For example, I can sense the percentage of Soul embodiment as it's happening, within myself and also for my clients and friends as they offer me permission. ![]() What I know is happening on our planet right now, is that the Awakening, Awareness, or Ascension of Consciousness is actually calling higher percentages of the Infinite Soul down and into the physical form. Down and into our bodies. And so this physical life experience is feeling more intense. There is this internal pressure as we are filling up with more of our own Knowing. Our own Awareness. Our Infinite Knowledge. It is intense! And also, one of the most exciting and liberating times to be alive on this beautiful planet! I describe in my video how Love / Consciousness / The Infinite Soul is visible through the eyes of the human body and I demonstrate that in the way I present the video. I believe that all Souls arrive on this planet with purpose. With gifts to share. With relationships to heal and to begin. And with Choice that allows us to create our own experiences. As more of the Infinite Soul embodies the physical, our experiences become that much deeper, richer and more expansive. This time of planetary shifts, more light coming into our planet through the Lion's Gate Portal, and then the light being "turned off" momentarily during the solar eclipse gives us an opportunity to identify and clarify why we are here. We can use this as a moment to feel powerfully into the infinite Knowing of ALL that we have ever been, bringing that forward into the Now moment, as we then co-create ALL that will be. Together. ![]() And we can have fun and play and dance and celebrate as we move along this path! Wondering at the mystery of this Universe and our tiny planet's role inside of Space. I am continually surprised and delighted by the beautiful signs, nudges, and whispers of my own Soul and all of the guides I feel walking by my side on My Soul Journey. Living life in this empowered, steady, and loving way feels like a miracle. A miracle that is possible for every single one of us. "Live, Love, Laugh" is one of my favorite phrases and I believe that it is one of the key messages my Infinite Soul shares through my physical work as a guide here in this lifetime. We will be Living, Loving, and Laughing on the Viben Now! call this Sunday before I pause the following weekend to be in community and ceremony for the Solar Eclipse. The Viben Now! theme for August is Harmony and I invite you to pause and play in this beautiful virtual space with us. When I return, we are gathering on Thursday the 24th to set intentions with the New Moon and integrate the power of the Solar Eclipse at the August Viben Circle in my home. Community offers us that same eye-to-eye, Soul-to-Soul connection. Claim your seat now! My Infinite Soul bows to the Infinite Soul within you... What a delight to be walking the Earth at this time with you. "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. ![]() The theme of Releasing from last week seems to still be carrying us through this week! Many of the conversations I have had recently with friends and clients have included words like "intense, busy, overwhelmed, frustrated, tired, disappointed." These words feel very connected to the powerful energy that I described at the opening of the Co-Creation Now! Portal on 7-10-17. We are making our way towards a Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on Monday and the Lionsgate Portal of 8-8 on Tuesday, an astrological date of significance. Forever Conscious describes the Lionsgate Portal in this way: "If we think of this symbolically, it is like planet Earth is being bathed with two of the most powerful lights in the sky (the Sun and the star, Sirius). This light energy can enhance spiritual awakenings, bring about new insights or a new awareness and it can also help to raise the consciousness of the planet." No wonder many of us are feeling this increased intensity! Okay - so how do we align with this increased light energy during this time? Well, we move into greater individual and then collective Harmony... Harmony - "An orderly or pleasing combination of elements in a whole; agreement or concord; a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung at the same time..." The theme and intensity of Releasing recently has been important. As we release old patterns, stories, beliefs, limitations, or perhaps in the material form - our stagnant homes, toxic relationships, illnesses - we discover a beautiful emptiness inside that can then be filled up with more Light, more Love, greater Clarity, more Play, more Delight in this human experience. The fear of that emptiness often keeps up desperately hanging on to the familiar and the old, simply to avoid being in the unknown. Staying in the place of disharmony. I am familiar with that feeling of emptiness - there have been many moments in my own human journey where I have wanted to pull the covers back over my head. When I have felt the urge to stay in the familiar yet stuck patterns or relationships because of an overwhelming fear of letting go and navigating my next steps with no clear outcome, no clear goal, no clear understanding of what was coming next to guide me. And yet, even in that deep fear, I could feel the nudging of my own Soul saying "Let it go." ![]() "LET IT GO." "Trust... trust that your Soul knows the highest possibility for your path here in this lifetime." "Trust the nudges, trust the guidance." "Become still and tune IN again and again and again." Harmony is this acceptance that within the scary emptiness, you discover that you are actually MANY facets, many parts making up one beautiful whole. And what I know to be true is that our individual, Infinite Soul sits HERE, within our limited physical body. The lyrics to "This Must Be The Place" by Talking Heads felt like a wink from my own Soul on my run this morning. "Home, is where I want to be Pick me up and turn me round... Feet on the ground Head in the sky It's alright, I know nothing's wrong.. nothing’s wrong Hey, I got plenty of time Hey, you got light in your eyes And you're standing here beside me Home, is where I want to be But I guess I'm already there..." As we move through this time of shifting energy on our planet, trusting that THIS body is the BEST place to be feels soothing to me. Expansive. Loving. Creating harmony within the Mind/Body/Soul is important work that requires time, focus, and attention. I am holding space each Sunday in August and guiding our Viben Now! community in a meditation that focuses on Harmony within the individual and within the collective energy of our planet. We are gathering three times this month and I invite you to claim this healing space for yourself for an exchange of $33. Why $33? Outryder.org offers this wisdom about the Number 33. "The meaning of the repeating Number 3 or 33 Master Number is that one must be in harmony with the mind-body-spirit as one begins her/his journey. Your intentions are being manifested but with the vibrational influences of the Number 6 (3+3), it also signifies that you must be in harmony for the desires to manifest." And so this exchange is a beautiful one. In moments of feeling any intensity or overwhelm, perhaps pause for a few minutes, close your eyes, and feel for the Harmony Within. Which then allows you... me... all of us to co-create a more beautiful Harmony in the external world happening around us. xoxo "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024