Joyful Soul Family Reunions... Here on EarthAre you ready to join me on a Grand Adventure?
What if I were to tell you that this is THE Grandest of ALL The Adventures I have ever begun here on Earth? Would you be curious to learn more? Of course you are!! We are ALL here for Grand Adventures and yet many of us are not sure of what that Adventure is yet. Perhaps the timing hasn't been right yet. Or the density of this human journey has boxed us into very structured 9-5 limited experiences of the Adventures that are possible here on Earth. I invite you to tune in with me to the Dream that I am bringing into Reality... THE Grandest of my Adventures yet as a Soul-human here on Gaia / Earth! 14 Gaia's Love Festivals...Held in specific locations around the world (click on the website's menu tab to see the list!), each one an Energy Portal to help Humanity reconnect to LOVE...
Love for each other... Love for our beautiful planet (Gaia)... And Love for the Source (God) within each one of us. Afternoon / evening Celebrations of Love, expressed through music, dancing, community, food, and water - all that is needed, really, to nourish this human journey. Let's begin, shall we? |
"Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today
To get through this thing called Life
Electric word Life, it means forever,
And that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you,
There's something else..."
~ Let's Go Crazy, Prince, The Revolution
To get through this thing called Life
Electric word Life, it means forever,
And that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you,
There's something else..."
~ Let's Go Crazy, Prince, The Revolution
Dearly Beloved...
First, the back story.
I believe we are each Infinite Souls, birthed into Existence with Intention, and that we spend our Journey as a Soul evolving into fulfilling that Original Intention.
We are birthed with other Souls... for me, a group of 14 of us total.
When we are not in the human body, we are fully Conscious, fully awakened, knowing and remembering all that we have experienced as a Soul.
I believe we are each Infinite Souls, birthed into Existence with Intention, and that we spend our Journey as a Soul evolving into fulfilling that Original Intention.
We are birthed with other Souls... for me, a group of 14 of us total.
When we are not in the human body, we are fully Conscious, fully awakened, knowing and remembering all that we have experienced as a Soul.

One of the options available to us in our Journey as a Soul is to come to Earth / Gaia, this beautiful blue planet that revolves around the Sun, and have a human incarnation. Choose a body, a gender, a race, a nationality, parents, a story, and a path that allows us to continue evolving as a Soul towards fulfilling our Original Intention.
I know that the Infinite Soul that I always Am has had many, many human incarnations, all with the purpose of playing with Time, Space, and the Density of Matter here on Earth... and always to expand Love.
In our human journeys on Earth, we arrive through a Veil of Illusion, forgetting all that we know as Infinite Souls and remembering only in pieces as serves our human, physical experience.
The density of fear and confusion here on this planet offers us contrast.
We grow up believing the limitations that our families, communities, and society in general tell us.
And then we are offered always the opportunity through Free Will to choose Truth and Light and Love...
To expand, grow, evolve into the highest Soul Expression possible in our physical body.
It is a complex, challenging Adventure, to be a Soul in a human body on Earth.
And YES... we come because we learn SO MUCH here!
I know that the Infinite Soul that I always Am has had many, many human incarnations, all with the purpose of playing with Time, Space, and the Density of Matter here on Earth... and always to expand Love.
In our human journeys on Earth, we arrive through a Veil of Illusion, forgetting all that we know as Infinite Souls and remembering only in pieces as serves our human, physical experience.
The density of fear and confusion here on this planet offers us contrast.
We grow up believing the limitations that our families, communities, and society in general tell us.
And then we are offered always the opportunity through Free Will to choose Truth and Light and Love...
To expand, grow, evolve into the highest Soul Expression possible in our physical body.
It is a complex, challenging Adventure, to be a Soul in a human body on Earth.
And YES... we come because we learn SO MUCH here!
One Day: Gaia's Gifts...
In August of 2018, I opened up a communication flow with the Infinite Souls in my Soul Tribe and I received a collection of Stories identifying Energy Portals around the world, a Vortex of Energy anchored into each of 14 different locations.
I share more about these Stories here.
What became clear as I completed and published One Day: Gaia's Gifts is that the next step in My Soul's Journey is to identify and visit each of those locations.
To fully activate the stored Energy available in our planet to help Humanity Awaken and Heal during this Time of Great Change.
For many of us in our human journeys, the first question is often HOW?
How will I do this?
How will it work?
How is it possible?
So, I share in my Reflections (blog) in May the importance of Following Your Why, instead of your how.
Well then... What is my Why?
I am reaching the completion of My Soul's Original Intention.
This is THE Grandest of Adventures I will have in a human body because it is the culmination of all I have ever experienced until now.
I share more about these Stories here.
What became clear as I completed and published One Day: Gaia's Gifts is that the next step in My Soul's Journey is to identify and visit each of those locations.
To fully activate the stored Energy available in our planet to help Humanity Awaken and Heal during this Time of Great Change.
For many of us in our human journeys, the first question is often HOW?
How will I do this?
How will it work?
How is it possible?
So, I share in my Reflections (blog) in May the importance of Following Your Why, instead of your how.
Well then... What is my Why?
I am reaching the completion of My Soul's Original Intention.
This is THE Grandest of Adventures I will have in a human body because it is the culmination of all I have ever experienced until now.
Gaia's Love Festivals...
Gaia's Love Festivals are a Celebration of the Love that flows between Humanity and Earth... Earth and Source... Source and Humanity.
We are all One Love...
One Breath...
One Light...
One Creative Energy.
And So I Am creating Soul Family Reunions Here on Earth.
We are all One Love...
One Breath...
One Light...
One Creative Energy.
And So I Am creating Soul Family Reunions Here on Earth.

Gaia's Love Festivals bring Infinite Souls in human bodies who are Awakening and Remembering their Greatness together into afternoons and evenings of music, laughter, perhaps tears, story-telling, chanting, movement of our beautiful bodies, and deepening connections within an ever-expanding community.
We each contribute our Energy to the Vortex...
Bringing our own food and water... blessing the physical experience... and then receiving an over-flowing Abundance of Energy and Joy and Love from Gaia / Earth and the Source within us!
These are Times of Celebration!
Singing and dancing in whatever weather Gaia contributes to our time together!
We honor our Earth...
By keeping our Footprint on the Sacred Land of each Energy Vortex clean and green... each responsible for all that we bring to the space... leaving the Land in a higher vibration than when we arrived.
We each contribute our Energy to the Vortex...
Bringing our own food and water... blessing the physical experience... and then receiving an over-flowing Abundance of Energy and Joy and Love from Gaia / Earth and the Source within us!
These are Times of Celebration!
Singing and dancing in whatever weather Gaia contributes to our time together!
We honor our Earth...
By keeping our Footprint on the Sacred Land of each Energy Vortex clean and green... each responsible for all that we bring to the space... leaving the Land in a higher vibration than when we arrived.
Yes, there are details and logistics to be managed because we live in a physical planet, and so each of the individual web pages for the 14 Festivals will provide full details as they take on form.
What I know for sure is that we are beginning this Grand Adventure with Gaia's Love Festival 01 Cincinnati on Saturday, August 3rd, 2019... here in my hometown in Ohio!
As I am guided forward in this Adventure, each Festival will be announced with enough time for you to be able to join us if you choose.
I am surrendering to what most serves the Optimal Health and Healing of the One Love of Humanity, Gaia, and Source.
What I know for sure is that we are beginning this Grand Adventure with Gaia's Love Festival 01 Cincinnati on Saturday, August 3rd, 2019... here in my hometown in Ohio!
As I am guided forward in this Adventure, each Festival will be announced with enough time for you to be able to join us if you choose.
I am surrendering to what most serves the Optimal Health and Healing of the One Love of Humanity, Gaia, and Source.
Join Me...
...On this Grandest of Adventures!
Put Saturday, August 3rd on your family's calendar and claim your spot on the grass here!
Put Saturday, August 3rd on your family's calendar and claim your spot on the grass here!
Gaia's Love Festival - 01 Cincinnati!
I am delighted that you are here in this moment with me!
I invite you to sign up for my mailing list (above) to stay in communication with dates and news as they become known to me. If you are already in this community, you will be the first to know what's being planned!
You can also tune into my daily Gaia's Love Podcast (see Resources below) to continually expand your own Awakening and Remembering.
May All Beings Be At Peace... Now and Always.
I invite you to sign up for my mailing list (above) to stay in communication with dates and news as they become known to me. If you are already in this community, you will be the first to know what's being planned!
You can also tune into my daily Gaia's Love Podcast (see Resources below) to continually expand your own Awakening and Remembering.
May All Beings Be At Peace... Now and Always.
Gaia's Love Podcast...
"Welcome to Gaia's Love, a podcast of brief messages to help Humanity bridge the gap to the New Earth. My name is Vivienne Gerard and it is my delight to be A Scribe for Consciousness today, sharing the wisdom that flows through from Source. Here we go!"
Join me via i-Tunes, SoundCloud, Spotify, and YouTube for a Podcast of inspirational stories and reflections from my own life, as we bridge the Seen and Unseen... the Physical and Spiritual... the Old Reality and the New Earth.
Let's play! xoxo
Join me via i-Tunes, SoundCloud, Spotify, and YouTube for a Podcast of inspirational stories and reflections from my own life, as we bridge the Seen and Unseen... the Physical and Spiritual... the Old Reality and the New Earth.
Let's play! xoxo
One Day: Gaia's Gifts...

Written and self-published in December 2018, One Day: Gaia's Gifts is a Collection of Stories... Energy Portals... anchored into the Vibration of our planet, waiting to be unsealed.
It Is Time Now.
Join Us on a Journey of Remembering... the True Story of Gaia... Earth, this tiny blue planet that holds us with such Love and Strength.
Gaia's Gifts is available in print on Amazon for US $33.00.
It Is Time Now.
Join Us on a Journey of Remembering... the True Story of Gaia... Earth, this tiny blue planet that holds us with such Love and Strength.
Gaia's Gifts is available in print on Amazon for US $33.00.
The Gaia Tribe Reunion...
And if you are looking for community, come join us on Facebook in The Gaia Tribe Reunion!