Let's Meditate... |
Welcome to my collection of meditations, curated over time since I started my own business in 2016.
I have played with different ways to guide meditations, trying new tools, letting go of others, and finally landing in a flow that is uniquely my own. A process of aligning / attuning / harmonizing the Mind, the Body, and the Soul. |
If you are new to meditation, you can access free Resources here and dip your toes into the water!
Perhaps begin a 30 Daily Meditation journey with me here.
Or if you are ready to dive in deeper and play in new energy spaces with me, this Meditation Library below offers hours of healing, learning, and expansion for different levels of exchange.
You can read more about the categories of meditations available for you to access, and then trust how you are guided to begin. Exchange for the one(s) that feels most enticing, create some quiet space for yourself, push play on the audio link, and close your eyes as we begin.
And if you fall asleep during the meditation, that's okay, too! It happens often when we're super busy or don't give our bodies enough rest (sound familiar?!). Just trust that what your Soul needs will be provided for in a safe space of Love, and you have the recording to come back to when you feel more rested.
Let's Meditate together! xoxo
Perhaps begin a 30 Daily Meditation journey with me here.
Or if you are ready to dive in deeper and play in new energy spaces with me, this Meditation Library below offers hours of healing, learning, and expansion for different levels of exchange.
You can read more about the categories of meditations available for you to access, and then trust how you are guided to begin. Exchange for the one(s) that feels most enticing, create some quiet space for yourself, push play on the audio link, and close your eyes as we begin.
And if you fall asleep during the meditation, that's okay, too! It happens often when we're super busy or don't give our bodies enough rest (sound familiar?!). Just trust that what your Soul needs will be provided for in a safe space of Love, and you have the recording to come back to when you feel more rested.
Let's Meditate together! xoxo
* New Moon meditations are all gathered by each Zodiac sign in the Astrology and Tarot collection here. $44 exchange for each sign, which includes the tarot videos and 20-minute guided meditations for each of the past 7 years. MAGICK! **
Let's pause together as we transition from one year into the next and gather energetically in meditation space.
Exploring how we have individually expanded our capacity in the year.
Strengthening our knowing of ourselves.
Identifying our Gifts.
Our Genius.
(Even if it doesn't feel clear yet, this process brings new awareness when we all focus together!)
And aligning with Prosperity - the highest potential "for me, for you, for us" as we build a new future together!
Pure Magic... co-creating side by side!
Exploring how we have individually expanded our capacity in the year.
Strengthening our knowing of ourselves.
Identifying our Gifts.
Our Genius.
(Even if it doesn't feel clear yet, this process brings new awareness when we all focus together!)
And aligning with Prosperity - the highest potential "for me, for you, for us" as we build a new future together!
Pure Magic... co-creating side by side!
Recent Thresholds:
2022 Strength AND 2023 Prosperity
Integrating 2020 Energy Healing
Visualizing 2019 Meditation |
Completing 2019 Energy Clearing |
Breathing Into 2018 Meditation |
Releasing 2018 Energy Clearing |
Releasing 2017 Energy Clearing
Sunday Attunements
Sunday Recordings...
This collection of meditations were all recorded on Sunday mornings as I tuned into the ways that energy is moving through humanity and Gaia in the Here Now moment. It is a powerful and exciting time to be a human walking this planet, and the wisdom that is flowing through this community and virtual space is incredible!
These meditations are Activations for Consciousness to expand and so you may find that you need to listen to them more than once. The deepest shift occurs when you claim an hour to be fully present, in one place, eyes closed, allowing Source to move through you and bring forward ALL that is being transmitted through my voice.
I am a clear conduit for the Love that Source pours forth in the meditations that I guide, so gift yourself the full joy of what Source is sending to you!
These meditations are Activations for Consciousness to expand and so you may find that you need to listen to them more than once. The deepest shift occurs when you claim an hour to be fully present, in one place, eyes closed, allowing Source to move through you and bring forward ALL that is being transmitted through my voice.
I am a clear conduit for the Love that Source pours forth in the meditations that I guide, so gift yourself the full joy of what Source is sending to you!
2023 Attunements (12 total)
If this is your first time joining this community through meditation, please sign up below to stay in touch with my monthly Reflections and invitations to new events!