It is a time of transition here in the Midwest as we move from winter to spring. The temperatures are changing, the buds are coming up through the ground, the rain is watering the Earth, and my family has been celebrating this shift with the annual Spring Break week off school! This is a time of rebirth for the Earth, of bringing new into the physical form, and so the word that comes forward for me is Vision. Vision - "The faculty or state of being able to see; the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom; a vivid mental image of what the future will or could be like..." In the small sense of the word, vision is simply "the ability to see." As we expand our vision and our understanding of the word, we become a co-creator in what we see. We envision a reality that has not yet existed and align our energy to support creating or allowing that vision to come into the physical form. This is where the power of meditation, mindfulness, or stillness is harnessed. We create clarity in our ability to see what has not yet been formed. And by continuously putting our attention upon it, we bring that vision into reality. We create the future that we see in our minds. Famous guides and leaders have described this in countless books, TED Talks, and blogs, and yet I've always found that a part of my mind has stayed separate from that belief of it being possible and judged and evaluated where the visions I've seen in my mind have not come true, not come into reality. Now, to me that judgment feels like a process of strengthening my ability to get clearer and clearer on my vision and to create the commitment and determination to hold that more firmly and steadily for myself. So as we begin this new season of renewal, it is an exciting time for me as I am witnessing the physical manifestation of visions that I created only a few months ago. The manifestation cycle is becoming shorter, more intense, and more real every day for me. My friend, this shit really works! (insert giggles of delight!) Earlier this year, I claimed three BIG intentions for myself before the end of June:
Next up - welcoming more friends into our Tribe!I share this with you to give you a real life example from My Soul Journey. This idea of creating a vision and holding it steady is not just for famous people who seem to have everything figured out. It is for ALL of us. So what are YOUR visions? In this time of shifting vibrations from the cocoon of winter to the activity of spring, what vision are you ready to hold for yourself, your career, your family, your health? Spend time putting energy, emotion, and intention into that vision. Give it color, texture, sound, scent, and a vibration that is tangible. Talk about it, daydream about it, sketch it, journal the details of it, and hold it close to your heart so that you can enjoy the unfolding of it right in front of your physical eyes.
And then bring the beginnings of ideas of your vision into the Viben meditation community. This month we have five weeks of mediation calls, which creates an exchange of $55 in April - the number of transformation. So show up for yourself each week in this space and support in the physical the transformation that you are wanting to see in the spiritual. Wishing you abundance and joy this spring! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
This year of 2017 feels like a powerful opportunity for humanity to open up to a new level of remembering. Remembering - "Having or being able to bring to one's mind an awareness of someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past..." In our human, limited understanding of Life, we believe that Time is linear. That Time stretches out in front of us and when one thing is done, the next thing shows up to be completed, and then the next and the next. and so we are constantly moving forward towards deadlines and goals. What I know to be true is that Time, Love, Memories are all interwoven into a circular shape. A web. A weaving. And that sometimes when we begin to pull at the thread of one memory or one situation, then just like a ball of thread, it begins to unravel in all different areas of our Life. And our limited minds start to judge what we are doing, what we are discovering, or what we feel as the ball of thread starts to unravel. What I also know to be true is that the thread that we pull is ALWAYS Love. It might appear to be judgment, disappointment, expectation, anger, fear, pain, but underneath every one of those emotions or memories is Love. Our Souls choose these human journeys to come and expand our understanding of Consciousness. And Consciousness is Love. So in this year of remembering at a global level who we are as a collective human race and also who we are individually, pulling on those threads can start to shake up everything in and around us. And so I offer you this certainty, this steadiness to keep allowing yourself to come back to Love, in whatever way that looks to you. When I was growing up, there was this comic strip of cute, happy, bubbly people titled "Love Is..." with various examples of what Love can look like. I believe this was Consciousness trying to teach us different understandings and definitions of Love. Today I offer you some of my favorite physical representations of Love, something you can put your hands and your eyes upon to feel the reality of it - which then allows the spiritual to be felt and understood with more certainty. Love Is.. Cuddling up on a couch under a blanket with someone you trust. Love Is... When your puppy jumps up to greet you and cannot lick your face fast enough to show how much he missed you. Love Is... That text or email that simply says "I see you and I am here." Love Is... That flutter of delight in your heart when you stand in nature and close your eyes and open your other senses and feel... peace. Love Is... That bone-deep satisfaction after an amazing workout that pushed you past the limits you thought you were capable of meeting. Love Is... That last bite of your absolute favorite dessert at the end of a meal with someone you enjoyed the conversation with immensely. Love Is... Hearing the lyrics of a song and knowing you are being supported by Source energy in that very moment. These are some of my favorite definitions of Love in the physical form. When we pull on those threads and things feel a little wobbly, allowing ourselves to remember moments when we have experienced that Love and then consciously start to create more of those moments - we bring ourselves back into balance again. This weekend, perhaps allow yourself time to remember more of who you are deep inside, at the core of you, where Love always sits and expands. If you are feeling the pull for community, share your reflections and allow in validations of how you are Love within the Soul Shine Tribe. And join us on Sunday for the Viben community as we pause in meditation to feel Source Love moving in and through our physical experience of Life. As I was typing this, I could hear the lyrics to a song, so I share Source energy with you in this moment through the voice of Ford Atlantic in "Let Your Heart Hold Fast." "To believe I walk alone Is a lie that I've been told So let your heart hold fast For this soon shall pass Like the high tide takes the sand" So much love... "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. There are all of these ways that we are constantly being guided. Sometimes it's through our relationships with the humans, pets, or situations in front of us. Sometimes it's through that quiet voice that whispers in meditation or prayer. Sometimes it's through music or art. Listening - "Giving one's attention to a sound; Taking notice of and acting on what someone says; Being alert and ready to hear something..." Listening is this ability to drop underneath the words and feel the energy of what is being shared. To connect from one heart to another. And THAT space is pure. It's true. It's an eternal feeling of connection - it's not short-lived. When we listen in this way, we are flowing in alignment with our Souls so beautifully, so powerfully. And in this space we can trust what the guidance is offering us. This is where we create. This is the highest potential from where we can create. There are two quotes I offer to you today: The first is from a woman named Jamye Price who shares her wisdom with such truth and love. In her newsletter this week, she offered the following about listening - "I found listening became a huge component in my life when I began doing healing work on myself and others. To have the courage to listen to yourself, to listen to challenging information, and even to listen to the truth of Love takes practice. I found I love to listen because I love to learn. Sometimes (not always!) we have to listen to things we don't like or don't want to hear, but it's always worth the learning." As I was slowing my pace down before bed last night, I tapped shuffle on my phone and this beautiful chant, Suni ai, by Snatam Kaur started playing. I have often cried when I sit with this song in a quiet space because of it's haunting beauty. Last night I was inspired to look up the meaning of the chant. Of course, it is a chant about Listening. Here are a few lines translated into English - "The angels are listening. God is listening. I am listening. Listening, the earth, it's support, and the akaashic ethers. Listening, the oceans, lands, and peoples of the world..." So tune in and listen this week to see what is guiding you. As I tune in, I keep getting more and more inspiration about ways to provide support. To bring together communities to reflect what Source is moving through me. Those ways include:
I am listening from my heart and trusting every time I get a nudge or a wink or a whisper. So much love from my heart to yours, "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Several times over the past week, the word "relax" has been offered to me (with love!), and I have felt my immediate resistance to that advice. "But I have so much work to do, so much is flowing through - why slow down and relax?!" Last night, as I was feeling particularly deadline-driven with a project, I reached out to a friend for a quick pause in my busy pace. She wisely reminded me that the energy I was feeling in my body is exactly the energy that I was pouring into my writing - is that actually what I wanted to share through my words? (What I was feeling was tired, frustrated, unclear.... ummm, no, not what I wanted to convey at all!) So, perhaps there is value in relaxing even during creative phases! Relax - "To rest or engage in an enjoyable activity so as to become less tired or anxious..." Seriously, such a simple definition, right?! And yet how often do we allow ourselves to just relax? I can see looking back over this past week how the theme was presenting itself even before I realized I needed to relax. A few weeks ago, a friend's mother had sent me an invitation to a luncheon so on Wednesday I went to a Circus-themed lunch for 100 women! Why? Because this Mom loved going to the circus as a child and simply wanted to celebrate her memories and play with her friends for a couple hours. So we all enjoyed live entertainment, ate cotton candy and popcorn BEFORE lunch, had ice-cream with sprinkles and animal crackers, and were handed balloons when we left! How fun! My puppy continues to teach me how to "engage in enjoyable activity," despite my resistance! (This is Star in the photo with his latest non-destructible toy - a rubber tire!) I took him to the dog park two days in a row this week so that he could burn up some energy - which then allows me to better focus on getting my work done. Purely selfish reason, I know. What happens every time, though, is that I end up delighting in watching him chase the birds across the grass or find new friends that he can roll around with and sniff! And then when he gets home, he naps for an hour or two with his belly up to the ceiling, absolutely relaxed. He is such a teacher for me. This morning, as I sat in meditation, I listened again to the Esther Hicks relationship recording that I mentioned last week. Her words continued this message to rest with "Relax and enjoy the unfolding. Feel appreciation for what IS and eagerness for what is coming. There is great love here for you. Breathe in. Breathe out." Ahhhh...... Want to join me in resting as we wrap up this week and step into a weekend? I am picking up Chipotle and settling in with my teenagers to watch the Disney movie Moana tonight - my third time seeing it! Let's find "an enjoyable activity so as to become less tired or anxious." Indeed... Life is meant to be good and pleasurable! We will be gathering for dinner (another "enjoyable activity"!) at our next monthly Viben Circle, on Monday, March 27th. If you're local in the Cincinnati area, save your seat now to come play and set intentions on the New Moon with us! And don't forget that the time change is this weekend - we spring ahead an hour. So our weekly Viben meditation call on Sunday will still be at 10am ET, but you will need to change your alarm clock setting the night before! I am curious to discover how this theme of relaxation will continue in our group meditation space. :) Enjoy your weekend, my friends! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Last year I started practicing Kundalini Yoga and was introduced to this beautiful way of greeting each other. "Sat Nam." Ramdesh Kaur, Kundalini Yoga and meditation instructor, shares her definition: Sat Nam - "In very simple terms, Sat means Truth and Nam means Name. You could translate it as True Name or Truth is my name. It is a way of acknowledging that at our essence is the Essence. The “Truth”, which is bigger than any human truth, isn’t a matter of right or wrong or even a concept that we can clearly articulate. It is simply an acknowledgement that the Great Mystery is who we are. As a greeting, saying “Sat Nam” is a bit like saying 'I see your true nature' or 'I recognize the divinity within you'." Isn't this a beautiful way to greet everyone you see? Recognizing the "true nature" of who they are inside, which can be difficult at times when we get stuck in how we see them from the outside. This greeting offers a gentle reminder to put aside our expectations and look deeper into the person in front of us. This week, I have listened several times to a powerful guided meditation by Esther Hicks that offers further wisdom for our relationships. "Sometimes it feels like others have the power to negatively impact your experiences, but that is never true. Only your response to them has the power to pinch you off from the naturally good-feeling person that you are. Sometimes you think it is important what others think of you and so you work to extract approval from them. There is really little that you can do to keep their approval coming, for it is never about you, but about them. If you will release all concern about how others feel about you, and focus only on how YOU feel about THEM, you will unearth your core understanding of who you really are, and you will discover what true freedom really is. At your core, you are more alike than different, for you share a common thread of Source and Love and Expansion." Yes. I know this is true. It is so easy to get caught up in the projections and fears of others and take them on as our own. What if we simply come back to this Sat Nam greeting of "recognizing the divinity within each of us?" Perhaps our defensive reactions would just dissolve into Love. Wouldn't that be a beautiful shift in all of our relationships? Finding our commonalities and letting go of our differences because we are all from the one original Source of Breath and Life. That is what I am exploring and writing about in my book and I am fascinated as I watch it play out in real time in my own relationships. Such a time of releasing and expanding! This past weekend, I hosted our first monthly Viben Circle, gathering local friends to chat over dinner and then set intentions on the New Moon for the month ahead. It was FUN! New and old relationships coming together to play and create intentionally. As we begin this new month, I invite you to join us in the weekly Viben meditation community on Sundays. Daily stillness through meditation is an empowering practice that I recommend to everyone I know. AND... the group energy of many people bringing their attention into focused alignment is amazing! We are clearing our stuck places and finding clarity and guidance, week after week. I would love for you to join us! I am briefly pausing the Healing Our Souls chats to wrap up and publish my book over the next couple of weeks, so catch up on any missed episodes if you're looking for inspiration. Such awesome people sharing their stories and wisdom with us! Wishing you an exciting month ahead to manifest all of your own intentions! Sat Nam, my friend. "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024