This weekend, Americans traditionally gather with family and friends for a "day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year." What a beautiful tradition! I grew up in South Africa where we did not celebrate this holiday, so I was eleven for my first Thanksgiving with my extended American family. Yesterday, we hosted the turkey dinner at our home, this time with my extended South African family here to celebrate. Traditions and cultures blending through the years - it's perfect! There is so much in my life to give thanks for today and all days. This weekend especially, my heart has been full to overflowing with all of the time spent with family and friends. We got up early this morning to start our Black Friday holiday shopping and have been laughing and playing our way through the day! And now tonight, I pause to share my joy and gratitude with you in this weekly email, sitting on the couch with my husband, puppy asleep between us. My life feels so peaceful and abundant. I had a lively video chat with a friend scheduled to share for this week's Healing Our Souls episode, and today in my meditation, it felt like a simpler, quieter message was more in alignment. Giving Thanks. I recorded this guided meditation in April as part of a 30 Days Meditation series. And today it was just as timely to allow me space to tune in to my body and give thanks for the magic of this beautiful Life I chose to experience. To honor the "blessing of the harvest" this Thanksgiving, take a half hour and flow through Giving Thanks with me. So peaceful... We will gather again in our virtual community to clear stuck energy and ground in for the week ahead, if you would like to join us for Viben on Sunday at 7am PT / 10am ET. Have a beautiful holiday weekend, my friends! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
I hope you are well! I am writing this email today with the door open for an unseasonably warm breeze to flow in and my puppy asleep at my feet. Life is so sweet in these quiet moments of pure peace. It has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for many people lately, as the collective energy field of our country and world shifted after the elections. While it might feel uncomfortable to have conflict or turbulence moving through your space, it's exactly that feeling of discomfort that brings about change. We start to have opinions and preferences about what we are seeing that then motivate us into action. I'm sure you have seen lots of active voices on social media recently as people share their opinions! All of this emotional activity, however, feels like it is offering a powerful opportunity for people to start clarifying more precisely what their purpose and gifts are in this lifetime. We all come here as Souls to bring our unique voices, talents, and knowledge to the physical world. But sometimes the density of fear and judgment is so heavy and we get stuck or temporarily forget our Soul's brilliance. And so we need reminding of our Soul's Gifts. Google defines a gift as "a natural ability or talent." When we put Soul in front of it, the definition feels even more powerful! In this week's Healing Our Souls video, I offer my own Soul Journey as an example of how we wind our way, step by step, into finding our own "natural Soul abilities." I share how the gifts that I bring forward in my company evolved, and how I believe they can serve and support your journey. We are all here at this time, on this planet co-creating an Empowered Now. And it will take all of us stepping more and more deeply into our Soul Gifts to move the density and fear out and allow Love to expand and guide us. I am cheering you on as you discover your next Soul Gift! If you are looking for a quiet space to tune in and hear what your voice is whispering to you about your purpose here, join us for Viben on Sunday at 7am PT / 10am ET. Have a beautiful weekend, my friends! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. "Oh what a week!" ... is the opening for this week's Healing Our Souls video. We have all been riding the waves of this election right along with the rest of the world, watching as disbelief and division ripple out through social media and the mainstream news media. It's been a messy time with emotions running high. So my message for this week is simple - Healing: "The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again." We are all on an individual Soul Journey, even within the collective energy of our world. Let's take time this weekend to pause and check deeply in with our inner voice. What emotions need to be looked at, felt, and then released? What would our then-clear voice say to others - when spoken with respect and love? I offer a few suggestions of ways to move through this clearing process in this week's Healing Our Souls video. If it resonates with you, please share it with your friends and family and let's ripple out a new message via social media that is empowered and collaborative. If you are looking for more direct guidance or feel particularly stuck or blocked, join us for Viben on Sunday at 7am PT / 10am ET. We will be pausing as a virtual community to feel what has been coming up for each of us individually, and then energetically moving the stuck places through and out to be released. The meditation steps are easy to follow as I guide you through. And the calm and relief you'll feel when the emotional gunk is out is well worth the $10 exchange! The info is below. I hope you'll join this movement of Love. In the spirit of expanding Love, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Gerard-Bross family... Star. He makes a surprise guest appearance in this week's video, so I am formalizing his introduction here first! We don't know his background story, but this ten-month old blend of several lineages found us at the adoption event at the local pet store three weeks ago. We're still all figuring each out (with many mistakes on Mama's side!), and yet it's a journey that is healing for each of us. You'll hear Star activate his voice-bark on the video - he has quite the playful yet fierce personality! He is teaching us to listen carefully and to continually open our hearts. Wise little teacher... One of my tips for healing - spend time playing with a pet! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Welcome to November! What a busy, beautiful time of year, as we wrap up the fall season and settle in for winter in the Midwest. I hope that this email finds you rested, relaxed, and ready for a weekend with those you love. I have had an amazing week of integration after a retreat at my friend's farm last weekend (see photo of her in the kayak below). I spent some of the quiet time there reflecting on my business and my intention for the healing work that I do as a coach, friend, parent, and wife. The changes externally in this newsletter and my programs reflect the shift I'm making internally and I'm excited to share them with you in this newsletter format. There are two words that seem important to share today:
That is how I view communication in all forms... The sharing of vibrations between people. One person sharing their unique "electromagnetic waves" with others - "information not previously known to someone." It's all so simple, right? I feel something and I'm excited about it and I want to share it with you. You feel something and you're excited and want to share it with me. And yet all of the emotions and sticky places in life get in the way and somehow we all stop understanding each other and sharing our truths. So let's slow life down and start listening and sharing more simply. If you'd like, I'll go first... "Viben" is the energy I feel behind my work - a vibration that I hold internally of slow and steady, deep and powerful, and always, always from Love. So I'm going to be using that word for my programs and my marketing as a simple and direct way to share this pulse ... this heartbeat that is guiding me. Viben News is my weekly newsletter space to pause and reflect on what's happened with me for the week. And then share it with you. If you have time, you might read it and feel a match (because everything is an energetic vibration that matches with like vibrations). So you might say - "yup, I feel that way, too!" And then perhaps you email me and share your reflections (I love that!) or perhaps you want to share your thoughts in the Soul Shine Tribe that I'm gathering on Facebook. The cool part is that there's never any obligation, just a constant invitation to join in and start sharing your beautiful voice in new and more empowered ways. Viben with the Pulse of the Universe is my new name for Soul Shine, the weekly meditation space where we gather live on Sundays to pause and reconnect with ourselves. Why do this every week? Because being a human can feel dense and heavy. Emotions get stuck, our voices are muffled in the chaos of daily life, expectations on ourselves and others continuously disappoint us - UGH. Add to that the pace of this planet right now - it's intense! So each week, I hold a quiet space on the phone/web where you can call in (all lines are muted) and listen as I guide you through a meditation to tune into your body and reconnect with your heart and spirit. I help us all align our pace with the slower, more natural pulse of nature. The hour flies by and you leave the call feeling calmer, steadier, and more in love with yourself and your world. Seriously. If you haven't joined this weekly meditation yet, let this be the weekend! And Healing Our Souls is my play time with friends and clients! I chat with one of the many wise souls in my life about whatever topics feel relevant at the time, and they share their journeys with us. So much wisdom flowing! Okay, that's my Viben News for this week. I'd love to hear how you are doing! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
April 2023