We made it! We are in the final few days of 2020 and here you are, reading this message from me, inviting you to join me in integrating 2020. For many it feels like slamming the door behind us on this year is the best way to integrate it! Maybe with a few choice swear words?! And perhaps that is how many will cross the threshold into the new year. It has been a complex, powerful, and intense year, and probably safe to say, one unlike any we have experienced before in our lifetime. I believe, however, that the time between endings and beginnings of any kind offer us incredible gifts, if we truly pause to be present for them. It's like when we leave one job and take a week off in between, which allows us to pause, breathe, review what was, and daydream about what is arriving. 2020 has been a year filled with lessons. Tough lessons, painful lessons, complicated lessons... all offering transformative wisdom. So here I am, inviting you to join me and many others, as we pause in meditation together to energetically review the movements this year, individually and collectively within humanity. Integrating 2020...![]() As I guide our virtual community (gathered by phone and web) through a one-hour meditation / visualization process, you are offered the opportunity to see this year through a new lens and identify the ways that all of the seemingly random pieces and threads actually fit together with such beautiful precision. And THAT is what we integrate. The awareness. The expansion. The understanding at a higher level of what 2020 has offered each one of us. The virtual gathering is on Wednesday December 30th at noon ET and the exchange is $22 (the number signifying mastery). Details here These have been powerful experiences for each of the last three years that I have hosted the calls. And... This year I am including two new elements to further support our integration process: Music! I will be playing the album Spores by East Forest in headphones in my left ear as I guide the meditation, which weaves Sound through my throat chakra and out in the vibration of my voice. I invite you to play that same album along with me on another device as you listen the meditation. Sound profoundly supports the healing we will be doing together. Virtual Acupuncture! My gifted friend and healer, Andrea Henkels, is providing her virtual acupuncture support for our community's container. She will be supporting the flow of energy as we release that which is complete and integrate that which most serves. Into 2021 Flow!![]() Then a few days later, after we celebrate New Year's Eve around the globe, we will gather again on Saturday, January 2nd at 10am ET for one-hour, $22 exchange. Details here In this new space, with the firm foundation of all we integrated on Wednesday, the possibilities available to us in our visualization are endless! And so we spend an hour with my guidance, tuning into what it is our Soul most desires for our human journey in this new year. I love the word Flow because it articulates being carried by a current of energy. Our Soul is able to see where it is the current is taking us and, when we listen quietly within a sacred energetic container, the Soul is very specific and magnificent in its vision! Often surprising us with what truly is possible... These two calls are my favorites each year and set the course for such magic! When you complete your exchange here on my website, an order confirmation is emailed to you with a pdf document included that has all the logistics of how to join our virtual space. During this specific transition, I agree with many astrologers in seeing this time as a shift for Humanity into The Age of Aquarius... a Consciousness shift that moves us towards the Aquarian ideals of community and collaboration, altruism, a sense that we are here for a much higher purpose than simply existing and surviving. As an Aquarian, I am so excited about all that is arriving for us as a humanity in 2021 and beyond! If you have not yet listened to my last Gaia's Love Podcast of 2020 (Episode #373), perhaps tune in to feel the vibration I know is awaiting us in the new year. I wish you the most beautiful transition across the threshold into the New Year! xoxoxo, Viv
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024