About Me...
All good stories begin with Once Upon A Time... and for me in this lifetime, it was 1971 in Cape Town, South Africa.
I believe that our Souls pick the experiences that will most teach us and stretch us in each human incarnation, and this journey for me was going to be a global exploration, learning about different cultures and what shapes people's behavior and choices. A "middle child" (a.k.a. mediator!) of three, we lived in Johannesburg, South Africa for most of my childhood, moving back to my American Dad's homeland when I was 11. |
I graduated from high school in Cincinnati, followed the traditional path of college (BA in Spanish/Communications, BS in Management), first "real" job (international sales and marketing), marriage, and two children within pretty quick succession. And loved all of it! (For more of my story, you can read Endings and Beginnings in my Blog / Reflections).
Until in my late 30's, I slowly started to realize that I didn't know who I was any more.
I had many roles, many people who loved and depended on me, a flexible job and schedule, good health... from the outside it looked perfect. And inside, I couldn't hear my Soul.
Or I wasn't listening to what my Soul was saying.
I just knew that something wasn't right. And I wasn't happy.
And so the next (deeper) layer of my "Soul Journey" began.
In the middle of a divorce, I completed an intensive ten-month Energy Reading program where I remembered how to read energy and facilitate healings; devoured every self-help and spiritual book I could fit into my schedule; started coaching and mentoring with several energy and spiritual teachers; used my voice to ask for changes in my life... and completely transformed my path.
I left my corporate marketing/management career to work as a consultant and energy coach, guiding women and men through changes in their relationships, careers, health, and deep healings of their childhood wounds.
And then in January of 2016, I opened My Soul Journey... my own business, grounded in a deep love for our planet, humanity, Source / God / Creator, and my Soul's expression here as a human.
For the next five years, I trusted the flow of energy that guided me through all of the creations I played with, including writing four books, starting a podcast (currently 400 episodes in!), building a local and global community through New Moon Circles and then Viv's Energy Gym, guiding healings through individual and group sessions and meditations... it's been a busy and AMAZING journey!
In December of 2021, I arrived at the next evolution of my work... Infinite Embodiment.
Taking all that I learned and remembered in my first 50 years (and the spiral of time before this human incarnation!) and teaching it to those who are ready to master their own human embodiment.
Until in my late 30's, I slowly started to realize that I didn't know who I was any more.
I had many roles, many people who loved and depended on me, a flexible job and schedule, good health... from the outside it looked perfect. And inside, I couldn't hear my Soul.
Or I wasn't listening to what my Soul was saying.
I just knew that something wasn't right. And I wasn't happy.
And so the next (deeper) layer of my "Soul Journey" began.
In the middle of a divorce, I completed an intensive ten-month Energy Reading program where I remembered how to read energy and facilitate healings; devoured every self-help and spiritual book I could fit into my schedule; started coaching and mentoring with several energy and spiritual teachers; used my voice to ask for changes in my life... and completely transformed my path.
I left my corporate marketing/management career to work as a consultant and energy coach, guiding women and men through changes in their relationships, careers, health, and deep healings of their childhood wounds.
And then in January of 2016, I opened My Soul Journey... my own business, grounded in a deep love for our planet, humanity, Source / God / Creator, and my Soul's expression here as a human.
For the next five years, I trusted the flow of energy that guided me through all of the creations I played with, including writing four books, starting a podcast (currently 400 episodes in!), building a local and global community through New Moon Circles and then Viv's Energy Gym, guiding healings through individual and group sessions and meditations... it's been a busy and AMAZING journey!
In December of 2021, I arrived at the next evolution of my work... Infinite Embodiment.
Taking all that I learned and remembered in my first 50 years (and the spiral of time before this human incarnation!) and teaching it to those who are ready to master their own human embodiment.

As Pluto begins its transition into Aquarius, I am opening up space to support many through this next 20-year transition of Consciousness.
My fifth book, An Announcement, published on 03.23.2023 and invites us into a new experience of ascension.
My Courses and Events are all centered around this astrological / energetic shift, aligning my work with the highest potential for what we can co-create together!
The fun is only just beginning!!
So... shall we play?!
Mucho Gusto! xoxo
My fifth book, An Announcement, published on 03.23.2023 and invites us into a new experience of ascension.
My Courses and Events are all centered around this astrological / energetic shift, aligning my work with the highest potential for what we can co-create together!
The fun is only just beginning!!
So... shall we play?!
Mucho Gusto! xoxo
A few fave photos...
To learn more...
The best place to hang out with me and learn more about how I love this life is on my Instagram page or my Facebook page. You can also tune in to my Gaia's Love Podcast where I share how my journey is going!
Thank you for finding me! xoxo
Thank you for finding me! xoxo
"As One Soul Expands, Consciousness Ripples Out into Communities..." ~ Viv