It is another beautiful and unexpectedly warm, sunny Friday afternoon here in Cincinnati... and I am having trouble focusing! So, what to do? Well, after pausing work to sit in the sunshine for a half hour, why not google the definition of "focus" for inspiration! Focus - (of a person or their eyes) "Adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly..." How beautiful! That certainly feels like what is happening in my world. I am discovering more light, more joy, more expansion mentally / spiritually / energetically than ever before in my life... and it is requiring an ability to constantly adapt. Both internally and externally: adapting my thoughts to let go of old limitations and beliefs; adapting my words to be more precise about what I am calling towards me; adapting my schedule to allow time to create and share the energy that is flowing through me; adapting within my relationships to keep showing up in my truth.... No wonder it can feel hard to "focus" at times! This week has been a powerful time of focusing on my book project, editing and changing the manuscript to reflect the shifts in the "prevailing level of light" I am feeling pouring through my words. The message that wants to be shared through the book is more hopeful, more joy-filled than even two months ago when I started recording the audios! A reflection of what I feel shifting within myself and throughout our world. SO GOOD! And speaking of light, I introduce you to a bright Star in this week's Healing Our Souls episode. My friend, April Combs Mann, a talented singer, songwriter and story-teller, is the voice and imagination behind April Eight Songs and Stories Podcast and Blog. April delights me with her beautiful joy and I am confident she will draw you also into the magical world she creates for children and adults through her stories! You can watch our video at the link below. And then come share your reflections with both of us over in the Facebook Soul Shine Tribe! We will be gathering virtually on the New Moon this Sunday for the weekly 10am (ET) Viben meditation call... AND.... that evening I am hosting the first Viben Circle, a monthly new local community dinner workshop in my home to set intentions for the month ahead. Check out the details and I hope to be with you soon in person! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
What a beautiful weekend here in the Midwest! The sun is shining and we have blue skies and spring temperatures... highly unusual for February and a gift that I receive with pleasure. The world feels wide open in this moment, like we are all taking a big breath of fresh air after the chaotic start to this year! As 2016 ended, I recorded a meditation that I titled Outrageous Abundance. In the 20 minute visualization, I described the shifts I saw coming in the new year... illusionary walls coming down to reveal the crystal perfection of Truth inside of the old stories, beliefs, and structures we have held to be true in life. Last week on the Viben meditation call, the same visual came up, but this time in the form of a see-through membrane that has us attached energetically to Life, to Source energy, much like the umbilical cord attaches to the amniotic sac as human life is created in the womb. In the meditation, we played with what it could feel like to dissolve that membrane and allow space to stand up and be fully engaged with Life without any separation. The message feels consistent... Life offers us a wide open range of experiences in every moment, and it is our choice to engage fully or to stay a little separate and safe in our cocoons. And neither is wrong! But the choice is always ours. What I would offer today is an invitation to explore the idea that inside that cocoon or those walls is the Crystal Perfection of You - Truth - Love. What do I mean by this? Crystal - "Clear, transparent, see-through; or a mineral that is generally made of transparent quartz in a shape of cubic symmetry; or a glass that is clear, colorless and of high quality." A crystal is clear, reflecting pure light. And the stories and walls that we put around ourselves to stay safe, included, loved, and valued by those in our lives can block that pure light. What if we slowly dismantle those barriers and allow ourselves to be more and more transparent? This might feel like a scary question, but what I know to be true is that each Soul inherently is Love. Always. Each of us comes from the same original Breath of Life, from the same Source energy that is God or One. So how could you be anything but Love at your core? The walls and barriers we build up are the illusion that prevent us and others from seeing our own beauty. So maybe we explore our willingness to start dissolving the protective layers to find the Love that sits deep inside each of us. I find for myself that the quiet meditation time I spend keeps bringing me into awareness of the walls and layers I have held in place for most of my life. And I am slowly letting go of them, one by one, to find more of my own clarity and light. Becoming more transparent, so that I can be a clearer conduit for energy and Love to flow through me and out into our world. And it feels FUN! :) Of course, as this internal process is unfolding, I felt guided to reach out to a local healer and crystal expert, Gene Jackson, to ask him to chat with me for this week's Healing Our Souls episode. He generously spent an hour sharing stories from his journey as The Crystal Guy and gave me a tour of his and his wife, Barb's, Cincinnati crystal showroom. What an inspiring and fun time we spent together! If you are looking for guidance on how to even feel your energetic walls and stories or how to identify your own inner crystal perfection, come join us for the weekly Viben meditations on Sundays. I recently was scanning through a few O Magazines and was reminded of how Oprah ends each issue with her column of "What I Know for Sure." Today (and all days!), I Know for Sure that Life is Good and it is ALL simply Love. "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. It is a Friday afternoon here, the night of a full moon and lunar eclipse. For much of my life, I used to not notice astrological events and then wonder what was up with my mood swings! More recently, I have started to see the connections and patterns, finding stability in aligning more with the movement of the planets and delighting in the cyclical beauty of our own planet and our moon. For the New Year, one of my friends gifted me with a workbook titled Many Moons, which I now highly recommend (especially for any of you who are Moon Soul Filters!). The Author, Sarah Faith, offers a beautiful vision for exploring this connection between humans and our planet. "The end goal of doing spiritual and self-improvement work is to ultimately help others. To help the planet, our earth, our water, our air, our sky. The creatures and the other living things that communicate to us by their existence. When a bird flies right in front of us, dropping its feather. When that hibiscus petal seems to bend just to us, and us alone. To heal deep pain and damages our ancestors have unknowingly placed upon us, in the hopes that our wounding to others around us is minimal. Becoming so financially self-sufficient that we can give those who need money our own, joyfully. So we can eventually create foundations and organizations of love and kindness, betterment and aid. To support and help the environment that has been damaged by greed and ignorance. To become, with our own behaviors, speech, and actions, examples and support to those around us. This is our responsibility as witches, as dreamers, as artists, as healers, as creators, as conscious human beings on this globe." Isn't that beautiful? This week, I have spent a great amount of time exploring this connection between humans and Earth. I read an article online that suggested that the heartbeat of our planet had suddenly spiked and might become a permanent shift. Have you ever read something and felt your whole body say "NO! Not true!"? That was my immediate reaction and it surprised me how intensely I felt the No. So, of course, I started investigating this topic for myself! I share my discoveries, and also my reflections after sitting quietly with what I learned, in a blog post titled Co-creating with Earth, if you feel called to learn more. What is also interesting is the process it put me into this week to bring Light to the topic - for myself and others. Light - "The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible; an understanding of a problem or mystery; enlightenment..." Of course, such an important topic for me would be explored as we arrive at a full moon! I felt the internal pull to understand something mysterious, really understand it to the best of my ability. And in that clarity, I found my truth. My own knowing - stronger and with more compassion for our planet and humanity than ever before. And so perhaps that was the whole point. It isn't really about the Schumann Resonances spiking, but about deepening my Love for this journey I am living on Earth. I was inspired to take action after doing my research, in my own way. Which is through an invitation via video for humanity to slow down our pace and come together as one planet to heal. You can watch the video here... and if you feel inspired to share with your communities, please spread the message, too! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I was surprised to read an article this week that said Earth's heartbeat had dramatically increased to levels we have never seen before, as measured by the Schumann Resonance. Like most people, I have heard about this measurement tool for the primary frequency of Earth, which was predicted mathematically by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann in 1952 to be 7.83 Hz. Yet, the sudden increase from 7-8 Hz for a steady 60+ years (that it has been tracked) to the recent numbers of 30-40 Hz didn't quite make sense to me. So, I spent some time online to find answers (details shared further below). An update about the steadiness of our Earth's "heartbeat" seems to sit somewhere in the mysterious middle of science and spirituality. In this year of 2017, which is breaking down walls and activating voices in all areas of politics, education, climate change, relationships... you name it, it's being explored in new ways... it feels important to allow room for both science and spirituality as we discuss our planet. We can each make lists of pros/ cons and facts / fiction debating 1.) if Earth even has a heartbeat; and if so, 2.) whether that can be measured; and 3.) if yes, whether those measurements are changing. Or we can sift through the information available and then tune in to our own quiet knowing of what feels true for us individually. And then, most importantly, based on our own awareness, what will we DO with that information? For me, I was inspired to make a video that offers my ideas about how we as humans can co-create a more peaceful pace with our planet. And in the spirit of sharing my voice from a space of quiet contemplation and truth, I offer my personal reflections about this topic. I Believe...I believe that our Earth has a steady internal pulse that is unchanged from when she was first formed billions of years ago. Our beautiful Gaia, a powerful feminine planet, is self-correcting constantly to protect her inhabitants - plants, animals, and humans. And we are all, as a collective consciousness on this planet, impacting how she needs to adjust and compensate to heal and continue holding us in her atmospheric womb. I believe that when we speed up the pace of our lives, taking resources without replenishing adequately, disregarding her environmental signals of distress, Earth needs to adjust to heal at a faster speed. So while the internal pulse remains steady, the activity at the surface level is compensating with rising temperatures, more lightning strikes (which are suggested to activate the Schumann Resonance spikes), flooding, weather pattern changes... yes, climate change. I believe that as we continue ignoring her signals, Earth "speaks" louder to get our attention. I believe that there is an intimate connection and balance between this rhythm of the planet and the brainwave activity of humans. Research shows an average alpha brain wave for humans is 7.83 Hz, the same number as the primary Schumann Resonance. (Whether that is a coincidence or actual connection is a big point of debate between scientists and spiritual guides.) The Gamma (25-60 Hz) and Beta (12-25 Hz) brainwave levels feel intense and fast as we engage in daily external activity, while the Alpha (7-12 Hz) is our resting place in light meditation or dreaming. I know that when I "tune in" to nature and match my schedule and pace to the beauty of the seasons unfolding around me, I tend to feel more rested and balanced. I also believe that our Earth is undergoing a spiritual awakening of ever-expanding dimensions of consciousness. Humans are connecting to their Heart-Mind-Soul in deeper and deeper ways, allowing a flow of Universal knowledge and love to pour into our planet that defies the limits or understanding of science (yet!). Those moments of communication happen at the slower Theta (4-7 Hz) and Delta (0-4 Hz) brainwaves, found in deep meditation or dreamless sleeping. They are also the most peaceful, relaxing, and rejuvenating moments in our day, which science IS proving! I believe that we can support our planet in healing by individually and collectively slowing down the pace of our lives and spending more time each day at the SLOWER and DEEPER levels of brainwave activity. By focusing our attention and energy internally, we connect with our environment externally in deeper ways. We have time to listen to Earth's signals. We intuitively are guided towards local and global healing solutions that aren't available to our minds in the faster, busier levels of activity and brainwaves. And we can feel better, healthier, and more connected to ourselves spiritually and physically. It seems worth the time to explore more, doesn't it?! Let's work together as one global community to slow down, tune in, and co-create a new way of living and being on Earth. And the research...Through the time I spent researching the various sides of this conversation about what is impacting the spikes in the Schumann Resonance, I looked for and found the nuggets of information that helped me feel empowered to make a difference, instead of leaving me feeling frustrated or helpless. And that was the point for me - to follow the pull to look into this more deeply, sort through the information to find my own alignment, and then take inspired action in my own way. If you are also curious about what is happening globally with the Schumann Resonance (and there is a lot to read once you dive in!), take the time to explore it, feel into your own truth, and then share your inspired action with your family, community, or the world. A few pieces from different perspectives that I found interesting in my study are:
All of these varying perspectives are a gift of information that allow us to make up our own minds of what feels true. As with research on any topic, use your own guidance to follow the trail to your own clarity. This year offers us unprecedented opportunities to explore Truth and Illusion in all areas of life. As co-inhabitants of this one planet, we are connected to each other and dependent on the effects of each person's choices. Meditation, prayer, contemplation, mindfulness... offer us a gentle way into deeper individual and collective Truths that support healing for all, including our Earth. "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. We are living in a time filled with options and possibilities, all within our power to access as we create our futures. Which can feel overwhelming and perhaps even paralyzing! The beauty, however, sits in each moment, in each individual choice we make. Choice - "The opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities; selected as one's favorite or the best..." We can choose to be in fear about the future and believe all of the stories and limitations being shared in the news and on social media. Or we can choose to tap into our OWN truth and then "select our favorite or the best" belief about how to experience our life. Which for me, is always Love. Life. Joy. Connection. Unity. So, today, instead of focusing on the fear, I am choosing to share my passion for life with you! I am almost complete with writing a book about Souls and Consciousness, and it feels good to offer a piece of it now. This is from Chapter Four - the Fourth Dimension of Consciousness. "Every soul has its own timing, its own journey. Every soul has lessons that they are working on. And so every expansion that happens through your heart, through your spirit, is in the perfect timing for each individual. There is no race. No getting ahead of someone else. Or leaving someone behind. Or competing or challenging against another. It isn’t that at all. Sometimes we might have souls who play that role of motivating us in our lives. Or who through contrast, push us to expand so that we leap into whatever the next level is. But it’s never because there’s some race between souls to get to some finish line faster than another. At a soul level, every single soul is here to support the other. Whether we do it through walking alongside someone or through showing contrast and pushing the toxic energies out that need to move out of somebody. Whichever way we play with them, the point of it always is to support and expand every soul into more love. Every soul. And so if we honor the path of each individual soul as perfect, as already complete and whole, then there is no lack or disappointment or judgment that needs to last. It can just be feeling the contrast, whatever it brings up in us, moving through it, expanding, moving into whatever our next adventure or learning is that we’re doing. And then loving the other exactly where they are. In the fourth dimension, it’s about learning to tune into the quieter voice inside of us. Learning to decipher our own unique soul voice from the chaos and the busyness of all the voices that go on around us, in our heads, in our physical world. We have so much energy, so much information coming towards us in all moments, all the time, right? There’s this barrage of information that’s constantly coming our way. In the fourth dimension, it’s about finding whatever processes or ways you can to tune out, turn down the world’s density, the third dimensional limitations, the third dimensional chatter. So that you can find and get clearer and clearer on what YOUR soul is saying to you, what your soul is guiding you towards next." If you are struggling with tuning out the third dimensional chatter, this week's Healing Our Souls video offers inspiration on how to Return to Love. If it resonates, please share it and help me spread this commitment to healing our planet. And then bring your own Soul and your reflections over to the Facebook Soul Shine Tribe! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024