Yesterday morning I arrived for my weekly Kundalini Yoga class (after being out of town and missing the past two classes!) and our instructor shared that the day's kriya was to assist in releasing toxins from the body. The message of releasing has been showing up all week and this little wink from my yoga guide, Catherine, put the exclamation mark on the theme! And so I bring it here into this reflective space also. Releasing - "Allowing something to move, act, or flow freely; setting free; removing restrictions or obligations from someone or something so that they become available for other activity; removing from a fixed position; allowing something to return to its resting position by ceasing to put pressure on it; allowing information to be generally available..." I begin with the physical version of releasing, using the description provided by 3HO for the Navel Center and Elimination Kriya yesterday: "In our modern life style, we seldom walk or exercise the body enough to promote good elimination through the bowels. The buildup of wasters in the digestive tract prevents good absorption of nutrients and provides a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. If the elimination is blocked in the main channels, your body will try to expel the toxins via the skin in pimples, rashes, boils, etc. This kriya works out the entire eliminative system. Then the sexual energy and breath energy are stimulated and circulated." I have nurses as clients and they understand the importance of the physical release of toxins through sweat, urine, and the bowels in order to allow the physical body to stay healthy and strong. However, these same nurses are like many of us - so aware of the physical need for health and yet often ignoring the energetic and spiritual releasing to stay healthy and strong. In almost every meditation I guide myself and clients through, there is a process that we begin with of releasing stuck and blocked energy through our physical bodies, down to our feet, and then into the Earth - much like composting - releasing waste and allowing the nutrients of the Earth to transform that waste into new energy. We can view our energetic bodies in the same way. Practicing this process of releasing baggage or sludge that we have accumulated from others' projections onto us; from the ways we want to save and fix others so we absorb for them; from the critical voices in our own heads that add layers of judgment and doubt; and from the lineage and the collective energies of our past and our current societies - there's a LOT that accumulates energetically inside each one of us! Much like in a healthy digestive system, when we exercise, eat healthy, and drink plenty of water, then our bodies are healthy processors of eliminating waste. Likewise in the energetic and spiritual bodies, when we create stillness and bring our attention to the gunk that accumulates, then we can easily allow it to be released. Practices like meditation, prayer, chanting, yoga, walking or being in nature, journaling, laying under the stars... simple time to reflect and bring our attention to our energetic body allows us the time and space to clear out what no longer serves. When we are able to release old stories, old patterns, old beliefs, limitations, blocks, judgments, criticisms, old programming... we begin to find breathing space again. We feel a sense of calm. Stillness. We have clarity. Steadiness. Strength. An understanding at a Soul level of who we came here to be. And that is where the magic begins - in that clear, energetic space. We are then able to create, to allow more of our Infinite Soul to embody our physical form. To feel into our next steps and allow inspired action to evolve. In that new space within, we can fill up with our own Truth and our own Knowing. And there is always the element of choice. Much like in a body, we can choose to fill back up with more junk food, more judgment of the fact that we're eating the junk food, more sitting, more numbing out on our screens, and the cycle will repeat. We accumulate until we realize we feel like gunk... and then we make the changes to release and start over again! This cycle is so familiar to us that we often repeat it without even realizing we are stuck in the pattern. Awareness is always the first step to lasting change. And so I bring this forward to your awareness. What do your patterns look like? Does it inspire you and invigorate you to wake up each day and begin your routine? What is the alignment of your body, mind, spirit? Is there room for releasing in order to allow more creating? If you are like most Soul-humans on this planet, including myself, my guess is there is ALWAYS room for more releasing, re-centering, and refocusing on creating! Often, when we are caught in patterns that are somewhat unconscious and also familiar, the guidance of a trusted Soul offering an objective perspective, helping us see through a new lens how and why we are in the pattern, can be the game-changer. Awareness.. support... clarity... inspired action... Creating New. One of my Soul Gifts is to see from the perspective of the Eagle, soaring above, understanding how the Infinite Soul is constantly engaging in the limited, physical body here in our journeys. Remembering and guiding from that higher view is one of my greatest delights! During this powerful time in the New Moon of Leo where we are discovering our roles as leaders, you may find that you need support to help you release. I am ready and so happy to provide that guidance when it feels in alignment for you. You can learn more here. In my own Soul-human walk, I am also releasing in so many powerful and beautiful ways:
We are gathering as always on Sunday at 10am ET to explore and practice this dance, aligning for the last week in this Abundance series for Viben Now!. Join us or listen to the replay next week. Be gentle during this time of releasing and nourish the body, mind, spirit. You already know how to practice tender self-care. Simply allow yourself to receive more. You first... so that you then have an infinite supply to support those around you. "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Nam Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
I am writing to you on a hot, cloudy, muggy Saturday afternoon here in Cincinnati and the weather feels like it is reflecting the energy I see playing out all around me. The pressure seems to have turned up as more heat in our relationships, businesses, and activities, with a sense of stickiness - stuck places coming up to be explored. And yet, this is one of my favorite times of the year with more light, more sunshine, more warmth... flowers and gardens blooming... skies bright blue... all of the animals out playing in nature in the mornings. It is a study of contrasts around us and a powerful time of preparing for the shifts I feel arriving on our planet over the next few weeks. Preparing - "creating in advance; making someone ready or able to do or deal with something; making something ready for use or consideration..." This weekend is a New Moon in Leo and the New Moon is all about the possibilities sitting in the darkness - in the moonless sky. Yet surrounded by a million stars. A billion stars. An infinite supply of stars. The New Moon in Leo brings this awareness of the greater nature of our Souls. Leo is about fire and creation; honoring the times of the kings, the priests and priestesses; remembering the gift of powerful guidance being used for the collective good. Our Soul-human journey continually offers us the opportunity to wake up to the all of the beauty and layers that are present in this Earthly experience. We can move through our days with our heads down, blind to the majesty that is all around us, ignoring the nudges and signs that our Soul brings forward every day... and have a quite pleasant life's experience. This is true for perhaps 80% of our collective humanity. Or... we can become very still and present to the absolute gift of an Infinite Soul having a human, physical incarnation. This weekend is a clear opening of a portal of Light and connection to our Infinite Soul that has never been available to us in the way it is right now. Our choice in each moment over the next four weeks directly determines what we are co-creating in our future. I offer this as an invitation to be SO present in your own life, consciously calling towards you the experiences that you MOST want for your Soul. It is very easy to fall into the default of routines, habits, and structures that we have always followed; to operate under limited beliefs and societal norms in order to follow the flock. Many of us have spent much of our lives going along with what is expected of us. Today, tomorrow, over these next four weeks as we make our way towards a Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st, instead we are being offered the option to plant our feet firmly in THIS moment, THIS body, THIS lifetime and align with the Infinite Soul that provides a bridge to ALL of the possibilities we craved for this Soul-human journey. It is a clear threshold we sit at now, with two pathways. One is familiar, well-worn, and comfortable... not wrong, but yes... limited. The other - unfamiliar, perhaps a little intimidating or frightening in its unknown-ness, and yet, exciting for the infinite possibilities I know it presents. Our planet is shifting. I know this. I feel this in every cell in my body. And I trust in the perfection and beauty that I see for our humanity. I believe there are some difficult days coming soon where chaos and suffering may feel very real. But it is simply a releasing of old human stories, a shaking up of what has felt familiar to us. And another moment to trust and choose the unknown, bold path of the Infinite Soul. These words are coming from my Soul and being sent with Love to your Soul. So they may not feel very logical or clear. My hope is that you will simply allow the words to land gently inside your heart and feel the Truth at the times when you most need to remember. This weekend, perhaps take time to prepare for the possibilities of expansion that lie ahead by journaling or walking in nature. Taking a long bath. Swimming in a cool lake. Sitting underneath a huge tree. Finding the quiet spaces where you can connect deeply within and allow your Soul to whisper to you. If you are seeking the support of community, we are gathering tomorrow for our Viben Now! guided meditation at 10am and exploring the Abundance of possibilities for this Leo portal. This New Moon weekend, we are also gathering at my home for a Viben Circle where we will set intentions, connect with new and old friends, and nourish our bodies and Souls. In my own physical, human experience, I have just returned from two days of orientation for my daughter at The Ohio State University, where she will begin her freshman year August 17th. I am supporting her over these next few weeks as she prepares for her adventure... and simultaneously preparing my tender Mama heart to step back and allow her to fly. This Soul-human journey is not for the weak of heart! But it is SO rich, so abundant in the joy and delight and beauty of each moment. May your heart expand and continue to fill with more Light and Love over these next few weeks. "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. This week marks the beginning of a powerful shift in vibration on our planet where astrology and its forecast of the impact of planets moving, including our Sun and Moon, is going to be nearly impossible to ignore. Astrology is an interesting topic of conversation as it is followed implicitly by many people and then disregarded as irrelevant by others. Wherever you sit on that continuum, we can simply witness the movement of the tides of the ocean from the gravitational forces of the moon and sun to know there is a powerful, continuous connection between our Universe and this home we call Earth. And then within the "home" of our individual bodies, we can feel a matching rippling effect on our emotions and choices as the planets continue their movement. Rippling - "(of a sound or feeling) spreading through a person, group, or place; moving in a way resembling small waves..." Last Sunday, we had a Full Moon in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto, which is the astrological description of the planet's alignments. What that represents emotionally is a deep inner searching for the true-est purpose of our Souls... what we are here to do as Soul-humans on this planet. The Moon being conjunct Pluto (representing transformation, regeneration and rebirth) added a lightening bolt effect that rippled out on the wider scale of ALL of humanity. Yup - it's been feeling intense! We are often unconscious individually of the ripples that we send out to others in every moment, every conversation, every action, every choice. So perhaps pause for a moment and explore how this shift in the planets has played out for you over the past four or five days. What relationships are taking the most of your attention? What are the conversations or disagreements stemming from? Knowing what is shifting at a planetary level can allow you to simply be aware and present for whatever comes up at the human - emotional level. As we release the fear of something "bad" happening because an astrological report says to "be prepared!!" and instead open up to the opportunity of deeper clarity in our journey... we become empowered to co-create different, more intimate relationships. Spaces where truth is easier to share without the fear of rejection or abandonment. So perhaps shift your perspective or change the lens just slightly as you look back over this past week and contemplate... what opportunities are now present for you that were not in your awareness a week ago? How can you step into deeper conversations that allow you to be more in your truth and stronger and more compassionate? More present with those whom you love. Dropping the fear. Dropping the criticism and the judgment. That is what Capricorn and Pluto bring to us in this time of the Full Moon illuminating, reflecting, bringing light into shadowy areas. And this is only the FIRST week of a six week portal into the Total Solar Eclipse in August! Can you feel the magnitude of the deeper awakening that is possible for all of us this summer? It is an exciting, thrilling, joyful time to be alive! On Monday I shared an offering for you to walk alongside me through this Co-Creation Now! Portal of transformation. I delight in the expansion of Souls and the creation of new - new ideas, new relationships, new abundance, new Soul Gifts being discovered. My respect for astrology and the impact of planets on our Soul-human journeys is the foundation for this offering, as you can see in the series of powerful planetary shifts listed over the next few weeks! You can learn more and feel into the alignment of this with your path here. We are gathering at my home on the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, July 23rd, if you are local to the Cincinnati area. These Viben Circles are beautiful and powerful gatherings and I invite you to claim your seat here. And we are continuing our exploration of Abundance in the Viben Now! call this Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing what Source brings forward for our play this week. I spent several days this week with my beautiful friend, Andrea, in Indianapolis and was introduced to one of her friends, Annie, who does angel readings. Her Full Moon in Capricorn message for me was a reminder that I am here in this lifetime to bring more Light, to share what I see, and continue spreading this Universal message of Love. It is so simple, really. One of my favorite stories that I heard Oprah share in an interview was about a woman who was very ill and yet determined to stay positive during her healing. She had a sign printed for her home that said "Please be responsible for the energy that you bring into this space." I have loved that for the clarity it gives in the message to those coming INTO your energy field. This word Rippling feels like the same clear message in reverse. "Be responsible for the vibration that you are rippling OUT from your own centered, steady knowing." Be aware of the vibration you are sending out all the time and choose with great care the energy that sits underneath. Because "as One Soul expands, Consciousness ripples out into communities." We are all co-creating together in every moment. xoxo "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. In this busy world of activity and rushing, I invite you to pause for a brief moment as you read this post... ... Perhaps take a deep breath, if you have been moving quickly and breathing shallowly. ... Perhaps close your eyes for a moment and FEEL your root chakra, your legs, your feet on this Earth. ... Take a moment to become aware of your surroundings. See what is in front of you. Feel the temperature, the wind. Hear the sounds of traffic, of conversation, of nature. Sense the Spirit that is at the center of you, here in this present NOW moment. There is a beautiful quote that I hear repeated often that "Life is a series of Now moments." Are you HERE in this Now moment with me? And it's not about judging if you are or aren't. It's about simply becoming aware and being present. Being Present. Becoming Aware. Where is the Momentum of your life taking you? Momentum - "Mass in motion; the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger and faster as time passes; the impetus gained by a moving object..." When we are in alignment with Spirit, with our Hearts, with our Souls, the momentum of our lives moves us in a direction that feels harmonious, easy, and fulfilling. When we begin to force or push to make things happen, we often encounter resistance and then the momentum can become a dead weight that frustratingly holds us in place. For myself, I find that when I meditate and get focused on what it is that my Soul wants to play with next, the momentum of that clarity creates an energy that allows me to move through the task list more efficiently and rapidly than if I had been trying to push or force projects to happen. It seems contradictory that to move faster, you first slow down... and yet I consistently find that to be true. This trust and focus guided me through writing and publishing a book within a five month span from creation to a printed copy in my hands, while running my business and taking care of my family. I was very still each morning, listening to the guidance of my Soul and then following exactly the steps that presented themselves next. My vision board holds the direction of my momentum steady and so the inspired action steps always present themselves one after another, guiding me forward on this path of my highest trajectory. It is so much fun now to see how this momentum in my work is bringing lots of pieces together in a really beautiful way! Just this week, One Day became available in digital form, which allows the speed of my message about Love and Consciousness to move faster around our world. I also opened up the treasure chest of Viben's Gold, a collection of past Soul Shine and Viben meditations put into a podcast form. There is a harmony and a synergy that I am experiencing as all of the pieces start to come together into this beautiful weaving of my gifts better serving the world. We are entering a planetary portal / shift with the Full Moon this weekend leading up to a Solar Eclipse in 6 weeks and I can feel the momentum of this global energy adding "strength or force" to my work. And to everyone's work - the momentum of the "mass in motion" of community. We have seen the power of this focus already in protests and demonstrations this year, here in the United States and around the world. The combined energy of more people (ie. mass) adds more "strength and impetus" to the topic being addressed by the mass. Understanding this community dynamic, I am holding space in the Viben Now! calls each Sunday of this month for our "mass in motion" to expand our Abundance and allow MORE into our lives... more joy, more play, more time, more money, more vibrancy... More! I invite you to join us live or for the recording later as we align with the illumination of a Full Moon to identify and clear blocks for our abundance. Wishing you a beautiful weekend! |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024