It is Thursday afternoon as I pause to feel into a word that could possibly summarize this week. I have been cleaning, shopping, cooking, and preparing the space for a gathering of my friends as we welcome Alicia Mathewson to Cincinnati, to my home, and to this beautiful community of Souls. I paused the to-do's and activity to be still for this time of Reflection, allowing myself a deeper clarity and wisdom through the pause. When Alicia and I spoke for the first time on the phone about a month ago, we both expressed how fun it would be to meet each other in person after this summer's connection via email and through her music and my book. In our minds, we were thinking that would perhaps happen in the spring of next year. What has unfolded so beautifully instead, with ease and absolute perfection, is this weekend's gathering on the 11-11 Portal. Portal: "A doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one; An internet site providing access or links to other sites..." The word that I choose each week usually comes through my meditation time and so when I looked up the definition after this word came forward, I laughed to see that the definition included a piece about internet sites! My Reflections post last week was comparing how energy works through our bodies and down to Gaia (Earth) to the evolution of the Internet and its impact on humanity here on Earth. Of course, the next word that I explore then in this week's post would be how an "internet site" connects to other "internet sites!" A little wink from my Soul that I am on track! As we explore the first part of the definition about a Portal being a "doorway, gate, or another entrance," it aligns with the vibration of the number of 11-11 (the date of our gathering in Cincinnati). The 11:11 Awakening Code on Facebook offers this description of the number combination: "11:11 can be the key to some kind of gateway of ascension and enlightenment, which is a perfect way to describe "the shift" taking place all over the world at this very minute." Yes. An expansion of consciousness. What I have found in my own journey is that whatever I focus on expands. The word that I focus on each week in my Reflections takes on more meaning, more weight, more teaching even as I write about it or share it. The vibration of that word continues because I am focusing on that word. For most of this year, I have been focusing on and describing in so many different ways, this shift in consciousness... this awakening... this ascension that is happening in humanity... here on Gaia... on our planet Earth. If I could distill my message about this Awakening down to simply two things it would be: ![]() 1. That this shift on our planet comes from self-empowerment, from each individual's expansion and stepping into his/her own beauty and brilliance, and then sharing those gifts with the world. 2. How incredible, how beautiful, how vibrantly ALIVE with joy and potential this time is on Earth! We have never experienced the possibilities that are opening to us, more and more each day. And so this word, Portal - "a doorway, a gate, an entrance - large and elaborate" is such a powerful description of this shift happening now in humanity. As I focus my attention more and more on what I KNOW to be True in my Soul, what I KNOW to be True in my human journey - that all of this is happening exactly as we all designed it - the magic and beauty expands exponentially. My Trust and Delight in this life's experience deepens. This weekend on 11-11, "time, space, and the density of matter" are dancing in a way that I have not experienced before. When I wrote my book, I offered these "suggested sound healing integrations" of the songs that have guided me in my journey. I had no idea then that I would be gifted with one of those sound healings (from one of my favorite of the many artists included in the book) here in my own home. With many of those whom I love right by my side. This human journey can feel dense, heavy, and limited. And so I sit here in this moment, recording this message to you, saying ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Allow your creative gifts to flow forward. Send your sound, your words, your visions, your ideas, your unique creations out into the world. Into communities. Into public forums. And then patiently WATCH the magic unfold! In ways beyond what you could have even dreamed possible in the moment of the creation. When I wrote my book, I had never met Alicia. I only knew and loved her music. And now, only a few months later, we are holding a new and powerful space as healers together. What an incredible journey... I know this is yet another portal opening in my journey, a gateway that I am stepping through this weekend. Three months, six months, a year from now... I can only imagine the more elaborate entrances that await. My heart and my Soul are filled with gratitude and peace and a deep sense of Trust that All Is Well. Consciousness is expanding. Love is expanding. And I am continuing to show up, sharing my gifts in deeper ways with such delight! ![]() Last week, I shifted my focus for our Sunday meditations, calling this expanded space Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditations. Our first gathering was so beautiful and powerful, as we tapped into the collective energy of all of the major continents on our planet, feeling how each of us is able to bring our awareness and attention to those places and send healing, send support. Hold a higher vibration for humanity. If you were not able to join us live, my gift to you on this 11-11 Portal is the link to the recording. Claim an hour to tune into this next Portal of humanity in this new way. You will leave the hour feeling empowered and in even greater awe of this experience of life on Earth. This weekend, we will be gathering in my living room on Sunday morning for our second Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation. I invite you to exchange with your own 11 energy ($11!) and take a seat in my living room with us. Alicia will be bringing her gift of sound, I will be sharing my gift of meditation, and we will be co-creating together live on the call. An "elaborate opening" that only continues to expand the love that I feel already in this moment! In this time of mastery and ascending, with ever-expanding love, I honor the journey we are each taking with such reverence. SO much love from my heart to yours, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
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December 2024