Have you ever wondered why you are here?
In this body.
On this planet.
Living out these stories in this timeline.
. . .
Yup, me too!
It's all such a curious adventure, isn't it?
. . .
In this body.
On this planet.
Living out these stories in this timeline.
. . .
Yup, me too!
It's all such a curious adventure, isn't it?
. . .
Why are you here?
Because the Infinite in you chose to be here.
In this body?
Because it's the physical form that most served your intentions for this adventure.
On this planet?
Because you knew that Gaia offered you every experience your Soul desired next. And you would be held with Love in her energy until you chose to complete your experience.
Living out these stories in this timeline?
Because YOU wrote the stories and chose Earth - a planet that plays with Time, Space, and the Density of Matter. Now you're living it out and co-creating with the other 8+ billion Souls who also chose to come play here!
Can you feel the contrast in those two words?
The limitless brought into a tangible form.
The Infinite Soul in a physical human body.
. . .
The limitless brought into a tangible form.
The Infinite Soul in a physical human body.
. . .
That is why it is
. . .
Defining and playing with different expressions of "I Am."
Constantly evolving and discovering as we go through Time and Space in the Density of Matter known as a human!
Defining and playing with different expressions of "I Am."
Constantly evolving and discovering as we go through Time and Space in the Density of Matter known as a human!