I trust you are well! I am writing to you on a grey Saturday afternoon here in Cincinnati, the day after my 47th birthday. My heart and Soul are filled with gratitude and love for this life that I am living. Abundance shows itself in so many ways and I am getting better and better at receiving the abundance of Love, support, encouragement, and recognition for my Gifts that so many reflected to me just this week. Thank you! I have been pondering this week what I would want to share about my journey in this moment and the words that kept coming forward are "A Mama's Love...". We are in a time of deep healing for the Feminine... and for the Masculine in how they engage with the Feminine. When we are Souls who choose our human experiences for the growth that will inevitably happen from the density and limitation of being in the physical body, the first relationship that we choose is the one with our mother. Every Soul-human is birthed through the womb... the incubator... the energetic space-holder of a mother. And so the relationships we have with our mothers are the most complex, the most tender, the most expansive, the most painful, the most joyful of ALL of our relationships, depending on the path that is co-created between these two Souls in human bodies. This is often some of the most difficult and also liberating healing possible in our lifetime. Going back to the choice as a Soul to incarnate with our mothers, we reach the root of many of the relationship patterns that play out in our lifetime. At this time of my birthday... the day in which MY Mom birthed me into the world... I feel called to offer a few reflections on A Mama's Love. (Mom and baby me in the photo here!) As it is for all energy workers, every client in his/her healing work also shows us the places where we still need to heal our own patterns. And so over many, many years, I have energetically explored my relationship with my mother. When we do that level of healing work, we naturally look at the lineage of all of the females in our family - our grandmothers, our great-grandmothers, their grandmothers - because many of these patterns and beliefs are handed down from generation to generation through our DNA. As a wise, old Soul, I chose a lineage of very strong, independent, huge-hearted females! The women in my family make courageous choices over and over again, as teachers, mothers, writers, gardeners, artists, healers, workers, travelers... This strength can sometimes appear to be fierce or harsh to a young child who does not understand the complexity of the choices that adults face. And yet, always... always... always... the Love and care of these females for their families was a tangible force that could not be denied. My grandmother, whom we called Momsie (with me in this photo), was an artist, designer, builder, and teacher who loved to create with her hands. Creative energy is often difficult to include in a schedule that requires taking care of a family and working a full time job. I often have imagined the frustration that my creative grandmother felt in those busy years with young children. In her final years, she spent most of her days painting, and some of my most favorite pieces of art in our home today were gifts from my Momsie. My mother stayed home with us when we were young children and her artistic creations were through sewing - quilts, cushions, dolls, curtains, clothes. The juggle that she felt to take care of three young children's needs while my father was often travelling and working out of the country must have been such a challenge. And yet, I still remember my childhood being filled with Love and hugs and so much play! In her early 40's, when I was 11, my Mom made the life-changing, courageous decision to leave ALL that was familiar in South Africa behind and move halfway around the world with our family to my Dad's American homeland. It is difficult for me to comprehend all the ways that this one decision impacted my Mom. This is where I most deeply feel A Mama's Love from my mother. In the movie, The Arrival, there's a moment where the main character asks her future husband, "If you knew all that was going to happen in the future and that it might include some pain, would you still make the choice to begin that future?" I marvel at the strength of my mother's Soul, knowing that this choice and its resulting ripples would be a key part of her human journey. (A family photo during a visit in the USA, just a few years before our move.) When we arrived in the United States, my Mom also started working full-time, which fills the schedule and adds so much extra responsibility into any mother's journey. Her juggle to nurture her family became even more complex, along with the multitude of adjustments to life in a new home country. Threads of her powerful story are found in those of so many of the millions of other immigrants who have helped shape our country. In the many years and continued life's changes since, my Mom has been right by my side through every major choice I have made. Encouraging me, believing in me, and supporting me with this strong, wide Feminine Love. A Mama's Love... one of the greatest gifts in this human experience. I have learned how to love my own children through the examples that my mother and grandmother have offered me... and found a beautiful balance in my creative work AND supporting the needs of my family. At this time of my birthday, I feel the harmony and embodiment of BOTH / AND... both / and... being the fullest expression of my Soul with all the gifts that I came here to be... AND... being a human Mama who is present, aware, and supportive of all that my children's Souls came here to create in their lifetimes. (Our family photo this past Christmas Day - my Mom's birthday!) It has taken so much contemplation, examination, and releasing of old patterns and beliefs to sit calmly and steadily in this place where I can see all perspectives with compassion... ... and treasure.. Treasure the Love that flows through the Feminine in my family. Blessings to all of the strong, courageous females in my family who have walked this human journey before me. A Mama's Love in our Soul-human journeys is also directly reflected in Mama Gaia's Love for humanity. In my work, I feel this ever-deepening connection to our planet... to Mama Earth... to Mama Gaia... to the energy that flows in this womb or incubator of our physical home planet. We are in a time of Great Change. Sitting firmly and steadily with an open heart as a Soul-human, feeling this deep connection to A Mama's Love from Gaia, is also a gift I treasure on my birthday. I am filled with gratitude for the Gift of my Journey, and all that is yet to arrive. We gather tomorrow morning for our weekly Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation, to connect in with Mama Gaia and feel the pulse of what is happening on our planet. You can join us here. And then I am off with my husband and son to go visit my daughter at college and revel in A Mama's Love for my children! On Tuesday, the play of SO's Soul Stories is available, if you are ready to share your reflections and enjoy a conversation about any of these topics with me! You can learn more here. If you missed last week's Cleansing Waters' play, my Mama energy is clearly present as I guide you through a deeper connection with your body! And as we wrap up January and step into February, the next SO's Soul Weekend is scheduled for February 16-19th. Perhaps your Soul is calling for a cocoon, a womb in which you can pause the activity of your life and go inward to heal some of these old stories and patterns. My home is a protected space of deep Love where Truth is seen and reflected with gentleness and kindness... and we are ALL called to step into the beauty of our Souls in human bodies. You can learn more here. Thank you for being on this journey with me. So much love from my heart to yours! One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
It is good to be here in this moment with you. As a writer, I love the unknown space between when I write the words and when I trust you receive and are reading the words I have written. That gap, that unknown space, can be filled with doubt, uncertainty, or fear (will the email work, will you open the email, will you read the email?!). That is how I, and I'm sure many others, used to navigate the unknown. It has taken me a long, long time to arrive now at this place of such deep trust in the unknown. I write these words, feeling the energy... the vibration of ALL possibilities. And I release the words, the message... the Love into the unknown space without any attachment to the outcome. I trust that if these are words you are meant to read, you will be reading them. And if they are not... Divine Timing is always unfolding. When we find ourselves at this place of surrender and trust, the unknown becomes wide Open. Yes... Open is the vibration, the sound, the word that I am tuning into this week. Open:
I have found in my interactions over the past few weeks that this idea of being open seems to be an experience or intention that many are allowing. At a planetary level, I've read many articles describing the opening of energetic fields, the expansion of more light coming into our planet. At a spiritual and human level, Consciousness is opening in new ways. The conversations are shifting and becoming more transparent. Topics that have long been perceived as taboo are now being spoken of publicly. Discussions about sexuality, sexual experiences, mysticism, extra-terrestrials, multi-dimensionality, health, money... the openings are being experienced on so many levels. For some, this is a very uncomfortable time. For many others, the possibilities are becoming clearer and more achievable to create in this current reality. When I first opened my business My Soul Journey, I loved the name and the idea of sharing beyond just my physical 3-D experience as a human. What I have discovered along the way is that I AM my work, my business. That My Soul Journey, the company, is a representation of all that I am experiencing and creating in my Soul-human, daily walk as Vivienne Gerard. The business and the individual are one and the same. As I open more as a person and share my experiences... the programs, offerings, and conversations in my company, my work open to new levels. There is a beautiful dance of energy that I could not have predicted... and absolutely treasure. As we move gracefully into this new year, I am excited about all of the the ways in which I am sharing my Soul journey. I have opened virtual and in-person spaces / containers / gatherings that are easily accessible and allow many to engage in sharing your Soul journey, your expansion, your knowledge also with me. My path has been guiding me always into greater alignment with Source energy... The Source energy that creates worlds, and the Source energy that creates and flows through me - the human. I trust that unknown space where Source energy arrives and moves through me in a way I never have before. That trust has dissolved all doubt and fear when I am in my work, in my Gifts...which has allowed me to open up even more to Source energy, to flow even more beauty and wisdom through my human-ness... through my words when I guide a meditation... through my hands when I scribe messages... through my third eye when I coach and support those who need Source energy to be translated - as they learn to trust more deeply. A year and a half ago, I experienced a beautiful sound healing with Anara WhiteBear. She said to me then, "There is a flowing of energy that comes from your Crown... this flowing gives you the ability to see differently than others. When you speak with your words and they keep coming, do not hesitate. There are people around you who would wish for you to be very, very brave... and do not hesitate. Who are gathering, continue to gather, who wait for that flowing to come forth. For when you are in the space of the energy moving and coming out your Crown and the words are flowing, you are in great beauty. You hold Circle in a way that establishes a firm foundation of growth for others. If you will see this, know, this, grow into this, so the Circle grows bigger and bigger... you are Gifting the world." In our 45 minute session, Anara proceeded to outline all of the pieces of my journey that have since unfolded exactly as she shared they would. Her implicit trust in the flow of Source energy through her open channel showed me what was possible. Showed me the purity of Consciousness, of Love, flowing out to the one ready to receive that information and guidance. The miracles and magic that have unfolded in My Soul Journey, personally and professionally, since that session in July of 2016 are amazing! And there is SO much more yet to come! So today, I am opening my heart, my Soul, my voice to you in a new way. Trusting that if the message is meant to reach your eyes, it will do so. I invite you to support me in opening this Circle wider... an ever-expanding portal through which Source can communicate. What do I mean by this request? Help me spread the messages that I am receiving. Share with those you love (and perhaps those you don't love so much!) the beauty that I see so clearly for all of us. Come play with me in person and feel the calm, the joy that is SO present in my physical person - my 3D human - when we are together. I am a clear Messenger, a Scribe, a Voice... for Consciousness, for Love, for Source... as we move through this year that is going to challenge all of humanity in ways we have not seen yet in my lifetime. I am sharing my written and visual messages in Instagram, Facebook (a new public figure page which allows my Circle to expand more rapidly), and YouTube. My audio messages / vibration are podcasts available in SoundCloud and soon - iTunes. I am feeling the momentum of these messages, these beautiful words and vibration of Love being heard by more people to counteract the negativity that is being expressed in all of the spaces we play and learn. Steady voices advocating for harmony, collaboration, listening, trust, and hope - more of those voices are needed. As an open conduit of Source energy, I am ready for that larger platform. Will you help me build it by sharing my work with those in your life? We gather this Sunday for our weekly Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation, which is really an activation each week of more Consciousness, more Love as I tune into what is happening on our planet. You can join us here. On Tuesday, I show up live on video for SO's Soul Stories with any and all of you who want to chat and explore how to be more open. If being live on video feels a bit too vulnerable, you can just call in! This is a joyous, playful energy space where we also heal and release. Come play! I am completing my second book this weekend, which now opens up time and space in my coaching calendar for more healing sessions. You can exchange for a session here and will receive an email with the information on how to schedule through my online system. Streamlining this process is a game-changer for my ability to support more individuals in their openings. Thank you for sharing My Soul Journey. "Be Kind, Be Open, Be Love" was the message I received from my Guides as I prepared to write this message. And so I close this space with their words, my words, our words. So much love from my heart to yours! xoxoxo One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I am writing to you on a cold January afternoon, as we settle into this peaceful weekend of snow slowing the pace of life down in Cincinnati. This year of 2018 has started with an immediate focus on the weather in many parts of the world. It is a devastating time for many families and communities as they suffer so much loss and pain from the impact of fires, rain, earthquakes, flooding. Witnessing their journeys breaks open my heart... and simultaneously brings me such deep, deep gratitude for the relative calm of the weather we are experiencing here and the gift of each moment spent in my own home. As I sat in meditation at the end of my yoga class on Thursday morning, the word "Ready" came forward in my awareness. Ready:
As I shared in this week's SO's Soul Stories, I have been feeling for a while that 2018 is going to be a year of tremendous healing on our planet, even more so than 2017 (which was quite profound). Healing can take many forms for each individual and yet it is always, ultimately, about coming home to our own Selves... To better knowing who we are... To better understanding our Souls and the purpose with which we came to play on this planet. I believe that Gaia / Earth / Mother Nature is our Teacher this year. And the lesson above all else that she is teaching is Presence. An ability to be fully in each moment... Honoring the Gift of Life... Of Relationships... Of those things that are truly most important to us. And so the question really is ... are we ready? Are we ready for these lessons that bring us into greater Presence? Being "ready" implies a sense of preparation. For many who go through natural disasters - how can we be prepared for those?? How can we expect the unexpected? It's impossible. It feels like we begin by first letting go of the belief that we can even be prepared. Letting go of making plans, of predicting things that may or may not happen. And we simply focus on Being Present In Each Moment... Already... Now... We delight in the surprise snow days that show up in the schedule as ice arrives! We celebrate when our loved ones arrive home and we are all safely back together, cuddled up on the couch! We laugh at our puppies when their paws get covered in snow as they jump around outside! We marvel at the incredible beauty and power of nature visible in every direction we look... Worrying about what might happen takes us out of being present right now. Dwelling on all the things that we should have done to be more prepared puts us back in the past that is already complete. And so my suggestion is that we practice being "ready" by simply being present. As often, as consistently as possible. One of the simplest practices to teach us how to be present is that of meditation because it stills the mind. It allows the thoughts to dissolve. It allows us to feel stillness and serenity and peace by simply closing our eyes and focusing our attention in this moment. So my work continues to be teaching stillness... teaching meditation. It is the part I play in helping humanity be ready for all that is arriving. You can join me on Sunday live for our weekly group Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation. If you're local, you can also gather live in community on Tuesday and practice meditation with me in my home for the New Moon Circle. The other definition that resonated with me for "ready" is "keen or quick to give." In our healing this year, humanity is going to come together in more and more beautiful ways. Loving and supporting each other without the old judgments and conditions attached. As we continue to see in the news, natural disasters bring communities together instantly. Bring nations and countries together. Let's come together in 2018 by being "quick to give" BEFORE a disaster prompts us to do so. We each give in our own ways... some with physical support or service, some with space-holding and listening, some with joy and inspiration. As we practice Presence, being "quick to give" flows easily in the moment. Trust how you are guided and allow yourself to give in new ways this year. Being ready.. being present in this journey. "My heart is full... steady... eager for all that is yet to come. I chose this experience of incarnation with the greatest of care, trusting that all Souls on Earth also arrived with me in the seeking of our highest potential..." ~ One Day (is here!!) So much love from my heart to yours! xoxoxox One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Happy New Year!! I trust your transition into 2018 has been gentle, with quiet moments to let go of the old and make space for the new. I begin this new year with a gift for you... and for all of us. On New Year's Day, I sat down, connected to Source, and flowed through this beautiful visualization / meditation that I am calling "Claiming My Seat at the 2018 Round table." This visualization process is one that you can come back to over and over as you explore your Soul Gifts and follow the guidance that your Soul shares at this round table. Over the holidays, I spent some time visualizing my calendar of events and activities for My Soul Journey in 2018. I am excited to share that I am hosting five weekends in my home for us to gather and expand our Soul Gifts together from January - May! I describe these SO's Soul Weekends in more detail on my website. These are powerful weekends where we are simultaneously healing... and learning... and expanding our virtual communities through in-person interactions. The first one is in two weeks! For those of you who enjoy the surprise of last-minute getaways, I invite you to come play with me January 19-21st at this first SO's Soul Weekend. Claim Your Seat with me and let's play in January... 9th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories video chat 14th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 16th (Tuesday): New Moon Circle dinner and meditation at my home 19-21st (weekend): first SO's Soul Weekend at my home! 21st (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 23rd (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories video chat 28th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 30th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories video chat For more details about any of these events, click on the links and explore! Claim Your Seat with me and let's play in February... 4th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 6th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories video chat 11th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 13th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories video chat 16th (Friday): New Moon Circle dinner and meditation at my home 16-18th(weekend): SO's Soul Weekend at my home! 18th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 20th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories video chat 25th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 27th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories video chat If you prefer planning a bit further ahead, the other three SO's Soul Weekend dates are:
And the year's adventures begin!!! We are entering a year of Great Change, both individually and collectively... yes, even, more so than we have already experienced in 2017! And I am already celebrating the expansion of Consciousness and Love that I know is happening! What a Gift to Be Alive at this time on our planet! May we all remember and celebrate the choice we made to come be a Soul in a human body at this time on Gaia. I look forward to seeing you... or connecting with you in energy space... often in 2018! xoxoxo One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024