Happy December! We are just a few weeks from the end of 2019 and there is much moving and settling as we complete this year and this decade. I have a few Reflections to offer and I trust that if you are reading this, there are nuggets in here for you also! Completing 2019...At the beginning of this year, I tuned in energetically and created a guided meditation for the year ahead, titled "Yes, Please; Thank You; I Love You." In it, I described the collective shift I could feel happening in the year ahead towards full acceptance of ourselves individually and a willingness to receive more than we had ever allowed ourselves to receive in past years. Moving towards full awareness and then acceptance of who we are as Souls in human bodies is a big intention for one year! And so perhaps you, like me, have been feeling the intensity of this journey. It is not always easy or fun to see all the ways in which we show up (or do not show up) in this world. And it takes much courage to keep looking within and sifting through to discern the truth. Our own inner truth. ![]() Many call this process Awakening... You may may have already been on this path for a while or it may have just suddenly begun for you. Self-acceptance requires awareness first, forgiveness often second, and then Love to flow through fully. Being able to accept our human-ness AND our immense and beautiful Divinity... that is one of the greatest Gifts of being a Soul-human here on Earth. Knowing that each Choice, each moment, each step led us right into the next and created a path that no-one else has ever walked before. When we are able to come to this place of self-acceptance, we realize that there are no right or wrong choices, simply Choices that lead to the next Choice. And this moment in which you sit here and now is exactly perfect. It could have been different, it could have been "better," it could have been "worse," and yet... here you are. Now. Fully present. In a few weeks, the calendar will turn to a new year and a new decade. And with that collective focus on Time, an energetic shift also occurs. A completion of this decade of 2010-2019. Many will mindlessly flow through this energetic shift without pausing to explore the completion of one phase and the beginning of the next... and that is a Choice to simply keep moving through Time in this way. What is possible for those choosing differently is a Conscious Awareness of this Time Portal. How do we change old patterns and beliefs? We become aware of them and we choose differently. ![]() Time is a construct that all on Earth have agreed to as a form of structure and stability for Creation. As more people Awaken and become aware of these collective agreements about Time and Creation, new agreements are going to be formed. More will be created at an ever-increasing speed. We are already seeing this shift in the amount of information and content that comes through technology into our hands and ears and eyes. As more arrives into our daily experience, each of us is put more firmly into the driver's seat of our Choice of how we spend our Time. We can continue cruising along on default without awareness... and collective beliefs will carry us into the future. Or... We can become very aware and conscious of EACH Choice we make. EACH moment of how we spend our Time. And through those Choices, we change our Reality. Individually first, and then as more and more individuals are focused together... we change collectively. So, what do we do? What do you do? What do I do? Well, first, and most importantly, we bring our full awareness to completing this year of 2019 and this decade. How do you do that? Pause. Look at your reality, today, this week, this month:
![]() There are no "right' or "wrong" answers and no need for judgment about what you discover. There is simply Awareness... which leads to Choice. So choose to complete by the end of this year what feels necessary to complete in your life. Maybe there are conversations to have or letters to write or quiet time to put deliberately onto your calendar in the midst of all the activity. Only YOU know what is the priority to complete before the calendar changes, so choose to honor the answers you receive to these questions. And then there will be an Arrival at midnight, December 31st... and 7 billion Souls in human bodies will focus on Time changing, the calendar changing from 2019 to 2020. Greeting 2020...As a Time-Keeper for the Gaia Tribe, allow me to describe what I feel when humanity is collectively Greeting 2020. The first awareness I have is of Light. ![]() More Light flowing into Earth... Gaia... this beautiful home planet that we chose to inhabit in the physical form. The Light is soft and gentle and all-encompassing, moving in slow waves simultaneously throughout ALL lands and oceans. There is no one central entrance point that humans could focus on to say the Light arrives here. It flows in through the atmosphere, everywhere, all at the same time, continuously arriving. Why Light, you may ask? Light is the Original Source of Creation. Light came out of the darkness and Creation began. It is the Contrast of dark and Light that offers the greatest learning, the greatest advancement for Souls. If we were all in the Light all the time, there would be no contrast to show us the brilliance of our Light! Humanity has played in this Contrast from the Beginning and it has served us well. We have evolved our species to a place of such strength and wisdom. And so the next evolution of our species is a Return to the Light. A return to Creation. A stepping out of the darkness and embracing Light. This cleansing process begins internally... individually... and then moves collectively. Since we live in a vibration of Free Will and Choice, what this next phase of Awakening looks like will be up to each of us individually. For some it may feel as if they've been asleep in a dark room and bright, harsh lights just suddenly got flipped on overhead. And so there may be a sense of chaos or confusion or disorientation as each acclimates to more Light. ![]() For those already on their Path of Awakening, this will feel like the warmest of embraces. Like a favorite grandmother opening her arms so that we can crawl right in and be held in the most pure expression of Light and Love. Because ultimately Light is Love. The Original Light of Creation is... was... always has been Love. It is our exploration of Contrast that has had us forget this Truth. And it is a Truth each must come to individually. No-one can tell you that until you FEEL it. When you allow yourself to be embraced with pure Love, pure Light... it is beyond words. And yet, in each tiny Choice to become Aware... to be present... to open our Heart and allow the possibility of more Light to enter our energy field... Slowly, slowly our physical bodies and minds are able to adjust... to allow... to evolve. This Awakening is already happening. It has been happening since 2012. And the first major phase of this evolution completes in 2021. This next year of physical, earthly time is pivotal for humanity. Choosing Love instead of Fear in every potential Choice, big or small... each of us choosing Love again and again and again... shifts the collective frequency of humanity. So what do we do? What do you do? What do I do? ![]() Greet January 1, 2020 with an open heart, steady feet planted firmly on this planet, and a clear intention to Choose Love as often as possible. Begin the New Year with a clear, fresh breath, releasing the old patterns that no longer serve. Take the answers you discovered (to the questions above) as you completed 2019 and draw yourself an energetic blueprint of who you choose to be in 2020... how you choose to show up in this world. Feel into your purpose as a Soul in a human body here on Gaia as humanity Awakens and Light guides us forward:
Even if you don't know the whole vision or picture yet, in your meditation time ask for just one next step. And then honor that next step and watch how the next one will appear right after it, guiding you forward. Perhaps without even knowing how it happens, Your Soul's Journey is now on a new trajectory. You are walking your Soul's highest blueprint. Take deep breaths as you move through this process of completing 2019 and greeting 2020... pace yourself. Allow the joy of this exploration to guide you! This is a Portal of Time that is precious and magnificent... not to be wasted if you are aware of it. Join Me...I am going through this process myself, feeling the magnitude of this past decade in my own life. All of the endings and beginnings that have happened along the way. My Soul holds me accountable to my highest blueprint through the work that I do... By showing up each day for the Gaia's Love Podcast and receiving such clarity and wisdom in my own messages to me... which I then share with you! ![]() I have built beautiful communities around me in the form of our weekly Tuesday Energy Gym conversations, virtual Quietly Listening healings, and our monthly New Moon Circles. These new and old friends reflect back to me consistently how I am choosing Love over fear in my life, and I am held accountable to show up, keeping my heart open. I have deep gratitude for these spaces and these friends! And I am showing up for myself and my communities on December 30th by connecting to Source and guiding a virtual healing / meditation Completing 2019... and then again tuning in on January 3rd in Greeting 2020. I invite you to join me in these sacred spaces and allow the collective energy of Love to increase in strength as we tune in together. May all Beings be at Peace as we move through this Transition of Consciousness. So much love, Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on I-Tunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024