A TIMEKEEPER'S MESSAGE: All is well. All is Love. You are Love. Love is You. Love is Infinite. It dissolves Time and Space. Love is the Shift, the Awakening that is happening on Gaia, Earth right now. Some call it the New Earth or the Ascension. We call it Love. Human Love. Soul Love. Merging. Expanding. Becoming More Love. Infinite Love Embodied. Here, in the physical body that is You in this Moment. So it can feel messy, chaotic, confusing, disorienting. Lonely. Isolating. Our Message is to find time to Be Still. To tune into your heart and gently allow Love to expand within you. Focus on your breath and slow it down. Drop in deeper with each breath, visualizing your heart becoming a little bigger, a little softer, more compassionate, more forgiving. More Love. Dissolve the thoughts. Simply B R E A T H E and go in deeper. Expanding your Heart. Expanding Love. You will know when you feel stretched enough for this moment. Give thanks for whatever feels true to you. Give thanks for Love expanding. Allow Your Vibration of Love to continue as you bring yourself back to the human activities of your day. And know that you are More than you were just a few breaths ago. Infinite Love. Embodied. Here on Gaia. Blessings... xoxoxo ~ shared by Viv on 9-30-2017 "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
Today we honor the Fall Equinox, a time of "equal day, equal night," balance of light and dark, implying a natural harmony and equilibrium. It is a time for reflection, releasing that which no longer serves and allowing in the new. On Tuesday, the New Moon in Virgo ushered in this powerful feeling of renewal and new possibilities. I have felt a tangible shift in the collective energy that is being reflected in the conversations and activities happening around me. I find it interesting that there is such external chaos when I look at the news, the weather and the shaking-up that is happening on our planet. And yet, inside I feel steadier, calmer, and more centered than I have in a long time. I believe this new space I am in comes from the deep energetic cleansing that I went through last week. Cleansing - "Purifying; a process or period of time during which a person attempts to rid the body of substances (energy) regarded as toxic or unhealthy..." This morning on my run, the song Circle of Life from The Lion King played on my shuffle, and I sang along (a bit breathlessly!) with these beautiful, timeless lyrics: "From the day we arrive on the planet And blinking, step into the Sun There's more to be seen than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done... Some of us fall by the wayside And some of us soar to the stars And some of us sail through our troubles And some have to live with the scars... In the circle of life, It's the wheel of fortune It's the leap of faith, It's the band of hope Till we find our place, On the path unwinding In the circle, the circle of life" "Finding our place on the path unwinding" - yes, it is such a journey. And this "circle of life" - birth, life, death, rebirth - guides us along in our journeys, playing out visually and beautifully in nature around us each year. Here in the Midwest, we are enjoying the colorful display of Mama Gaia as the leaves on the trees move from green to yellow to orange to red as they drop to the ground. These seasons changing are the external signal to our bodies that it is time to cleanse - to internally release the toxins that have been stored over the summer months, as we prepare to go inward and hibernate a bit more for the winter. A cleanse or detox is typically addressed at the physical level, through our bodies. In my healing work, I know that everything that happens in our bodies comes from the way that energy is moving (well or not so well!) through the physical form. Dropping into the deeper level of healing by addressing the energetic toxins (blocks, old limitations, beliefs that no longer serve) is that much more powerful of a cleansing process. Mind Body Green weaves the physical and spiritual together beautifully with this, "If you're living among us in in this increasingly toxic world, then it's probably a good idea to do a cleanse once or twice a year. Doing a detox is like hitting a reset button. ... The unexpected and awesome benefits of a (body) cleanse are: a renewed ability to cope with stress; emotional release; a realization or epiphany; an increase in your vibrational frequency; and deeper consciousness." Absolutely! And feel how much richer these benefits become when we put our focused attention on cleansing our energy bodies! It is from this empowering place of providing support for cleansing at the deeper, energetic, individual level that I am offering an Autumn Energy Cleanse. We all wear many hats in our roles as coaches, healers, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, students, neighbors, daughters, sons... and the energy that we bring into each of those spaces impacts ALL of those around us. I believe it is our responsibility as Soul-humans to be aware of our own energy field and to be accountable for the energy that we bring into all of our experiences of life throughout the day. That does not mean we need to be perfect! But we are offered the opportunity to continuously raise our vibration and expand love and healing in our world, instead of adding unconsciously to the chaos and confusion. So, bringing our attention to cleansing our energy at this time of the seasons changing not only serves each of us individually, it also serves all of those with whom we interact every day. Knowing how busy we are as we wear our many hats, my version of an Energy Cleanse is a "condensed" virtual energy healing where I tune into your energy chakras and aura / energy field and create a 22-minute guided cleansing process just for you (22 represents inner balance and harmony). We don't need to be on the phone together for this to happen - you simply offer your permission for me to tune in through an exchange for the healing. (If you are new to this way of experiencing energy, you can learn more here.) I then share the audio recording with you via Dropbox. And then the healing is in your hands. Each time you listen to the clearing, you are able to drop in deeper and deeper and release more of the energetic toxins in your system. You can do it once... or you can pause every day for a few weeks and... ..."Just Let It Go" (beautiful guidance from India.Arie) "You've been through so much So many ups and downs You've given your love But never liked the way it turned out You closed off your heart And you carried the weight Like a million rocks on your shoulders But you don't have to wait for an apology Or for someone else to make amends When you can remember That your healing is in your hands Just let it go, inch by inch Just let it go, and do it again Just let it go, one day you'll see Just let it go, you set yourself free" How do I know this cleansing process works? Because I am walking my talk. I am constantly releasing the toxins and blocks that present themselves and finding greater and greater clarity. Letting it go, setting myself free. If I can do it, you can, too. And we help each other along as we go, walking "on the path unwinding, in this Circle of Life" together. I believe in a deep connection with Source energy, efficiency, precision, and play in my own meditation time and I bring that foundation into all of my healing work. I invite you to pause for a moment and tune into my offering of this Autumn Energy Cleanse. It would be my delight to support you at this time in your healing journey! For those craving a sense of community during these turbulent times, I invite you to engage other like-minded Souls in conversation in the Soul Shine Tribe on Facebook. And to join us on Sundays at 10am ET as we play in a virtual meditation community with the TimeKeepers' Message of the Week. Wishing you balance and harmony on this day of the Fall Equinox! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I trust you are well. It has been a turbulent time on our planet with powerful weather patterns that have brought great disruption to humanity, along with the ripples of a Full Moon in Pisces, astrologically. I am writing this message to you today from a space of deep reflection. A few weeks ago, I received a vision or message of a natural disaster that I believed would happen this past Monday. I have never been more grateful to be wrong. Watching the news reports recently of the impact of hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, storm surges - the devastation that has touched the lives of so many people around our world is staggering. Adding more disaster and turmoil to what was already such a difficult time for so many would have perhaps been unbearable. I spent most of Monday, September 11th sitting quietly in nature, feeling the power and the beauty and the grace of our Earth. Listening to the sounds of the animals, the wind, the water around me. Tuning in with all of my senses to the stability and peace and love that is present in every moment. Being Love. Sending Love. As I do on every anniversary of this difficult day, I honored the memory of all of those who dies on 9-11-2001. Like I am sure so many other people around the world experienced, it was an emotional and yet also deeply beautiful day of remembering. My Soul Journey...My commitment always in my life is to continue understanding and deepening into my own Soul journey, here in this human experience. This week has offered me a profound series of lessons that are still unfolding. Being wrong, especially when it came from such a pure place of inner clarity, has been humbling... and simultaneously deeply healing. I am sharing my experience of the many little signs and guided nuggets from this week, trusting that speaking my Truth continues to serve me and all of those, including you, reading this. It is difficult to find words for what I have felt this week... I hope this is received with the vulnerability and love moving through me as I write. When I first shared my message about the potential earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, I started with a brief glimpse into a past life where I had NOT trusted my intuition and not guided my community, resulting in the loss of my Tribe. On Tuesday, as I sat in meditation and laid quietly in my bed, contemplating, listening to a beautiful OM chant by Buddhist monks, this past life kept coming forward in my awareness. What I slowly started to realize is that speaking my Truth at this time healed the pain and suffering that was still present for me from that lifetime. It is hard to put words to how deep the grief was that I experienced through that realization. There was no logical reason for it because everyone I loved on the West Coast and those I don't know but still love as fellow humans were all okay. And yet, here in Cincinnati, I could feel the loss as if it was real. Often when I am looking for spiritual guidance, I turn to The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd. On Wednesday night, I opened the book up randomly to a page. The word that had been sitting in my mind that day, Humility, was of course on the page that was in front of me. The 31st Gene Key in its Shadow is about Arrogance, in its Gift is Leadership, and in its Siddhi is Humility. This Gene Key is about the power of Words, of Language, of Messages that are shared with the world. I could feel the releasing of the karma and the suffering that I had unknowingly held start to move as I read the words again. This 31st Gene Key is a primary one in my profile, representing my Evolution in my Life's Purpose. "It truly is the heart that separates the Shadow frequencies (the voice of our fear) from the Gift frequencies (the voice of our creativity and Love). ... (At the Siddhi level), there is no need to be anywhere or do anything other than what you are doing. True humility arises from the truth that you cannot ever do anything wrong." "No Time..."While I was moving through the week, taking care of my family and showing up with an open heart for my client sessions, I could feel this gentle space of uncertainty - the unknown - sitting underneath me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was a sense of something important shifting and re-calibrating inside of me. More guidance arrived... One of my friends had sent me a link to a Wayne Dyer / Eckhart Tolle conversation that I had been listening to off and on. During this amazing conversation, Dr. Dyer mentions the story of a woman, Anita Moorjani, who had a near death experience and talks about this idea of "no time." I will share her words here. "During my near-death experience (NDE), it felt as if I were connected to the entire universe and everything contained within it; and it seemed that the cosmos was alive, dynamic, and conscious. I found that every thought, emotion, or action I made while expressing through the physical body had an effect on the Whole. In fact, in that realm of Oneness, it felt as though the whole universe were an extension of me. This realization has, of course, dramatically changed the way I view things. We’re all co-creating this world and our lives within it through our emotions, thoughts, and actions. Before my near-death experience, probably because of my culture, I used to think that the purpose of life was to attain nirvana—that is, to evolve beyond the reincarnation cycle of birth and death, striving never to come back into the physical. If I’d grown up completely immersed in Western culture, maybe I would have been trying to get to heaven. This is actually a fairly common goal, regardless of culture—to live in such a way as to secure a perfect afterlife. But after my NDE, I feel differently. Even though I know I’ll go on living beyond this plane, and I don’t fear physical death anymore, I’ve lost my desire to be anywhere but the place I am now. Interestingly, I’ve become more grounded and focused on seeing the perfection of life in this moment, rather than focusing on the other realm. This is primarily because the concept of reincarnation in its conventional form of a progression of lifetimes, running sequentially one after the other, wasn’t supported by my NDE. I realized that time doesn’t move in a linear fashion unless we’re using the filter of our physical bodies and minds. Once we’re no longer limited by our earthly senses, every moment exists simultaneously. I’ve come to think that the concept of reincarnation is really just an interpretation, a way for our intellect to make sense of all existence happening at once. We think in terms of “time passing,” but in my NDE, it felt as though time just is, and we’re moving through it. This means that not only do all points of time exist simultaneously, but also that in the other realm, we can go faster, slower, or even backward and sideways. In the physical plane, however, our sensory organs limit us. Our eyes take in what they see in this instant; our ears hear in the same way. The mind can only exist in one moment, and then it strings those moments together to form a linear progression. But when we spill out of our bodies, we cross all time and space with awareness—not sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. We’re pure consciousness. Because of this, I believe that when someone has a glimpse of what have previously been interpreted as “past lives,” they’re actually accessing parallel or simultaneous existences, because all time exists at once. And because we’re all connected, it’s possible to achieve states of consciousness where glimpses of others’ reality seep through into our present moment, entering our consciousness as though they were memories." As I read her words, I could feel the Truth of what she was describing. How could a disaster that didn't happen feel so real to me in the moment, that it was as if I was grieving the deaths of those people who were still alive? Ms. Moorjani's words brought relief... ease... forgiveness. As I continued trusting the signs that were presenting themselves to me, I watched another video by Dr. Dyer where he describes a past life regression that he had after he was cured of cancer. He also describes his moment of "no time," a dissolving of time where memories and reality merged for him in a way that makes no logical human sense. Peace...As I was sitting with all of these pieces, on Friday I read a beautiful blog post titled Peace by my friend, Anella Wetter, where she validated the experience I had been having all week - continuing to go inward, to trust our own inner Knowing and Guidance. "In this moment, I know nothing, because I’ve never known this moment before. This moment is the accumulation of past moments, but it’s a moment like none other. In this moment, I both know all of me and nothing of me." Thank you, Anella. And so there was more time yesterday afternoon spent quietly listening to music, being still, trusting that inner healing was happening that would help me make sense of my outer reality. This morning, as usual, I went for a run and hit shuffle on my phone's music. The playlist is a beautiful summary of my journey this week so I share it here for you... for those times where perhaps you also are judging yourself for making a mistake and finding your way back to forgiveness and self-love. Loving Me For Me ... Two Worlds ... By the Grace of God ... I'm Wrong ... I Am Light ... At the end of my run, the feelings I had been experiencing all week finally had a word, a vibration that I could put as a framework underneath. The word is Grace. When I returned home, I opened The Gene Keys back up to where I remember reading about Grace. The 22nd Gene Key in its Shadow is Dishonor, in its Gift is Graciousness, and in its Siddhi is Grace. This has been my cycle of healing - the feeling I had of dishonor for being wrong, the redemption I gave myself of graciousness, and the receiving I felt of Grace - the Divine Breath that always heals. This Gene Key cannot be simply summarized, so I offer just a few tiny beautiful nuggets of what Richard Rudd shares: "We are all here to be tested, over and over, until we show that our faith in nature herself can never again be lost. Grace is a presence that descends on humanity, and like all the Siddhis, it requires that we meet it halfway, which for us humans may seem a very long way. When true Grace descends, it wipes out all your past Karma in a flash. ... Grace softens your rough edges, puts a permanent end to your fear and leaves you in no doubt whatsoever about your divinity. It also ensures that you never again forget. ... One who has been touched by Grace is always touched by Grace. If it happened to you in one millennia ago in another universe or in another incarnation, it will never leave you. It will go on bathing you again and again. Grace is the very breath of the Divine. It is always there, waiting for us high above, if we only persist in our sacrifices. Wherever there is oppression, there is the possibility of Grace. if you can face oppression with a gracious spirit and a forgiving heart, Grace will come to you sooner or later. Grace is your true nature. It is your inheritance. It is the soul of the world. As a feminine spirit, Grace calls upon each of us to listen and receive her message and blessings. Above all, remember this: through Grace, the universe has but a single wish - for you to remember that you are Love and there is nothing in you but Love." Yes... my message is always of Love... and the gift of Grace in this moment is a reminder for myself that I am Love. Every Sunday morning I show up in service with the same message of Love and connection to the Divine / Source. I invite you to join us. So much love from my heart to yours, "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. There has been much discussion through the years of when the "Age of Aquarius" will begin. Some claiming it has already begun and others prophesying about the future. It is a curious blend of science (astronomy) and mystery that has no definitive date on which all agree! I believe we are now in the Age of Aquarius and the shift began on 8.21.2017, the day that "the Sun and the Moon met across the West." So what does this even mean? Age of Aquarius:Humanity is an ever-evolving, dynamic experience of being here in the physical form on Earth. Much like the ocean, humanity goes through waves of evolution. In the very beginning, humanity's focus was on survival, understanding relationships, creating community, settling, exploring, expanding. Always on expanding. Astrology has been a tool throughout the ages to guide humanity in understanding our place in the Universe, connecting us to what we intuitively know we came from... The Stars... The Void... The Oneness. And as we have explored the physical form here on Earth, humanity has created separation, division, contrast - with the purpose of always coming back to Unity and Love. Much like the human journey, which has a beginning (birth) and an ending (death), the cycles that humanity goes through also have beginnings and endings. The Age of Aquarius is the beginning of humanity coming back into greater Unity.One global community where there are no borders or divisions. No separate agendas or needs. Simply one Collective Consciousness working in harmony with our Home, which is this beautiful planet of Gaia / Earth. In order to transition humanity into this new beginning, a new way of life on this planet, there must first be an ending to create space for the new. We have seen this happening already as old structures and belief systems have been breaking down and have been questioned in leadership, government, finances, housing, education, religion. All that humanity has created and grasped tightly onto before is being dissolved in our Return to Love and Unity. And endings can bring great fear, as we sit in the space of the unknown, the uncertain. What is there to hold onto, if everything we have known before is dissolving? "To believe I walk alone is a lie that I've been told. So let your heart hold fast for this soon shall pass, like the high tide takes the sand." ~ inspirational wisdom through music by the most talented Fort Atlantic What I am sharing now is not a message of fear or doom and gloom, but a validation of Love, a confirmation of what I believe many Soul-humans on this planet at some level already sense. I am merely putting words to a shift in consciousness that has been formless or not visible in the way that it is now becoming. Choices:I believe there are two choices available to humanity as we enter this Age of Aquarius:
What do I mean by this? Well, I could use words that are coming from the human mind and feel heavy, like choose "Life or Death," "Physical or Non-Physical." Or I could speak from the Soul, which offers a simple choice:
When we are able to move beyond the human emotions of fear and doubt, with its matches to the collective fear of death and pain and struggle - when we allow those emotions to drop away, ALWAYS what sits underneath humanity is Love. As an Aquarian, born on January 26th, I intuitively navigate in my healing gifts being a bridge between the human mind and the Infinite Soul. And so allow me to address our natural human fears, in this time of change, with Information. 1.) Staying here on Gaia:Right now, it might look a little scary to consider staying here on this planet. The news reports today use words like the "wrath of the storm," the "path of destruction," "climate change worsening, "communities destroyed." There are so many descriptions of real events that are happening around us that can increase our level of fear of staying here, of remaining alive on this planet. What does our future even look like?! Perhaps I can offer a different perspective... what I sense is coming. What I feel to be true is that our planet is healing the damage that we as humans, in particular over the past 100 years, have done to our land, our oceans, and our air. Our planet has been here MUCH longer than we have as humans and has an innate ability to self-correct. Gaia, our beautiful home planet, is becoming warmer in order to provide a sustainable climate that best supports the evolution of humans who choose to stay for this Age of Aquarius. Our physical bodies are made up mostly of water and as we evolve into more optimal levels of health in the physical form, our bodies are going to be balanced by more water and light and less food and its resulting waste. We are moving to a healthier, more natural, plant-based diet where the healing of photosynthesis - transforming sunlight into energy - better supports our bodies. There won't be a need in the future for dis-ease or wounds or traumas or pain. We are going to be Infinite Souls (with all that we know about the Universe) embodied. Moving around a planet where we are co-creating whatever we want because the struggle is gone. So we can co-create new sounds, new plant life, new realities... life becomes pure pleasure here. But to get to that, there's first a squeezing out of the old fears and ways, as Gaia realigns our priorities and our physical environment. Those Soul-humans who choose to stay for the Age of Aquarius naturally begin aligning with the vibration of Aquarius - meaning a greater focus on healing, humanity, consciousness, awareness, creation, Love. The future is beautiful! Beautiful! There is more play and delight and expansion beginning on our planet now than the greatest philosophers have ever dreamed of, and we are co-creating it, every individual together. The foundational level of consciousness for Gaia and for humanity in the Age of Aquarius is Fifth Dimension and above. (If dimensions are new to you, I describe them in this video, Down and In.) Every Soul-human choosing to stay is doing so with a commitment to bringing their gifts forward. To exploring their unique contribution to the whole. It will take a little time to unfold in its perfection, but every Soul-human who stays is here to contribute. 2. The other choice is to Return to Being a Soul:I believe that every Soul-human chooses the moment when they transition from physical form back to non-physical. From being on this planet to returning to the Infinite experience of a Soul. (Even if the when, how, and why makes no logical sense to those who loved them.) And as our planet heals, I believe that the Earth is bringing natural disasters into communities so that many Souls can transition quickly together. It is our human conditioning that has us afraid of this transition. And yet anyone who supports humans as they are dying KNOWS the beauty, the reverence of the moment of death. There is a physical and a spiritual shift / transition when the human life ends. Those who are blessed to work in that space use words like "holy, sacred, spiritual, reverent." Many stories have been shared by people who have had near-death experiences and lived. There is a repeated theme of "moving through a tunnel towards the light," with a sense of anticipation and joy, the fear dissolving as they move forward. And when those people share their stories later, they use words like "I chose to stay," "I knew there was more for me to do here and so I chose to stay in the human experience." My deepest hope in writing this article is to help dissolve the human fear of death. Allow me to share my own "Returning to Being a Soul" story. (The audio below is me, recording about the experience and then transcribing it here into this article.) I had an experience last year in a deep meditative state in sacred ceremony where I felt myself as the Soul leaving the human body, moving through my tunnel, my corridor of all the lives I have ever lived. Clearly "seeing" the Light at the end of my tunnel, moving faster as I got closer. When I came to the end of the tunnel, I paused and in front of me was an expansive sphere of darkness, much like a stadium would look if you were standing at the top looking down into the stadium. An enormous space. Directly in front of me but far, far away on the other side almost of the stadium / sphere, I could see this curve of light that looks like the sun coming up over the horizon of our planet as you look at it from space. Much like the sunrise over the ocean. What amazed me more than what I was "seeing" was what I was FEELING. My entire body was filled with joy. With absolute delight because my Soul knew I was going home. Home. Not Heaven or Hell. I was going Home. To the place where the Soul is breathed into existence. Back to the original Light of Source - which was the orange light across the horizon. As I moved across the space, the Void, the darkness that I knew was filled with all the other Souls, all the other Stars, the Light that makes up the Universe - as I moved across the Void towards the Light of Source, I knew MY Soul Tribe was waiting for me. That space where we are pure energy, pure Light... with the other 13 or 14 Souls created in the same moment with us... that is our true Home. This physical human journey is simply an experience that we have when we want to learn lessons. The 30, 50, 70, or 90 physical human years that we believe to be "all that is Life" is just a blink of a moment in the Infinite Life of a Soul. I came back into the human body from that experience with greater purpose than ever before. Knowing that I had a role to play as a Soul Guide for humanity as we move through this shift to the Age of Aquarius. And I bring that Knowing of the Infinite Home HERE into My Soul Journey on Gaia. So when I say that one of the choices is to Return, I add the word Home. To Return Home, to leave the physical journey of humanity and return back to the Infinite Journey of the Soul. Dr. Michael Newton, in his book Journey of Souls, brings wisdom from thousands of hypnotherapy sessions where he guided people back to that healing space of being home with their Infinite Soul. If you are looking for more facts or stories to expand upon what I shared, please read his book. Google near-death experiences. Watch YouTube videos. Turn on your favorite music and allow your own Knowing to come through. Be still. Meditate. Explore this idea that there is a space in between human, physical incarnations where we are the Infinite Soul. So Returning Home, choosing as a Soul to leave the human journey is a beautiful and powerful choice. Not every Soul wants to stay here on Gaia and co-create in this new way. We honor every choice that is made here in the Age of Aquarius... whether you stay or return, both options are beautiful. Time and Fear Dissolving:For those who know Aquarians, we tend to rush into the future and move quickly and that is exactly how the Age of Aquarius is arriving here on our planet. From the date of the Solar Eclipse until this very moment, our planet has dramatically and rapidly shown her hand. And I believe we are just beginning to see how Gaia heals. The waters are going to rise. The ground is going to shake. And the Earth is reshaping her surface, the patterns of the water, of the air, of the land. Gaia does this with great purpose. So that in many locations around the world, humanity is offered the choice to stay or to return. So that those who stay can come back into balance with our planet. And we can let go of fear and return to greater Love. I believe that fear is exponentially dissolving as humanity comes together. Love IS the strongest emotion and we are going to see more and more Love as humanity continues to heal, aligning without borders and with our planet. Much like the experience of birth where the tiny human baby is pushed through the birth canal in order to arrive here on Earth and take his / her first breath, our moving into this Age of Aquarius is bringing that same feeling of being squeezed or pushed forward into the unknown. Perhaps the best vibration that we can align with at this moment is the wonder and delightful anticipation of those ready to welcome a new baby, a new life onto our planet - pure joy! Imagine all of the possibilities that await humanity on the other side of this squeeze into the Age of Aquarius. We don't know what we don't know yet... and also... how wondrous the possibilities of ALL that can be co-created in this next phase of humanity. "I am no longer afraid... Lead me through the darkness Lead me through the unknown, Oh, Love, Lead Me..." I am firm and steady as I stand here in this Now moment, consciously choosing to stay on Gaia, "seeing" the beautiful Light at the end of our humanity's tunnel. So much love from my heart to yours, "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I trust you are well! My word for this week is simple and also so complex... Gaia - "Earth; Life; Conscious Life"
Gaia, also known as Earth, is the only planet known to have liquid water on its surface as a resource to support life, an atmosphere that shelters it from too much sunlight and heat, and a moon that stabilizes its rotation and tides. Gaia is a 4.5 Billion year old planet that is revolving around the sun through space at 67,000 mph (30 kilometers per second), holding steady at 92.96 million miles away from the sun, the third planet of nine in our solar system, which is at the edge of the Orion Spur in the Milky Way Galaxy. A tiny speck of dust in the Observable Universe which is home to 30-billion-trillion stars! Woah..... If you have seen the movie, Horton Hears a Who!, you can resonate with this shift in perspective from being on the planet to seeing life from outside and far beyond the planet. In the movie, an elephant, Horton, holds a tiny dust speck with its world of Whoville, trying to convince the other animals in his bigger world that this tiny dust speck is its own world - and it needs to be protected. A story written in the 1950's by the clever Dr. Seuss, it is layered with wisdom for all of us humans, inhabiting our precious home of Gaia. I often imagine our planet from this perspective of the outer edges of space. What does it appear like from that vantage point? The 7.442 Billion humans walking around in our own individual experiences in the physical form are such tiny pin dots on this planet, which is a tiny dust speck in our Universe. The beauty of the Dr. Seuss movie is that the elephant is convinced that he can hear the cries of those on the dust speck and he does everything possible to protect this tiny little world so that those "Who's" can continue living and their planet is safe. The movie offers a powerful and simple parable for us as humans on our own planet. There is no big elephant on the outside, protecting us from harm. Instead, WE are the ones with the power to keep our world safe. Every choice that we make impacts our environment, our home planet of Gaia. And so we are constantly co-creating our future HERE in this present moment. This has been a week of devastation in many places around our world: here in the US, as we have witnessed the flooding and resulting disasters moving along the coast of Texas; and on the other side of the world with monsoons and flooding in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. It is painful and difficult as compassionate beings to witness pain and struggle in those around us. The suffering of one person as seen in a photograph or video can touch the heart of thousands or millions on the other side of the world. I believe that is one of the gifts of being a Soul in a human body. We are able to feel, to connect emotionally, to expand our hearts and allow more Love to flow through from one person to the next, even in (perhaps especially in) times of turmoil. Suffering can lead to greater and greater Love rippling out across humanity. The unity of communities coming together can provide healing for so many as we allow in support and tenderness, being witnessed in our times of need. I believe that Earth... our home planet... Mama Gaia, is healing the damage that has been done by humanity to our lands and our oceans and our air. I believe that in our planet's healing, we as humans - inhabitants of our planet - are being offered a profound opportunity to also heal. To let go of structures and security and perceived stability. To step into deeper and deeper levels of trust. This can be a frightening process as we witness suffering and feel helpless. And yet this can also be a time for us to step into our strengths and our gifts, coming together in new ways that were not visible before in our old systems. As we watched the news of the flooding in Houston, my husband showed me a video that someone had made from their car, driving down the highway towards Texas. The video was of this long stream of cars and trucks, individuals from neighboring states choosing to tow their own boats down to help in whatever ways they could. Humans coming together in real, tangible ways to support other humans - immediately, powerfully. Gaia, our planet, is providing us with the opportunity to come together. To heal individually and to heal collectively as ONE humanity, ONE race of humans that all walk this Earth together. Gaia is now our greatest teacher through humbling us and bringing us fully into THIS present moment. Right here. Right now. This moment is ALL that we are able to experience, believe in, and count on. We don't know what is coming next. And we can't change what has happened in the past. But here in THIS moment, we are offered the opportunity again and again to be our BEST selves. To explore the highest options and co-creations together. To come up with new, innovative solutions where we support each other. I believe that the waters are just beginning to rise and Gaia has her own plan of how to self-correct the damage that we, as humans, have created on this planet. Much like a Mother's nurturing, I do not believe that Gaia is punishing us or bringing her wrath on humans. I believe she is gently and also fiercely reshaping the surface of the Earth for what MOST serves the future humanity and the future balance of our planet. And so perhaps our "work" to do now is to Trust and Surrender to being fully present in each moment, following our inner guidance on how to best support this shift that humanity is moving through. I have a deep love for this planet, as I believe most humans do. I honor the beauty of each day, where I can walk with my feet on the grass, breathing fresh air, marveling at the movement of the trees in the wind, feeling the sunshine warming my skin, smelling the scents of nature. Each day of being in this physical body as a human is a precious gift and perhaps that is what Mama Gaia is reminding us: To be present. To be in gratitude. Knowing that all is well. Here in Cincinnati, we have a light rain today, grey clouds, and a Labor Day weekend stretching out in front of us. As a Mama, my heart is celebrating to have my daughter home from college for a few days, my son settled into his freshman year at high school, and my husband enjoying a couple days to regroup after his first two weeks of teaching again for his 23rd year. The realities and details of our human lives are where we find gratitude and presence. It is no coincidence that I write these words on a holiday weekend where we celebrate pausing work to take a day off to rest. To be present and to be in gratitude. I invite you to join me for an hour of slowing down and tuning in to the present moment, to discover what gifts we already hold in each moment. We are gathering on Sunday at 10am ET for The TimeKeepers' Message of the Week, a guided meditation that includes a recognition of what is happening with humanity on our planet at this time. I am constantly surprised and delighted by the beauty that moves through this meditation time together. May you find time and space this weekend to honor Gaia, our Earth, for the beautiful home and cocoon she constantly provides for humanity. So much love from my heart to yours... "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
April 2023