![]() 9 of 9 | "Our Return Home" home "the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household; the end or conclusion of something difficult; Latin (domus) house; Sanskrit (gruham) home" . . . "I Am You. I Am Me. I Am ALL. And I celebrate Your Return Home. Our Return Home." Thank you for taking this Journey with me, from Earth Day until today, the New Moon in Taurus. In my first post I started this experience by saying that Infinite Embodiment is a Choice in every moment. In my work with clients and in my personal relationships, I have witnessed those I love choosing to complete the human journey abruptly, at young ages. I used to judge that Choice because the pain of still being here without those I loved was so intense. What has shifted over the years is a deep respect for the individual Choice of each Soul to complete the human journey. That comes from my steady trust in the Infinite. I wrote in Just White Light about all of the other thought forms, planets, experiences that I am aware of where Souls are when not on Earth. ![]() Dr. Michael Newton in his book, Journey of Souls, describes "the place between lives" that client after client shared with him in hypnotherapy sessions. I think one of the greatest challenges of being a Soul in a human form is that we aren't certain about what happens after death. We may have strong beliefs, as I do, but there is no certainty because we are not yet dead. Knowing that, staying here in the human journey is a constant Choice. Why would we choose to stay? Why, when life is challenging and painful and the world seems so chaotic? The easy answer is Love. We stay for those we love. Yet, that simply builds resentment, which causes illness, disease within the body. ![]() So the more complicated, yet in my opinion, true answer, is we stay to create. To share our unique, individual expression with the whole. To contribute something meaningful that enhances the experience of Life on Earth, for ourselves and for those around us. We choose Earth as Home. For now. We choose our unique Body as Home for the Infinite Soul. For now. And we choose to bring more and more of our Infinite Soul / Energy / Wisdom / Consciousness into the human Journey. This is the Journey of Embodying I Am. It is Individual... and yet, the more and more of us who choose to focus on it, the more incredible the Collective experience. ![]() This is Our Return Home. I share on my website pathways for Humanity to Return Home. The social media movement #IAmHereNowGaia, the FB community called The Gaia Tribe Reunion, Gaia's Love Festivals, and The Gaia's Gifts Experience, a documentary I will be making about the energy portals waiting to be opened here in Gaia. I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by setting an intention on this New Moon in Taurus. What is ready to shift inside of you as you bring your awareness to your own Infinite Embodiment? What is ready to shift in your life as you choose again today to be the Infinite Soul here having your human journey on Gaia? Share your intentions in the comments and I will hand-write them into our Manifestation Circle for the New Moon over the next three days. Thank you for sharing this experience with me. I am grateful for your time and attention and look forward to continuing this Journey together! xoxo,
Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide
![]() 8 of 9 | "I Am ALL" all "used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing; consisting entirely of; Latin (omni) the whole; Sanskrit (sakala) complete, together with the parts" "I Am You. I Am Me. I Am Source / God / Love. I Am The One. The Only... because there is no true separation. I Am ALL." Of course this is the message flowing through me on Day 8. Eight, the number of infinity, the continuous loop of energy that connects all of us, each one of us in the infinity of time and space. The Infinite. Embodied. This has been one of my greatest lessons over the past few years, since my "awakening" or "remembering." I believed for years that being reunited with Source / God / Love / The Universe could only happen at the end of this human journey, outside of Earth, after this lifetime. That being a human was separation from that Infinite energy. And only a small portion of that Infinite energy would be sitting here in this human body at any given moment. What is so complex about shifting that belief is that the only way for me to shift it was to experience it for myself. I had to choose to allow more and more of the Infinite to be physically embodied. Feeling ALL in me. In you. In Gaia. Experiencing the Infinite in every thing and every one. I am not separate from God / Love / Source / The Universe... that Infinite energy IS me, expressed as an individual. ![]() Learning to love and honor the unique expression that I Am actually reconnected me to my sense of being part of the whole. Here on Earth. Not needing to exit Gaia to be reunited with Source, but to BE Source energy here as Vivienne. What that looks like in practical terms for the mind is a deep honoring of each one of us being unique expressions of Source. Not needing to fix or change or judge anyone, myself or the others around me. Simply to honor the journey we are all taking together. That's hard to do when we don't like what we see around us. When we have opinions about the choices others are making. And so I Am ALL... the practice of constantly looking back within myself to be love, to be present, to do my own work and allow everyone around me to do theirs. That deeper work happens in relationship, partnerships, community. In the reflections of others back to ourselves. So I hold space for my own growth, my own healing and those willing to do their own work, too. I offer energy sessions virtually and in person, host New Moon events at my home, and meet weekly with small groups via Zoom in Viv's Energy Gym. We are ALL Infinite mirrors of the same Source energy. I Am You. I Am Me. I Am Home. I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by joining The Gaia Tribe Reunion (FB group), where we show up in community to share our Gifts! How does this resonate with you? I'd love to hear! xoxo, Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide ![]() 7 of 9 | "I Am Play" play "engage in activity for enjoyment rather than a serious or practical purpose; Latin (plega / ludus) game; Sanskrit (lila) play, spontaneity, the effortless relation between the Absolute and the contingent world" "I Am Play, Pleasure, Joy Dancing through The Galaxy in every experience." Allow your imagination to take you to the moment when your Soul was dancing through The Galaxy and noticed Gaia. The tiny blue planet that had such a buzz of activity around it! Souls pressed up against the atmosphere, looking in, fascinated by what they were witnessing in the energy bubble of Gaia. As a Soul, do you believe your choice to line up for a ticket into Gaia for the human experience was for the play and the pleasure of it? Or the suffering? The delight in the Soul's expansion? Or the punishment for some karma that you had to complete? I don't have the answer for all of us. Perhaps it's a blend of both. But I feel a deep sense of peace when I tap into the pure joy of an Infinite, all-knowing Soul, mine, that consciously chose the ticket named Vivienne for this lifetime's story to play out. I have been told many times that I am too optimistic. Too happy. Too much joy! To tone it down. While I am not always happy, I have many human moments, days, weeks of struggle, pain, disappointment, anger, the whole range... overall I love being a Soul having a human journey. The more embodied I have become, the calmer my system feels. The more peaceful my mind and my heart are. The more playful my life becomes. Play looks different for all of us. ![]() Just like in yesterday's post when I invited us to tap into the ways we created as children, play does not need to look the same for everyone. Me? I love to play in energy spaces, with imagination. I love to create, creating is play for me, and I share my creations on Instagram. I play in energy space every other Wednesday evening with my playmate, Andrea, in our Quietly Listening experience. And I play in community virtually in my Energy Gym. It's a blend of individual expression and beautiful community. My husband and I play here in our home! We see our home as a canvas that we are continually improving, energetically and physically. I love to play in the sunshine! In the water of our pool, the water of the ocean. I love to play with the trees. I love to play with sound... I love to play with those I love! I love to play here... on Earth... in this human body. I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by following me on Spotify, where I play with music and energy simply for the enjoyment of it! What about you? How do you play? xoxo, Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide ![]() 6 of 9 | "I Am Creativity" cre.a.tiv.i.ty "the ability to produce or use imagination and original ideas; the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships; Latin (creo) to make something; Sanskrit (pratibha) genius" "I Am Creativity Expressed through the Individual, Unique Contribution of Many to the Whole." I remember watching Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory when I was a young child and being utterly amazed at how imagination can be visually expressed! It felt like a whole new world of color, play, and magic was available to those with the golden ticket. Growing up my favorite books were the ones about fairies, elves, goblins, gnomes, animals that spoke, witches. As a teenager, I transitioned to romance novels, time travel. As a mother, we read Harry Potter, Magic Tree House. Now as an adult, my favorite book, hands-down, is The Gene Keys. In it, Richard Rudd uses the word "contemplation" and I believe imagination flows from contemplation. When we allow space to explore "what is" - the patterns, relationships, roles we play, habits we have formed - there is the potential to break through that conditioning and allow a new spark of an idea to form. When we follow that spark and contemplate the potential, imagination brings something new into form. There is no way to force imagination. It is simply energy transmuting from something old, known, familiar... into something completely new and different! I have found that I can create environments, processes that support my imagination. Meditation is one. Scribing, for me, is another. Each of these posts come from me sitting quietly, listening, trusting the flow of energy through my awareness, guiding the words that I speak out loud into the phone that records for me to transcribe when I am complete. ![]() Music, nature, sunshine. Laughter. Plant medicine. Dance. A good night's sleep. We have so many resource at our fingertips that support creativity. Often it is doubt that stops the flow. Not trusting the ways that energy wants to express uniquely through us as individuals. So it is a Journey. The more we trust, the more begin to express. The more we express, the more pleasurable the journey becomes, the more we trust. And so on! If we are stuck, how do we begin? Think back to when you were a child. How did you like to create? Was it with your hands? Your voice? Your body? Did you prefer playing inside or outside? By yourself or with friends? Tap back into what it felt like to get lost in creating as a child. Bring those activities back into your reality. Don't judge what those first creations look like. Just allow the energy to flow. It gets easier! More enjoyable, more satisfying. Trust me! I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by visiting my YouTube creative space! If you enjoy a video, please subscribe to the channel! What was your favorite book as a child? I'd love to hear! xoxo, Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide ![]() 5 of 9 | "I Am Sound" sound "vibrations that travel through the air and can be heard when they reach a person or animal's ear; ideas or impressions conveyed by words; Latin (son) sound; Sanskrit (prasvana) noise" "I Am Sound" ... Let's play together for a moment! I invite you to close your eyes and listen for a full minute. Turn off all of your other senses and allow all of the sounds, the vibration, the frequency that is moving around you to come in through your ears. What do you hear? Go further out from your immediate room, what do you hear outside of that space? What do you feel inside? Do you enjoy the sounds around you? Do they make you feel more peaceful or do they create tension and stress? Sound is frequency. Vibration. Energy. Constantly in motion around us. Sound enters through our ears. Plays and merges with the breath coming in through our nose, the food coming in through our mouth, and creates harmony or disharmony at the back of the throat. If the frequencies we are bringing into our throat chakra please us, our experience of life is more peaceful and joyous. The sounds coming out of our mouth are kinder and more loving. ![]() Have you seen the work by Dr. Masaru Emoto on sounds / vibrations infusing water and being visually represented through crystals or distortion? Sound is powerful! Sound heals and sound destroys. My favorite sounds come through music and the voices of those I love. Laughter. My name said by my husband or children. Sounds around us infuse our throat chakra with energy, inform our experience as a human, and share our vibration through our words. When I was younger, I was afraid to use my voice. I was told I talked too much. When I was 11 and we moved from South Africa, that my voice (accent) sounded funny. When I was in college, that I had a lisp. My voice was too high-pitched or too happy. All of those judgments were simply reflections of what I was working through within myself. The sounds I was allowing in on a daily basis. What I have found in my journey is that I really like my voice! I like the words I choose and I choose them carefully. I trust the flow of energy that guides my scribing. I enjoy laughing! And so I share my Sounds through my weekly podcast, through the playlists I curate on Spotify, and through my meditations and videos. The throat chakra is a center for expression. As we come more and more into embodiment - the Soul, Mind, Body in harmony - the words and creations that flow through our throat chakra are enchanting to those paying attention. So, yes, I Am Sound. You are Sound. And we are all co-creating Sound. Ahhhhhhhh..... I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by tuning into the Gaia's Love podcast! If you enjoy what I share, I'd be honored to have you subscribe to receive updates on new episodes! What are a few of your favorite Sounds? If it's music, I'd love to be introduced to new songs! xoxo, Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide ![]() 4 of 9 | "I Am Breath" breath "the air taken into or expelled from the lungs; a brief moment, the time required for one act of respiration; Latin (spir) breathe; Sanskrit (prana) the body's vital energies" "I Am Breath." As you read this, I invite you to pause for a moment and pay attention to your breath. Here, in this moment. How are you breathing? Is it slow and steady? Rushed and shallow? Labored and sharp? What words would you use to describe your breath as you bring your full attention to it today? I find it amazing that our human bodies breathe automatically! That we take our first breath when we exit the womb of our mother, gulping in oxygen, and often screaming to announce our arrival here on this planet! And then breathing just happens. I feel that is so representative of the human experience. We are excited to arrive and then we settle into the rhythm of our days, the flow of our lives. And we don't pay attention to the miracle of simply breathing... simply being here... simply existing as a Soul in a human body here on Gaia. The activities of life tend to consume us, distract us. Until those moments when we catch our breath. When we hold our breath. When we fight to breathe. When the Soul brings the mind and the body into full alignment, reminding us through health or loss or finance or a global pandemic that being a human is a profound Gift and a conscious Choice. So perhaps a good question in this moment is how do we stay present to the miracle of this human journey? ![]() The easy answer is meditation. The stilling of the body, the quieting of the mind, and the harmonizing with the Soul. The pause in our day that allows us to come to full awareness. To listen intuitively, quietly within. The easy answer and the challenging practice! Meditation continues to be a learning space for me. I have created hundreds of meditations, guided visualizations to bring the Soul-body-mind into harmony. And yet it is still a daily practice for me to live mindfully, with awareness, in presence. I hold myself accountable once a month to show up live and dance with Source energy for an hour, in a guided community experience. Exhilarating and intimidating, all at the same time! Isn't that a beautiful way to describe and honor the human journey? And so, I breathe, moment after moment, until I arrive at my final breath. I like to envision that final breath as a sigh of satisfaction and delight in the completion of another human incarnation. Until then... I breathe in and I breathe out. I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by signing up here to receive my monthly email updates to The Gaia Tribe! How do you experience meditation? Do you have a daily practice? I'd love to hear in the comments below! xoxo, Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide ![]() 3 of 9 | "I Am Light" light "bright form of energy that makes vision possible; Latin (luc) light; Sanskrit (ru) splendor" "I Am Light" and I am dark. I am both. The yin and the yang. The duality. We ALL are, each one of us. We are the entropy... the void through which all possibilities can be birthed. And we are the bright energy that makes all things visible. I have found in my own journey that those times of darkness, suffering, pain, loneliness are some of the most powerful teaching moments. Because clarity comes from the darkness. So I am not afraid of or avoiding those experiences any more. I came here to Gaia for the full range, the full continuum of life as a human. What I understand for myself is that I have a Gift for bringing Light / Illumination / Clarity into moments of darkness for others, as we walk the Journey together. When Covid started in 2020, I cocooned in and created I Am Light Medicine. Healing visualizations that guide Light into the body to soothe and support the physical illnesses or symptoms that happen when we embody more of the Soul. I play in this way also with Astrology, tapping into the Light of the stars at the New Moon when the sky is dark, filled with potential. I create guided meditations, host in person gatherings, and invite myself and others to set intentions for each new lunar cycle.
Light in the darkness... And I play with energy! I read energy, I guide energy, I facilitate the movement of energy in others. Richard Rudd of The Gene Keys describes this practice as tapping into the morphogenetic field that exists... the unseen realm in the physical 3D reality. I like that description because I feel how we all have the potential to tap into that field. As we trust the duality that exists within ourselves. As we sit in the darkness and learn to listen, to read, to feel the way energy moves in, through, and around us, we are able to discern how the energy moves and communicates. I do this in energy sessions and teach this to those who want to learn. Light... "the bright energy" that makes things visible. As I share my Light, it pings open more Light / illumination for those around me. As they share their Light, it pings open more Light in those around them. Magic! And it's only just beginning... I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by spreading the light and sharing me with a friend! Do you set intentions at the New Moon? I'd love to hear in the comments below! xoxo Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide ![]() 2 of 9 | "I Am Viv" vi.vi.enne "alive; vibrant; Latin (vivus) life; Sanskrit (jiva) the vital energy of life" My full name in this lifetime is Vivienne Lee (Dorrington) (Bross) Gerard... and mostly I go by Viv! I am always fascinated by names, as they are such an expression of the energy, the Soul that is guiding the human experience in this lifetime. I love so many things about my own name! In Spanish, "viven" means they live. There are two of each letters, 4 consonants, 4 vowels... representing balance, equilibrium. There are 8 letters total... representing infinity, the continuous loop of life that never ends. And I am proud of each of the last names I have carried... representing lineages of beautiful human journeys filled with adventure and struggle, joy and suffering, and a history that I have brought my own unique energy into through my presence. I believe as Souls we design the story for each human incarnation. The character we choose to play and the cast of family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, clients, and co-creators that will participate in the story. Can you imagine the detail and complexity of that process we must move through as Souls before ever choosing to enter the energy field of Gaia? It is mind-boggling! Fascinating. Humbling. So I chose Viv for this adventure. ![]() An EXCELLENT choice, in my opinion! One that is offering me endless growth and delight and learning. So much learning, lol! I wrote about it all. Four books... so far. My co-creations with my Soul Tribe. With Gaia. Where my Soul goes when it's not here on Earth. Scribing (writing from the lens of the Soul) is one of my favorite bridges between the infinite and the physical. And I'm only 51... so there's a lot still to be written. I'm excited to see where this adventure goes next! I invite you to #JoinMeOnTheJourney today ... by visiting my website and reading more about my story! I would love to hear how you feel about YOUR name and what it means to you. Share below in the comments! xoxo, Viv Vivienne Gerard | www.VivienneGerard.com Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024