I Am Here Now, Gaia...... is a Global Movement to come together as One Humanity and tune into the Energy Field of our Planet... Earth... Gaia.
Listening closely in the quiet space of Meditation to hear how WE can support EARTH in moving towards Optimal Health. Honoring the beautiful and abundant Gifts of our Planet by spending a few minutes each day putting our feet on the ground and connecting IN with Her Energy. And then sharing the Images and Guidance we receive from this new connection with Gaia in a Global Gathering Place... #iamherenowgaiaThe Movement started in Cincinnati on the first New Moon of 2019...
And Now we ALL carry it forward globally...
I Am Here Now, Gaia...
As we move through 2020, I invite you to join me in seeing our Planet... Earth... Gaia... in a new way.
Optimal Health...
Science continues to confirm the power of Meditation for the human body.
Focusing our attention inward and allowing the chatter of the mind and the busy-ness of the outside world to slow down and pause.
In this pause, our Body and Spirit - Soul heal.
What if we could apply that same approach to our planet?
We as a Humanity have ravaged the Resources of Earth, without fully understanding the impact that our daily choices and habits would make over the long-term through climate change, waste, consumption, pollution...
All of these issues are increasing and finding their ways through every country across the globe.
You can simply turn on the news or read posts on Facebook to see evidence of Humanity's disregard for the long-term health and sustainability of Earth.
While there are many efforts by many individuals and groups underway to solve these issues one by one, I believe there is a more powerful, more efficient, and more effective way to align with the Optimal Health of Earth... Gaia.
Focusing our attention inward and allowing the chatter of the mind and the busy-ness of the outside world to slow down and pause.
In this pause, our Body and Spirit - Soul heal.
What if we could apply that same approach to our planet?
We as a Humanity have ravaged the Resources of Earth, without fully understanding the impact that our daily choices and habits would make over the long-term through climate change, waste, consumption, pollution...
All of these issues are increasing and finding their ways through every country across the globe.
You can simply turn on the news or read posts on Facebook to see evidence of Humanity's disregard for the long-term health and sustainability of Earth.
While there are many efforts by many individuals and groups underway to solve these issues one by one, I believe there is a more powerful, more efficient, and more effective way to align with the Optimal Health of Earth... Gaia.
We Pause...
And Meditate...
Tuning into the Energy Field of Earth / Gaia...
And Meditate...
Tuning into the Energy Field of Earth / Gaia...
Everything Is Energy...
Humans, plants, animals, the ocean, the air...
We are all in ONE living, breathing Energy Field.
We all share the same air and the same water... the same Resources, limited or abundant.
So let us come together as ONE harmonious, symbiotic Energy Field.
We are all in ONE living, breathing Energy Field.
We all share the same air and the same water... the same Resources, limited or abundant.
So let us come together as ONE harmonious, symbiotic Energy Field.
The practice of Meditation allows us to quiet the activity around us and tune IN to our own Energy or Soul within.
Let us consider taking a few moments in that quiet stillness of Meditation and tuning into the needs of our Planet, identifying:
Let us consider taking a few moments in that quiet stillness of Meditation and tuning into the needs of our Planet, identifying:
- The places where we can begin correcting the damage that has been done to Her Resources
- The shifts that offer the fastest and simplest ways to changing our consumption of Her Resources
- The opportunities for collaboration of efforts globally.

In Meditation, our individual Soul can whisper across Time and Space into our Conscious Mind.
What if we each include a Moment in our Meditation TO ASK WHAT GAIA NEEDS FROM US... the Humans who are blessed to live and breathe and play and dance on this planet?
What if we include a request for HER DESIRES...
The fulfillment of HER Optimal Health ...
And then we begin sharing the answers that each of our Souls receive?
What if we each include a Moment in our Meditation TO ASK WHAT GAIA NEEDS FROM US... the Humans who are blessed to live and breathe and play and dance on this planet?
What if we include a request for HER DESIRES...
The fulfillment of HER Optimal Health ...
And then we begin sharing the answers that each of our Souls receive?
How will this happen?
I... Choose to Pause and Meditate.
YOU... Choose to Pause and Meditate.
And then...
WE... Begin to Share our Answers and find the commonalities that will Unite Us.
I... Choose to Pause and Meditate.
YOU... Choose to Pause and Meditate.
And then...
WE... Begin to Share our Answers and find the commonalities that will Unite Us.
I Am Here Now, Gaia...
is a Global Campaign
birthed from my time spent in Meditation
carefully listening to the Whispers of My Soul and the clear Messages from Gaia / Earth.
birthed from my time spent in Meditation
carefully listening to the Whispers of My Soul and the clear Messages from Gaia / Earth.
I Am Here Now
Holding space for the beginning of a Movement...
A rippling of Awakening moving across our Planet...
Through Humanity...
Inviting each of us to Remember WHY we chose to come play on this beautiful Planet...
Because of Her Gifts!
Because of Her Beauty!
The colors, the vibrancy, the Sounds, the Sights, the Abundance of living and breathing Energy!
Holding space for the beginning of a Movement...
A rippling of Awakening moving across our Planet...
Through Humanity...
Inviting each of us to Remember WHY we chose to come play on this beautiful Planet...
Because of Her Gifts!
Because of Her Beauty!
The colors, the vibrancy, the Sounds, the Sights, the Abundance of living and breathing Energy!
So, Let's Begin!
Meditation is the practice of Presence.
Being fully present in This Moment... HERE NOW.
And so I invite you to join me each day in being present.
Here's how:
Being fully present in This Moment... HERE NOW.
And so I invite you to join me each day in being present.
Here's how:
- Simply step out of your comfort zone... out of your home, your office, your school, your building... and put your feet on the surface of this beautiful, abundant Planet.
- Bring all of your focus, your attention down to your feet. To the Gift of being able to walk HERE NOW on Earth.
- Take one minute, two minutes, five minutes and simply walk outside. Be present.

Marvel at the beauty of the sky... at the strength of the sun... at the magic of the moonlight.
Take in the abundance of the Sounds of birds singing... ocean waves crashing... the wind moving through the Trees.
Delight in the majesty of Green Life... whether it is visible if you are in the summer seasons where you live... or whether you trust and know Green Life is already preparing to come up in the spring, buried underneath the brown dirt and the snow.
Take time to find Gaia's Gifts through your senses of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch.
As you are Present in the moment with our planet, enjoying the Gifts She shares with us...
Quietly ask the Energy that is Gaia what YOU can do for HER.
One or two ways in which you can begin offering your support back to our Planet, to help Earth move towards Optimal Health.
It may take a few days of practicing this new form of communication to receive answers, and yet, they will arrive.
Simple, tiny steps or changes that can be made in your daily activity... or / and incredible new processes that are meant to be shared with governments, businesses, communities.
Trust the messages you receive...
Take in the abundance of the Sounds of birds singing... ocean waves crashing... the wind moving through the Trees.
Delight in the majesty of Green Life... whether it is visible if you are in the summer seasons where you live... or whether you trust and know Green Life is already preparing to come up in the spring, buried underneath the brown dirt and the snow.
Take time to find Gaia's Gifts through your senses of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch.
As you are Present in the moment with our planet, enjoying the Gifts She shares with us...
Quietly ask the Energy that is Gaia what YOU can do for HER.
One or two ways in which you can begin offering your support back to our Planet, to help Earth move towards Optimal Health.
It may take a few days of practicing this new form of communication to receive answers, and yet, they will arrive.
Simple, tiny steps or changes that can be made in your daily activity... or / and incredible new processes that are meant to be shared with governments, businesses, communities.
Trust the messages you receive...
And then share them on social media, along with your pictures and video clips of your Time being present with Gaia.
Let us fill the News Feeds on our screens with images and stories of how we, as One Humanity, honor and appreciate our Gift of being alive on this Planet.
Let us fill the News Feeds on our screens with images and stories of how we, as One Humanity, honor and appreciate our Gift of being alive on this Planet.
...offers us a Global Gathering Place to unite as One Humanity
and truly begin partnering with Gaia / Earth in new and profound ways.
and truly begin partnering with Gaia / Earth in new and profound ways.
Join Us...
I Am Here Now, Gaia!
I Am Here Now, Gaia!
Global Movements require Guides to begin showing the way, and so I offer my own examples of how to Connect in with Gaia... Earth... our Beloved Home Planet as this Movement gathers momentum.
My greatest hope is that very, very soon, there are MANY Guides showing communities around the world how to become One Humanity again... in beautiful Harmony within the Energy Field of Gaia.
As we begin our 2019 Journey in this new way together, I offer you these free tools and resources:
My greatest hope is that very, very soon, there are MANY Guides showing communities around the world how to become One Humanity again... in beautiful Harmony within the Energy Field of Gaia.
As we begin our 2019 Journey in this new way together, I offer you these free tools and resources:
I Share My Why...
In the first SO's Soul Stories video of 2019, I share my passion that led to this Movement and how I see #IAmHereNowGaia expanding over time.
Come tune in with me! |
Guided Meditations...
On New Year's Eve, I recorded this meditation to guide us in our journey through 2020.
May the Mantra empower you to be BOLD in your Choices! xoxo |
And for those ready to begin activating a deeper partnership with our Planet, this 22-minute Infinite Embodiment Guided Meditation / Activation offers you a process of how to be a Conduit of Energy through your human body. YOU can be a power station / plant for Gaia, helping to "charge up" the Energy Field with Pure Light and Love.
Infinite Embodiment... here on Earth. xoxo
Infinite Embodiment... here on Earth. xoxo
Gaia's Love Podcast...

"Welcome to Gaia's Love, a podcast of brief messages to help Humanity bridge the gap to the New Earth. My name is Vivienne Gerard and it is my delight to be A Scribe for Consciousness today, sharing the wisdom that flows through from Source. Here we go!"
Join me via Spotify, i-Tunes, SoundCloud, and YouTube for a Daily Podcast of inspirational stories and reflections from my own life, as we bridge the Seen and Unseen... the Physical and Spiritual... the Old Reality and the New Earth.
Let's play! xoxo
Join me via Spotify, i-Tunes, SoundCloud, and YouTube for a Daily Podcast of inspirational stories and reflections from my own life, as we bridge the Seen and Unseen... the Physical and Spiritual... the Old Reality and the New Earth.
Let's play! xoxo
One Day: Gaia's Gifts...

Written and self-published in December 2018, One Day: Gaia's Gifts is a Collection of Stories... Energy Portals... anchored into the Vibration of our planet, waiting to be unsealed.
It Is Time Now.
Join Us on a Journey of Remembering... the True Story of Gaia... Earth, this tiny blue planet that holds us with such Love and Strength.
Gaia's Gifts is available in print on Amazon for US $33.00.
It Is Time Now.
Join Us on a Journey of Remembering... the True Story of Gaia... Earth, this tiny blue planet that holds us with such Love and Strength.
Gaia's Gifts is available in print on Amazon for US $33.00.
The Soul Shine Tribe...
And if you are looking for community, come join us on Facebook in the Soul Shine Tribe!