We are beginning the winter month of November here in the Midwest, and yet, as I have been outside walking Star, the temperatures are in the 50's, 60's, and 70's on Sunday. Even with the obvious signs of climate change happening on our planet, I am still surprised at moments when it shows up so clearly in my daily life. Like many of us, I have read lots of articles about climate change and meditated often about the shifts on our planet. And what I keep coming back to as my own understanding is that our planet, Earth... Gaia, is WELL. She is strong, vibrant, and healing. Healing in ways that we do not understand or feel comfortable with, as we see the devastation in human terms. But yes, healing the imbalance that we, as humans, have created. In all of the conversation about climate change, there are physical, tangible shifts we can each make that I see more and more people making in their everyday lives - such as recycling, conserving water, using recyclable grocery bags, monitoring electricity usage, keeping our cars in good condition, conserving trips where possible. I can see the awareness beginning to make change, which is wonderful. And as a healer, an intuitive, a human very much in touch with my Soul, I KNOW that there is an energetic support we can offer to our planet that has an even greater capacity to help humanity realign with nature, with Gaia. To help illustrate this, I use the word Grids. Grids: "A network of cables or pipes for distributing power, especially high-voltage transmission lines for electricity; a number of computers linked together via the Internet so that their combined power may be harnessed to work on difficult problems; to put into or set out as a grid..." Not that many years ago, the Internet (an energy grid) did not exist in the ways in which we understand it to exist now. There were computers that spoke to each other within companies and university laboratories, but not computers that spoke to each other around the globe, from home to home. And yet, once awareness was brought to this new way of communicating, an entire wave of technology, a new phenomenon for energy usage quickly and powerfully changed the way that we live our lives. Now the internet is the place we go for all of our answers! For new understandings. For our ways of communicating. Consider this info from Wikipedia: "The Internet's takeover of the global communication landscape was almost instant in historical terms: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunications networks in the year 1993, already 51% by 2000, and more than 97% of the telecommunicated information by 2007. Today the Internet continues to grow, driven by ever greater amounts of online information, commerce, entertainment, and social networking." When we look at the Internet as a whole, as a collective energy field, it clearly relies on the individual flow of energy through it. If every individual stopped going to the Internet for information, for purchases, for business, then there would be nothing to sustain the Internet. If all of the computers or phones being used by the individuals got viruses or shut down, the tools we usually use to connect would limit our access to the flow of energy we seek. Using this example, let us explore how we can create an energy grid that better aligns humans with our planet. We as Souls in human bodies are the computers, energetically connected to each other and to our planet (and then to our Universe). We receive energy, information, emotions, downloads... and then we try to process them. When we aren't clearing out the overwhelming load of data and gunk coming in each day, our computer (body) locks up. Or gets a virus! Or completely shuts down. The computer (body) is 'broken' until we pause to fix it. Our access to the Internet (collective flow of energy) is cut off or limited. When the Internet was first established, its success was dependent upon an ever-increasing trust in the system and usage of the system. If there was no value found in the Internet, it would have flopped and nobody would be using it today. But word of mouth brought more awareness, which created more energy, which created more value, which created more product, which fed the system. So over time, very rapidly, the Internet became an energy system, an energy grid that we as humans use all day, every day. It is difficult to imagine life now without access to that source of energy and information. I believe that this example is a direct parallel to what is shifting on our planet right now. We are JUST beginning to understand the Energy Grid of Consciousness and how it is intimately connected to Gaia, Earth. The Internet of Universal Information that is spiritual and energetic, not physical and tangible (yet!). And it is just like when the Internet first came into the public forum. Not everyone understood it. Not everyone wanted to use it. Once the social proof was evident, then it took on a life of its own. A power of its own. And created what it is today. We are at the edge of such a movement with consciousness. With Energy. With Light. With Crystals. With Meditation. Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey are on (as I write this) Day Six of a 21 Day Meditation Experience (Making Every Moment Matter), held via the Internet, and thousands or maybe millions of people are pausing for 20 minutes each day to focus their attention on Time. To harness their awareness and come into a collective alignment of their experience of Time. This is an Energy Grid that they have established. A way to help humanity heal and slow down the pace of our lives, which allows us to come back into alignment with nature, with Earth, this planet that we inhabit. As we bridge this gap between spiritual / energetic and physical, there are many tools and resources available. Many practices that resonate with each of us differently. For me, I have developed a love of intention grids. Bringing the spiritual or energetic into a physical form through stones and crystals - consciousness represented physically right in front of my hands, my eyes. I can see the formless put into a form. That intention grid then holds a vibration, an energy that anchors my spiritual concept into the physical moment. As we move towards the end of 2017 and stand at the threshold of 2018 - a year in which I believe our planet is going to have even more physical manifestations as she realigns with humanity - I am integrating my love for intention grids with my love for meditations.Bringing the two together into my weekly Sunday calls. I share more about this shift and why it feels so important at this time in my Healing Our Souls video below. Co-creation is the foundation of the human experience. I show up clear, completely in tune with my creativity and meet you in your space of creativity. Together we allow the new to be formed in a co-creative dance that has not existed before. Me in my power. You in your power. And then this magical spark of something new coming into existence. That is the vibration I have been holding since I started the Soul Shine calls a year and a half ago, and now we bring in this new element of Touch, this tangible way to feel energy in the physical. I am so excited for our first Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation this Sunday, November 5th, at 10am ET! I invite you to come play with us virtually, from your own living room. And then, so soon, we arrive at the 11-11 Energy Portal! One week from today, my dear friend Alicia Mathewson, singer-songwriter and meditation guide, is here in Cincinnati for our first meeting here in this lifetime in the physical form! We are in the most amazing flow of alignment and creation as we prepare for her 11-11 Concert from 3-5pm at my home, and then an Activation Ceremony that evening for those who are ready to experience a deeper, more pure understanding of Light and Love here on our planet. You can learn more here. If you are not able to join us for Saturday's festivities, we welcome you into our community and living room via the meditation call on Sunday, November 12th at 10am ET. Before the Internet, I remember thinking that life was amazing. And it was! Life was good! I didn't realize what I was missing with email, Google, Facebook, or Instagram because I didn't know yet that those ideas even existed. I was content and thrilled with life as it already was in that moment. If I had known then all that was going to be experienced in the future, would it have taken away from my enjoyment of that present moment I was living? It's hard to know, isn't it? And yet now that I know the joy and delight the Internet offers, the way it brings communities together who in the past would never even have known the other existed, I am filled with gratitude for the creation of the new that happened via the Internet. As I sit here in THIS moment, I feel the same sense of fulfillment, joy, appreciation in the depths of my Soul for how good life is RIGHT now. For all the beauty that exists right here in this very moment. AND... I can feel what is coming! I can sense the expansion, the delight, the harmony that is arriving as we tap into these understandings of energy in ways that humanity has not understood fully before. What will our energy grids look like in one year, five years, ten years? How will we be using energy to change health, education, our understanding of time, of relationships? To deepen our appreciation of nature and our love for this planet? We are standing at the edge of a cliff with a vista of paradise spread out in front of us. Come explore with me. We only just beginning to feel the joy that is possible as a Soul in a human body! It is SO good! With much love from my heart to yours, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
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April 2023