What an incredible time to be alive, as a Soul in a human body on this planet! Here in the Midwest, our entire world is turning bright Spring-green, flowers blooming in every direction... and so I arrive in this space filled with Gratitude for the beauty of this life. Last night I felt called to watch the 1996 John Travolta movie named Michael, about Archangel Michael who takes on human form as a beer-drinking, cigarette-smoking, flirty, middle-aged man who loves pie! As funny as the movie was to re-watch so many years later, I know the reason I felt pulled to watch it is for its powerful message: "Love Is All There Is" and the greatest playground for Love to expand is this beautiful planet we know as home. There is a scene in the middle of the movie where Michael stands in a field with his arms outstretched, eyes closed, breathing in all of the smells and sounds around him being expressed by Nature. And he says, "Oh, how I will miss this." If you have not given yourself the Gift of that moment of full Presence in a while, I invite you to pause wherever you are... close your eyes... turn up your scent of smell, your ability to hear... and fill your senses with the Gift, the Abundance of this Earth. During this time of Spring here in Cincinnati, the vibration of Blooming is evident everywhere. Blooming: "The state or period of greatest beauty, freshness, or vigor; A full bright sound, especially in a musical recording..." I am blessed with a home in the trees where every window offers colorful views of life blooming: green leaf buds; white Dogwood flowers; purple Peonies popping open; yellow Daffodils still standing firm; tiny green grass sprouts coming up through the brown dirt we poured over Spring Break; and all varieties and colors of birds singing from the branches! We live in a physical world of such abundant beauty. And my appreciation is constantly flowing! A few days ago I Scribed a few reflections about the connection between Abundance and Gratitude and it feels sweet to share a nugget here. "Choose to always, always be grateful for each tiny moment or experience of Abundance in your day. Be Walking Gratitude. Express verbally your Gratitude. In the Moment. In this way, you align Gratitude with Presence, and that is a shortcut (to Abundance) we have been trying to show you. In the Moment. Be Grateful. Verbally! And then enjoy the fruits of your labor. Allow more moments of Gratitude to be felt, experienced, expressed verbally. And watch more moments arrive!" The words "Thank You" carry such powerful vibration and energy. I invite you to apply the spoken words into your daily conversations as often as possible and watch the magic that happens! In addition to the beauty of Nature around me, I am in deep Gratitude for the beauty of the relationships in my life. I shared my Reunion story from last weekend in Tuesday's SO's Soul Stories (Weekend Delight). If you have not had a chance to watch that yet, perhaps pause and experience the joy of my Love expanding. And More Love... My daughter is home from college, my husband and son are in their last few weeks of school before summer break begins, and one of my beautiful Loves is living with us during a period of her own expansion. My house is full to overflowing with love, life force, vitality, joy, healing, laughter... beautiful sounds that fill my heart! As I paused this morning to offer my Reflections, there are a few updates as summer arrives that feel important to share. * My written Reflections are going to be shared once a month... at the beginning of each month as I am doing now. When I have quick updates or news to share, I will send a specific email about that item. But this pause that I have been taking to share My Soul Journey in this way will be at the beginning of each month. Thank you for witnessing me as you have been reading these words each week. Your emails and notes of encouragement have been so sweet to receive as my stories touch your own! * My last SO's Soul Weekend is May 18-20... I have had several requests for potential summer gatherings here and I am clear that this weekend in May is my last retreat for several months, perhaps for the rest of the year. I invest a lot of my energy and focus on holding space when I exchange in this way with client-friends, and that focus over the summer is going to be on my family and the book I am Scribing next. If you are feeling called to spend a couple days with me over the next few months, this May weekend is the opportunity to do so. You can read more details here as I have updated the web page for the May weekend. If you have been with me in person before, you already know the potential value of our exchange! * Our next New Moon Circle is Friday, May 18th... The changes to the format that I made last month were very successful and the community energy was beautiful to experience! If you are local, there are 8 spots still available so please book your time. If you are not in Cincinnati and are interested in one of these focused intention-setting sessions, I have 8 phone sessions available on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 15th (the actual New Moon date). These are powerful, laser-focused energy readings and activations to assist you in aligning with the highest vibration for your Soul's next steps. * Introducing Summer New Moon Circles / Festivals... One of the most luxurious blessings of our tree home is the backyard in the summer when the pool is open! I have been pondering how to best share my abundance... my paradise... during these summer months, while still honoring my commitment to be fully present with my family, client calls, and creative work. And so my husband and I have agreed on a fun idea that may interest you! We already have three Friday New Moon Circles scheduled over the summer: June 15, July 13, August 10. Now we are going to also play together on those afternoons, creating a fun, festival vibe for all to enjoy with us! Our home and pool will be open from noon until evening on that Friday. Bring your own towel, sunscreen, food and drinks... we'll provide water, hopefully sunshine!, and lots of space to hang out and connect with friends. You can come for a quick hi and dip in the pool or stay for the whole afternoon. From 5-6pm, we transition into the more intentional New Moon Circle space with the community exchange of $11, which includes the guided meditation for that particular New Moon. My one-on-one sessions start at 6pm and I will be in and out as I support each of those who schedule times with me. Your invitation for the Circle evening is to hang out, connect, have a little wine, pull cards, play in the pool if you feel inclined, enjoy the beauty and abundance of our home and all who gather here. There are many hotels and Airbnb's within 10-20 minutes of our home to spend the night. So this is a perfect place to come pause and celebrate life in the summer if you are scheduling road trips. (If you haven't been to a Reds game or visited our amusement park, King's Island... do some investigating!) For now, simply save the dates on your calendar! I'll update the web page and include more details in my June Reflections. * Gratitude for my Client Sessions / Testimonials... I don't often share the beauty and power of the Soul Guidance work that happens in my coaching sessions. And yet I continue to see the impact my support is having in the lives of those who exchange in this way with me. I am updating my Testimonial page with a few new Reflections from my client-friends... thank you to each of you for your generous Love! I welcome your Referrals for those in your life whom you think may benefit from my coaching support. And I also welcome your own Testimonials to add to this space. Or your Reviews as I grow the audience for my Facebook page (VivGerard). Thank you! * I am in the pure joy of Scribing mode... as I complete One Day: Gaia Grows Up!; prepare the platforms for my pending podcast, Gaia's Love; and begin creating space this summer for my next book, One Day: Gaia's Gifts. And, as always, on Sunday mornings... we meditate together with Source in Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditations. The blooming Abundance and Love in my Life continues to simultaneously humble and delight me! Enjoy the Abundant beauty evident in every moment of your own weekend! SO Much Love, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024