What a Gift to be alive at this time on this planet! I am writing to you on a rainy Friday morning in Cincinnati. We are wrapping up our Spring Break week with a little sunshine in the forecast, hopefully, for this weekend! Spring Break brings up different images for each of us, depending on where you are in your life's journey and how much connection you have to school schedules. (Baby meme courtesy of Google!) When I was in high school and college, Spring Break offered a chance to pause before the end of the school year, to catch my breath and catch up on all the assignments that needed to be completed! For many of my friends, Spring Break meant a week of partying, whether at the beach or staying home, a chance to let their hair down and play. As a working mother with young school-aged children, Spring Break meant a week of juggling daycare and babysitters while trying to meet regular work deadlines. Now at this spacious point in my life, Spring Break offers extra time with my family when they're out of school, while I continue working from home. My husband is a teacher, and I believe teachers need the break from the students and packed schedules as much as the students need a break from school! This week is usually when he tackles many of the indoor and outdoor projects at home that there haven't been time for during the school year. And so there has been a lot of activity at home this week! New appliances, new furniture, a new water softener system being installed... I am blessed with a husband who can install, build, or fix just about anything! As I reflect on this week In my meditation time this morning, I treasure the moments of Ordinariness that I have been fully present for over Spring Break. ...Stretching with Katniss for morning yoga ...Watching my husband and son work together to build a new desk for his "game" room ...Laughing as the completion signal on the new dryer sings a happy tune to us, ...Calming our dog down when he starts barking to tell us the delivery driver has arrived, ...Walking downstairs at 3am to let my son's group of friends know that it is time for bed NOW! ...Commiserating with my husband as he heads to the hardware store yet again for another part, ...Chanting to the new Snatam Kaur song, Amul, while preparing food in the kitchen for my family. Moment by moment, I am present with the beauty of Love and connection offered in my life. I treasure these moments, knowing that in a few years, my second child will also be away at college and Spring Breaks will look and feel different than they do now. Not better or worse. Just different. And so I am present Here... for This Spring Break 2018... and all the joy I am experiencing. Like many of you who work from home while your family is out of school, there are adjustments made to our regular routines to accommodate for the time spent with family. I am finding that the ebb and flow feels easier and more harmonious than ever before. My yoga and meditation time is early in the morning and this daily practice helps me prioritize my projects for the day. And then as I communicate more clearly with my family, we can support each other in better ways. I have held space for powerful content to flow through for Awakening The Guides while also helping my son prepare our basement for his party for seven teenage boys. (Before photo on the left / After photo on Facebook!) I honored my need to center and re-balance with a weekly group yoga class and acupuncture session while also blocking off time to support my husband with working in the garden. As we identify and share our own priorities with each other, we can show up in better support as a family unit. We are constantly learning and improving our flow! Overall, Spring Break 2018 has been GOOD! We arrive at a new month this weekend... Sunday, April 1st. And so I share below the ways in which we can play together as we move into spring. As I step more fully into my Gifts in each of these spaces, containers... there is so much room for each of you to meet me there and continue your own expansion of Your Soul's Journey! We meditate on Sunday at 10am ET. I invite you to join us live or listen to the recording later. Happy Spring, my friend! One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Let's Expand Love in April...1st (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 3rd (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories live chat 8th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 10th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories live chat 13th (Friday): New Moon Circle - new format, check out the video with details! 13th - 15th: SO's Soul Weekend - yes, you can still come! 15th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 17th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories live chat 22nd (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call 24th (Tuesday): SO's Soul Stories live chat 29th (Sunday): Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation call
What a Gift to be alive at this time on this planet! Here in Cincinnati on this gorgeous Friday afternoon, my home is flooded with sunlight and warmth. In my walk outside with Star, I was simultaneously listening to the birds calling to each other as they do when spring arrives AND watching my dog bury his nose in the snow that still sits here from two days ago. Our weather forecast for tomorrow shows 2"-4" of more snow arriving! Such contrasts playing out through Mother Nature today... this weekend... this year. After my meditation this morning, I pulled a card from my Osho Zen deck, to see what wisdom my Infinite Soul offered in the present moment and I received this beautiful word - Ordinariness. Osho says it perfectly and so I share his wisdom here with you. "Sometimes it happens that you become one, in some rare moment. Watch the ocean, the tremendous wildness of it - and suddenly you forget your split, your schizophrenia; you relax. Or, moving in the Himalayas, seeing the virgin snow on the Himalayan peaks, suddenly a coolness surrounds you and you need not be false because there is no other human being to be false to. You fall together. Or listening to beautiful music, you fall together. Whenever, in whatsoever situation, you become one, a peace, a happiness, a bliss, surrounds you, arises in you. You feel fulfilled. There is no need to wait for these moments - these moments can become your natural life. These extraordinary moments can become ordinary moments - that is the whole effort of Zen. You can live an extraordinary life in a very ordinary life: cutting wood, chopping wood, carrying water from the well, you can be tremendously at ease with yourself. Cleaning the floor, cooking food, washing the clothes, you can be perfectly at ease - because the whole question is of you doing your action totally, enjoying, delighting in it. Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. We so easily take this beautiful world we live in for granted. The most mundane tasks take on a sacred quality when they are performed with your total involvement, with love, and for their own sake, without thought of recognition or reward." Mmmmm... so beautifully said! Thank you, Osho! I am fascinated with time, timelines, past lives, future lives, other dimensions... this overlap and weaving that reveals how time is not linear. And so I have read many research and theory books on these topics. I am an eternal fan of Dr. Michael Newton's years of past life regression research through hypnosis and a current fan of Alba Weinman's forgiveness hypnosis sessions shared on YouTube. (amazing!!) The consistent theme that always amazes me through all of the stories shared by individual hypnosis clients is how Ordinary their "past" lives were. I believe many of us like to imagine that we were a famous star of a time gone by or connected to royalty or the creator of some incredible invention. And perhaps we were / are / or will be! What this Ordinariness card offered me today was a reminder again that the gift of being a Soul in a human body is found in the ordinary moments of each day. The conversations with our friends, the walks with our pets (or when we witness our dog NOT jumping up to chase our cat!!!), the preparation of the meals that nourish our families, the creations that flow through us in our work, the Soul's gifts that we share with our local community (and yes, perhaps one day, the world!)... Being fully present in the Ordinariness of this life I am living brings me the greatest sense of peace, acceptance, nurturing, and Love. Delighting in the moment right here, right now, that is available for me to experience fully... THIS is where I am truly alive. The beauty of Ordinariness is in the accumulation of fully experiencing all of these moments... one by one by one by one. Those moments become memories that are stored in our Mind - Body - Spirit and remain available to tap into in this lifetime, all lifetimes... all time as it bends and weaves. I am living my ordinary life... and my "work" is sharing my ordinary yet extraordinary moments. The power of technology in this time on our planet is that it allows us to be together in our Ordinariness and share the joy of life's experiences with each other!
I just completed a SO's Soul Weekend with my dear client-friend from out of town and we delighted in the healing and expansion that flows from these ordinary moments together in my home - making a meal together, meditating together, creating her Soul Self Portrait and releasing old stories together. I am holding space for two more SO's Soul Weekends before summer arrives. You will know if this experience feels in alignment for you. And this past week, I changed the format of the monthly New Moon Circle to allow for greater alignment with my ability to be present, one on one, with those seeking support in setting intentions. This new flow feels exciting! Okay... I am off to join the car pool line at my son's high school, ready to celebrate their week off for Spring Break! We have our list of projects around the house ready to begin, along with a few gatherings with family and friends. The beauty of this ordinary yet extraordinary life that I am creating and re-creating in each moment fills my heart. May your weekend be joyous and abundant with many moments of Love! One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I trust you are well! I am joyously awaiting the first day of my first 8-week group program, Awakening The Guides! We begin on Monday, March 12th by exploring this idea of Self - who we are in relationship to others. In this time of Pisces, bringing our attention to our individual roles within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, there could be no more appropriate way to begin our journey. Traditional Marketing... As I prepare the foundation and the space for those who are already gathering energetically and physically to be in this community, the "marketing" or "promotion" of this program has been a topic of much exploration in my meditation time. In college, I studied business management and communication. My "old" corporate and non-profit career was based on fast-paced development and marketing roles. In the consulting work I also did after I left my last full-time position, I was involved in many launches of programs and events. So I am familiar with the traditional launch process where there is pressure put into the communication with potential participants to "hurry up and make it into the space before the doors close!" Usually this involves multiple emails that increase in intensity and quantity leading up to the event or program, with greater and greater pressure on time and deadlines so that we are not "left out" or "excluded." I experience this myself often when I sign up for a webinar or live call that sounds interesting to me... but in which they are usually selling a program at the end. And then my inbox fills up with 5, 10 emails from a person I don't know, urging me to hurry, hurry, hurry before I lose the opportunity to spend time with him or her! These marketing tactics are repeatedly used because they have proven results. People sign up because they don't want to miss out. What I have found in my own journey, though, is that I often don't go back to listen to the content or do the work that was involved in the offering! I was usually more caught up in the benefits that were being sold to me as a result of the program. And in my desire to reach those benefits, I would hurry to pay for the program but never really buy in to the work, the participation that would be required for me to receive or achieve those results. I spent the money but I never really invested myself in the experience. So, I sit here today, knowing that is the strategy that would likely bring in results. And I have no interest in playing that game! The Experience... In my meditation time this morning, I kept seeing the image of a cruise ship about to leave port. For those who have been on cruises or know friends who have been on cruises, there is indeed an urgency to make it to the dock to be checked into the ship... because the ship is leaving on its adventure whether you are on it or not! And because of the thrill and the joy and the excitement and the pleasure that you expect to have on the cruise, you don't want to miss that deadline of the ship leaving. Because you know that if you miss the ship, it's going to take a lot of coordination, hassle, and money to try to fly to the next port to catch up! And you'll miss all the fun that happened on the first day of the cruise - like when you're waving goodbye to the people running to the dock who didn't make it to the ship on time! Even if you are not a fan of cruise ships, the stories that people share of how much pleasure they experience while on a cruise, clearly conveys the feeling... the vibration... that we associate with a wonderful vacation. So... my "marketing" approach for the next week until this program begins is to tune into and expand the vibration of the experience itself... ...To steady and expand the foundation of the experience so that as each individual arrives "at port, ready to step onto the cruise ship" and begin the adventure, your welcome and your path to follow is clearly guided. The Awakening... Awakening The Guides is already happening. I am experiencing this higher resonance, this deepening connection to my own Spiritual Guides. More each day. The field of healing is already expanding and calling in those who are ready to Awaken to their next level. My "marketing" efforts are complete. I trust that my Guides are connecting with your Guides, if this is the space your Soul is ready for you to step into next. And so your Guides will show you the signs, the nudges, the winks that your human eyes and mind might need as you feel into if this is a match for you. And then the choice is unfolding between your Soul and your human experience. If you are meant to play in this community, you will. There are a few Gifts from my Soul to your Soul that I offer: (if your mind is in resistance to you shifting, expanding, and changing in ways that might ripple out in your life!)
I may or may not send out my weekly newsletter on Friday. I am spending time with my beautiful friend, Andrea, in Indianapolis on Wednesday and Thursday, creating some of the content for Awakening The Guides. And then my daughter arrives home on Friday for Spring Break! So, I am simply practicing being present and trusting in the perfect alignment of my own Flow. May your week ahead also be filled with grace and ease! SO much love from My Heart to Yours, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I trust you are well on this beautiful sunny day here in Cincinnati! It's funny, as I was writing those words, I could hear the theme song from the old 80's show, WKRP in Cincinnati, dancing through my head! I couldn't resist sharing this quick flashback with you also - the lyrics are so perfect! (giggling as I write this!) When we first moved to the United States in 1982, I remember watching this show and being fascinated with the funny cast of characters, not really caring where Cincinnati was. Little did I know that Cincinnati would become my permanent home, the center around which my work, family, play, and life revolve! It is a curious journey indeed, these winding roads that we take in our human experiences. Believing Is Seeing...Over the past two years, I have been exploring this idea of Consciousness expanding within humanity. I first shared my reflections in June of 2016, describing Consciousness as Love. This feeling or idea that our experience of being a human can be so much greater, so much more joyous, so much more ALIVE than we have understood possible! In the many months and ups and downs since that first video, I have reflected and meditated and continued sharing my deepening understanding of what I know in my Soul to be true... Humanity is reaching a tipping point where Love Wins! Love Wins and Fear Loses. It may feel like I'm ruining the ending of a familiar and really good story with that statement! The fight between Good and Evil... Darkness and Light... Love and Fear have provided the contrasts that have made this human experience so inviting to Souls wanting to expand their Consciousness and evolution rapidly. We CHOOSE to come to this planet because of the promised contrast... because of the physical thrill and delight of feeling all of these human emotions. I describe this Soul-human journey in One Day: "But as we are playing with time, space and the density of matter, the joy is in the contrast. ... Having a human incarnation and feeling the frustration of not understanding or remembering the greatness of the Soul. And then transitioning back to being a Soul again and going “Oh, man! How did I not understand that?! How did I not see that?! How can it be so dense to be a human?” So then we come back into another incarnation with higher expectations and bigger goals, convinced that this time we’re going to remember what it’s like to be in the higher dimension and how awesome we are as Souls! We land back in the human body and find that it’s the same density, the same heaviness, and the same contrast. Uggghhh… And we transition back into the non-physical Soul again, saying “Awww, no, I forgot again?!” Then back to another human incarnation where we don’t get done what we think we’re going to get done… and then we’re back to being a Soul again, going “Awww, how did I forget?!” There’s this exciting, beautiful, powerful loop – Soul to human, human to Soul, Soul to human, human to Soul… And it’s just Extraordinary!" So for me to say that the contrast is going to end may feel like a spoiler for the Souls who came for that exact reason! This is the funny thing about the twisting roads we take... the Soul already knows that at the end of the human lifetime, we return to being Love. Always. Love already Wins and always Wins! If we believe that to be true, then as Souls in human bodies, why can we not believe that we can create THAT existence here in the physical form also? Believing Is Seeing...Bliss has a beautiful Song that always inspires me called One Wish and this line from the song is one of my deepest Truths. "I've seen a place, much more than a dream, a place of such beauty, it hurts just to see, a place of no pain, no crying, no war, where peace is the treasure that has been restored." In my meditations and videos and Reflections-blogs, I am steady in my Knowing and in my Believing of this New Earth, this New Reality that is already forming. I open the doorway to the vibration of the New Earth every Sunday on the Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditations and I sit firmly in my seat every Tuesday, holding the vibration again on SO's Soul Stories. I KNOW this New Reality. I am living in this expanded vibration of Love more time in my week than I am not. Believing Is Seeing...As an energy healer, I have found Kundalini yoga (which focuses on the movement of energy through the body) and acupuncture (which supports the movement of energy through the body through needles) to be the most effective modalities or practices for me to keep my Body-Mind-Spirit healthy and strong. This morning in my acupuncture session, I asked my beautiful healer-friend, Kristin, to focus the acupuncture on expanding my energetic ability to receive. During that one hour session, I asked for my Consciousness to receive a clearer vision of the New Earth than what I already understood so far. This is the crystal clear answer that my Soul offered: "It's already here. It's in the vibration, in the sounds. The (New) Earth is Calm. It's Laughter. It's Higher (vibration). All the contrast is gone. It's only getting better. There's no room for shadow or negativity, it just doesn't exist. It's Inspiration. You FEEL it (the New Earth). We Believe it before we see it. We Feel it before we see it. The eyes are the last part to integrate. Everything else before the eyes. We hear it (through music, nature). We feel it (through vibration). We smell it (through nature). We taste it through the water. We see it last." Believing Is Seeing...On the last few Sunday meditations, I have noticed that I am guided to end the hour with two to three minutes of opening our physical eyes and integrating what the Third Eye has seen with what the human eyes see in front of us. This integration practice is such a beautiful example of what I am describing in this letter to you. The Third Eye... the Heart... the Soul... KNOWS and FEELS what is happening on our planet. The physical eyes are simply trying to make sense of and decipher what we already know to be true inside. Believing Is Seeing...And so I say to you today... Love Wins. Love is already winning! Fear Loses. Fear is already losing! So choose to release fear. Over and over and over again. In each moment where it pops up, holds us back and limits us, having us doubt ourselves, our lives, our choices, our gifts, our visions. Simply release the fear in the moment you feel it. COME BACK to the powerful Heart that sits at the Center of this human experience. And Expand Love. In each tiny moment, expand Love. Choose Love. BE Love. Over and over and over again! Believing Is Seeing...When we are children, we grow up wanting to change the world. Be famous! Make an impact. Leave this world better than it was when we arrived. It is NEVER too late to change the world. And I promise you, it happens in every small moment where we each show up and act from Love. Lose the fear and Expand the Love.... and YES, we change our world. Believing Is Seeing...From my centered, steady, and ever-expanding Heart to Yours, Viv One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024