We are in a time of great change on this planet. Physically, our Earth is changing its structure through climate change and the resulting shifting weather patterns. Politically, our leaders are shaking up many of our traditional structures and policies, and rippling effects out across the country. Financially, we are seeing economic systems moving rapidly, sending waves of change around the world. And spiritually, emotionally, mentally... we are seeing people use their voices to organize and express different points of view in ways that are more vocal than ever before. For some, this time may feel chaotic or threatening with so much happening at once. For me, this feels like a time of great opportunity and optimism as I focus on the beauty that is present in every moment and in every choice here as a Soul-human on Earth. We are all creating and co-creating our experiences in life, which is eliminating our being a victim to any situation. And as we become more empowered individually, our collective energy dramatically strengthens. So my word for this week is Magnetic. Magnetic - "A piece of material (metal) that is able to attract certain metals (of like energy); A person who possesses an extraordinary power or ability to attract others; Being very attractive or alluring..." and this nugget, "Magnetic people make you want to get closer, like you're being pulled by their magical, magnetic force." What I love about this description is that the consistency and density of metal is very strong and substantial, at times immovable. So the quality of being magnetic feels like it accesses a very grounded, centered, planted space... to which others are then attracted. The one who is magnetic knows who she / he is and simply holds steady. Then others with like or matching vibration are magnetized towards that steady vibration. We all have the opportunity to be magnetic within our families, friendships, and communities. To stand solidly in our Truth and radiate out a certainty, trust and belief in the beauty of this life. Which then allows all of those around us to feel that matching vibration and naturally pull towards each other to strengthen and steady ourselves as a collective. Then more and more individuals are planted and steady and radiating out that certainty. And more and more are magnetized towards those steady, centered poles. ... So I offer my steady example: I know the power and the beauty of my Truth. For myself first. And as I become steadier and more solid in expressing that Truth, more Soul-humans are able to hear my Truth and find Resonance in themselves. If / when there is alignment, they are magnetized into my community of the Soul Shine Tribe, where they strengthen and find their own steadiness. And then they become magnetic within their spheres. And so on. This process is the most empowered, liberating, and thrilling way to expand communities! I invite you to join me in the Soul Shine Tribe, if you are not yet in that magnetic space. We are a community that is building trust and support, celebrating successes and expansion for each individual, and witnessing clarity and Truth expressed. In this week's Healing Our Souls video, I play with the idea of magnetism through my Osho Zen Tarot Card Deck, illustrating how energy is a vibration that is felt in everything we touch, including tarot cards. I share a few questions of what is most present for me in my life at this time and allow my energy to move through the cards to confirm and clarify what I already know to be true. It was fun to play in the video! May your month of April wrap up with grace and ease and play! Wishing you a beautiful weekend! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
It is a beautiful spring morning here in Cincinnati and I arrive in your inbox filled with joy, excitement and anticipation for all that lies ahead! Naturally then, the word for this week is Adventure. Adventure - "Daring and exciting activity calling for enterprise and enthusiasm..." A couple nights ago I was helping one of my best friends move and we took a break from packing to tune into what was present for each of us in that moment. The Zen Tarot Card that I pulled was Adventure and the description that Osho offers perfectly matches the place I find myself in emotionally right now. "Zen says truth has nothing to do with authority, truth has nothing to do with tradition, truth has nothing to do with the past - truth is a radical, personal realization. You have to come to it. Knowledge is certain; the search for personal knowing is very, very hazardous. Nobody can guarantee it. If you ask me if I can guarantee anything, I say I cannot guarantee you anything. I can only guarantee danger, that much is certain. I can only guarantee you a long adventure with every possibility of going astray and never reaching the goal. But one thing is certain: the very search will help you to grow. I can guarantee only growth. Danger will be there; sacrifice will be there; you will be moving every day into the unknown, into the uncharted, and there will be no map to follow, no guide to follow. Yes, there are millions of dangers and you can go astray and you can get lost, but that is the only way one grows. Insecurity is the only way to grow, to face danger is the only way to grow, to accept the challenge of the unknown is the only way to grow. When we are truly in a spirit of adventure, we are moving just like this child. Full of trust, out of the darkness of the forest into the rainbow of the light, we go step by step, drawn by our sense of wonder into the unknown. Adventure really has nothing to do with plans and maps and programs and organization. The Page of Rainbows represents a quality that can come to us anywhere - at home or in the office, in the wilderness or in the city, in a creative project or in our relationships with others. Whenever we move into the new and unknown with the trusting spirit of a child, innocent and open and vulnerable, even the smallest things of life can become the grandest adventures." This week has offered an interesting energetic shift for so many people that I have spent time with or talked to - in all areas of their lives. My belief is that the collective energy of our planet is expanding and allowing in more Light, which is creating ripples throughout Humanity. We can choose to respond to those ripples with the familiar sense of fear and anxiety about the future or we can simply Pause... Pull all of our awareness and energy into our physical bodies... and Feel what is True for us individually. For me... this week... I am certain of my gifts and my work here in this lifetime's journey. I am excited to be sharing what I know in newer and wider ways with the world. And I am filled with hope and optimism that many, many others, including you... hopefully you... are doing the same in your own ways. My sense is that the future of our planet and Humanity is brighter and bolder and more joyous than ever before. We just need to get out of our own way and allow the fun and play to expand! In that spirit, I am delighted to introduce my dear friend and fellow Adventurer, Vanessa Bassett, to you in this week's Healing Our Souls episode (yes, Healing Our Souls is back!). Vanessa's vulnerability and determination to figure out the connection between her body and her spirit is beautiful and inspiring and I trust you will connect with her immediately as you listen to her share her journey. You can watch our video at the link below. And then come share your reflections with both of us over in the Facebook Soul Shine Tribe! We are gathering on Sunday for another joyous Viben hour where our Souls can play between Earth and Source. I invite you to join us live or listen to the recording later. This week, I celebrated the one year anniversary of the first Soul Shine / Viben meditation call - wow, that went by quickly! I am offering the replay here (password is 040416) as a gift for you to listen to if you have not yet experienced the pleasure of this space. Enjoy! Have a beautiful weekend and I hope you find time to get your feet out on the Earth and dig your toes into the spring grass! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. There are times in our lives where words cannot capture the true beauty of a moment or an experience... and that is where I find myself today. The one word that best describes this time is Infinite. Infinite - "Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate..." This past week I completed a project that I have been working on for several months and it is a book filled with words: One Day - My Soul Journey in the Gaia Tribe. Words about my remembering of the gifts and purpose with which my Soul arrived here on this planet. My Soul... an energy that is "limitless or endless in space, extent, or size" - just as ALL Souls are. The words for the book flowed easily and felt perfect and magical as I transcribed them into the written document. And yet right now... words feel limited. Sitting with the book in my hands in physical form, my heart feels strong and certain... and also vulnerable in the depth of Truth that is now captured in words. Still, I am excited, energized, and committed to sharing my understanding of Love and the dimensions of Consciousness with larger and larger audiences because I know that the value of the pathway I am offering in this book is "impossible to measure or calculate." And today, I just want to be quiet and still for a bit. Exhale... sigh with satisfaction that I have brought this gift forward into our community. So I simply wish you Peace and an ever-expanding understanding of Love. May your time with family and friends be sweet. A Fun P.S.: For those who love numerology as I do, 8 is the number of and symbol for Infinity. The exchange for my book is $22.22 (which adds up to 8) and the book was unexpectedly shared with the world via Amazon on 04-12-2017 (which adds up to 8). My heart celebrates the perfection of Source energy in motion! xoxo "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. We are at the in-between space of Winter to Spring here in the Midwest with one (hopefully!) final blast of cold air to remind us of the importance of transitions from one phase to the next, from one season to the next. And so the word that comes to my mind is Hush. Hush - "A sudden silence or calm following noise; to become quiet..." This has been my experience, especially over the past few days, of a "sudden, calm silence." I would even add the word "pregnant" silence, filled with possibility, hope, and potential. I have been sharing my progress of completing and birthing a book over the past few weeks in a virtual community I call the Birthing Sphere. Progress has felt bumpy with a lot of stop-go movement. Forward - back. Forward - back. Expand - contract. I have felt the urgency and need to push this book through, to force or use effort to enable the completion of something that feels ready to be shared. And yet, this week, something shifted. Externally in the weather. Internally in my heart and Soul. And this word "hush" perfectly captures it. There is a deep "calm silence" within me that is allowing this easy flow of a completion to occur. It feels like those moments when you are in nature, surrounded by the majesty of this Earth in the form of mountains, oceans, or trees, and this hush falls over everyone around you... and then descends into your physical body with grace and ease. This beautiful calm feeling. Your breath becomes deeper, your vision more focused. Every muscle relaxes, and you are fully present and able to take in the wonder of the moment. My friend, Sara, recently went on a hiking expedition in Utah with her family over Spring Break and she shared this beautiful photograph with us as her favorite moment captured on their trip. You can feel the fullness of the moment, the beauty of the pause, her presence in capturing the hush of nature. In the busy activity of our lives, it is easy to get caught up in the momentum of deadlines and tasks. The simple practice of coming back to stillness, coming back to breath, pausing to allow the hush to settle IN... and our experience is transformed. As our world enters this weekend of celebrating Passover in the Jewish tradition and then witnessing the illumination of the Full Moon on Monday, I simply offer you the reminder to allow a "calm silence" to bring you into Presence. What I am realizing in this space of creation is that being present in the experience of completing the book is as much my joy as holding the final printed copy will be. The sharing of my journey and the reflections of how I am expanding in this process of writing and editing is what makes this book such a gift in my life. Becoming More. Always. I invite you to join us on Sunday as we "become quiet" and allow wisdom to present itself in our Viben meditation call. Wishing you a beautiful weekend! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024