Today is November 11th... 11-11, a number that has come to be associated with the process of Awakening on one's spiritual journey. Numerology is often received as guidance or messages from the Beyond, from those who have transitioned, from The Universe, and repeating numbers often bring comfort or inspiration in our daily lives. Today, on 11-11, there are many people tuning into this idea or Consciousness of Awakening. So it feels in beautiful alignment to share with you the creation that flowed from my own Awakening. The journey for me started when my first child arrived and gradually intensified as I moved through my divorce in 2008-2010. And then REALLY intensified when I started to learn about energy healing and could see how Consciousness was moving through every aspect of my life! In the eleven years since then, I have been studying, succeeding, failing, trying new approaches, applying new teachings, failing, succeeding, expanding... and it has been an incredible, beautiful time in my life. The process of Awakening (remembering, evolving) unfolds in its own unique way for each one of us, which is what can make it so confusing and feel so isolating as we are moving through these times. What I have found in the thousands of hours spent guiding energy sessions (individually and in community) is that consistent themes present themselves along this path. In 2018 I organized these themes into a sequential process that I called Awakening The Guides. This powerful 8-week online course has been siting quietly on my website, waiting for the right moment to be shared more broadly. So today I invite you to tune into the vibration of Awakening The Guides with me... The first and most important element of this course is that it is self-guided. Each one sets the pace for their movement through the 8 theme areas. Why is this so important? What I have found in my individual energy sessions is that information flows through me for a client and, while they are ready to receive that information or they wouldn't have been called to the energy session, the integration of that one-hour of pure Consciousness can take months or even years to integrate and begin applying. What that looks like from my experience is that a client will be very excited to set up a session with me, receive an incredible download during our time together, and then disappear for quite a while. When they come back for another session or to attend a community event, the shift in their vibration is significant and absolutely profound to witness, and they usually share that shift in the community conversation. So the Awakening happens... and yet, perhaps there is a gentler and steadier way for the process to unfold for those who need more time along the way. In this online course, my audios and videos, with all of the guidance and space-holding that you need for the Awakening process, waits patiently until you choose to allow each experience to happen. That means that the 8-week course may take you the 8 weeks or perhaps 4 months or 6 months or a year. There is no rush. And the timing is always perfect and beautiful. The second important nugget about Awakening The Guides is the way it has been layered energetically to run two parallel tracks simultaneously. The first is to open up an inner dialogue between you and your Guides, the energetic Beings, angels, deities who work with you, in a way that you can receive more fully and trust more deeply. As you sit in the spaces I hold in each theme area, messages from your Guides are constantly being called forward, so the intention is for you to learn to trust your Guides. That shift is SUCH a powerful one in the Awakening process. When we realize that this human journey is not done in isolation, but we are actually surrounded by Beings of Love, Guides, who want only the highest and best good for each one of us, the journey becomes so much easier and more fun! The second track happening at the same time is the Awakening of those Soul-humans who are here to guide others in their Awakening process during this shift in Consciousness on Gaia. If you are reading these words and still following what I am sharing about this course, my guess is that you are one of those Guides here to make an impact within humanity. So perhaps your questions in this moment are:
My answer is simple. Because Gaia is evolving. Gaia, the Consciousness of our planet, is shifting, and we as humans living inside of her womb, must shift or evolve in order to continue co-creating with her. I could list all of the 3D, human reasons of how this shift is manifesting - climate change, money, politics, health, viruses, resources of air and water. But that is not the deeper answer. The Truth as I feel it and understand it, is that the energy, the Consciousness of Gaia is coming back into harmony... unity... peacefulness... joy. And so all that is not in alignment with that vibration must come to the surface to be cleared and released so that we as a humanity can co-create this New Earth... this new collaboration with Gaia. My Awakening The Guides course is ultimately about each one of us clearing the human stories and baggage that keep us from identifying and expressing our Soul's Gifts - the true reason why we embodied on this planet at this time in Consciousness. As we move through each of the 8 theme areas, old Consciousness layers of conditioning are peeled back and we come into greater clarity with our own Knowing... our greater Truth. From that clarity, the reality we have built around us begins to realign and next steps present themselves. So today, on 11-11-2021, I invite you to take all that I have shared here into your quiet meditation / reflection time, and contemplate what all of this information brings up in you. Wherever you are in your own journey of Awakening, the love and space that I hold as you step into this container meets you and supports the healing you may still need before stepping forward as a Guide for those around you. A couple notes:
The exchange for Awakening The Guides is US $888 and the Energy Gym membership is US $55 /month for as long as you choose to stay in the Gym. And along the way if you need my individual eyes on you and my hand holding yours, you can schedule individual sessions for $222 to explore specific areas that may have you stuck or are bringing up more intense emotions. You will know if you need that support and I will be right there for you. From one who has moved through this course by living in it in order to create it... and now this Fall going through the course again as a student... the love, wisdom, and compassion I offer week after week is beautiful AND strengthened by the love of my Guides who were with me as I created the content. You will know if this is your next step through your body and heart's reaction to what you are reading. Trust that guidance and spend some time feeling into what most serves you. I send you so much love at this beautiful portal of 11-11-21! xoxo, Viv Vivienne Gerard | Soul Guide / Scribe / Teacher / Energy Healer / Meditation Guide
I trust you are well and also feeling time speeding up as we make our way towards the end of this year. What a journey we have all been taking! Like you, I am sure, there is much to catch up on and so I am pausing time for a bit here to share some of my news and invite you to join me in any of these adventures. I would love to also hear your updates and reflections! Please reply any time to my blog posts and know that I will always read and respond to your message. My New WebsiteAfter six years of, I changed my domain name to, with a new look on my website and a more streamlined flow through Ways to Play! As an entrepreneur, I wear many hats and last week the technology hat for this conversion did not quite fit / work as expected! So the old links that you may have had in past emails or Google searches will not work. Yup! I'm in a process of releasing my need for perfection... any matches?! I had planned on waiting to launch my new website until every edit was made and every page looked exactly as I pictured it in my mind, and yet I'm realizing that reality is going to take a while. So, we launch now... today! When you have a little time to poke around my site, please know that my virtual home is in a constant state of renovation and improvement, just as I am personally. And also I so love the spaciousness I feel in my life now and that energy flows through my website. (A big Thank You to photographer extraordinaire, Lisa Hildebrandt!) The Gaia Tribe ReunionAs I expanded my virtual website home, I simultaneously opened up a new virtual community space on Facebook called The Gaia Tribe Reunion. Years ago I had a FB group called The Soul Shine Tribe where like-minded people could connect and share inspiration on their journeys. While I loved the connections and dialogue that happened there, my intention for the space was very general. This new home has a clear and powerful intention - to magnetize a community where we are seen and known for our Soul Gifts, the contributions we came here to offer individually within The Gaia Tribe of humanity alive on our planet. I shared the internal journey that guided this decision in a recent Gaia's Love Podcast, which you can watch here. I invite you to join our growing community here and introduce yourself when you feel ready, so that others with matches to your Gifts or your purpose can begin to find you... and you can find them. I look forward to many, many Soul Reunions happening in this new space! Energy SessionsAs we make our way towards the end of the year, I am planning on taking off the last two weeks of December... which is only one month away! Woah! If you have been feeling called to connect with me and move some stuck energy or open up the possibilities of whatever is next in your Soul's journey, I encourage you to claim your session now and book early to get on my calendar for an in-person or virtual session. And if you have a friend or loved one who could benefit from an Initial Energy Assessment with me, please share this email with them so that they have the link to my new website! Thank you for referring me to those you love.. it is such a sign of your trust in my work! Expanding ProsperityOh, how I love this word "Prosperity"! While we are very familiar with the words abundance or wealth, Prosperity as I have been contemplating it in the Gene Keys Pearl Retreat has such a broader definition and impact on one's life. Prosperity is the flow of abundance, whether it's money, time, love, support - the flow of abundance in ALL areas, for oneself and for all of those around us. It's inclusive of everyone expanding and benefitting as a whole collective unit. "You can't have Prosperity in isolation" as Richard Rudd states. For those Gene Keys lovers like me, the GK Pearl of Prosperity Retreat is happening now and for the next four months online, and I am so excited to see where it is going to take me in my work and the impact I'm here to have on the world. For more details, you can visit here, I'm sure there is still time to join! (A big Thank You to Patricia McDonald Studio for my Intention Buddha!) Quietly ListeningThis theme of Prosperity is carrying into the Quietly Listening virtual energy healing sessions that Andrea Henkels and I co-host every other Wednesday evening. We have been tuning into the 12 Laws of the Universe over the past few sessions and the last one was Law #3 of Correspondence - all about the power of breaking patterns that no longer serve us. We are staying in the vibration of that same Law #3 for tonight's QL session and specifically aligning with releasing any patterns of lack and opening up to greater Prosperity! Are you in?! We meet on the phone conference line at 9pm ET for 5 minutes of EFT/Tapping, guided by Andrea. And then we hang up our phones and settle into quiet spaces within our own homes and begin the energy healing for the group, while listening to music that supports this focus on flowing prosperity. The last QL session was the most powerful one we have had yet and I am so excited for tonight's session! You can exchange here ($33/pp) and all logistics are emailed to you. Heart HealingWe are in the sign of Scorpio and just moved through the New Moon in Scorpio last week. This sign is associated with transformation and deep compassion, deep emotions and Divine tenderness and grace. If you are feeling the intensity of this time and are not sure how to navigate it by yourself, a beautiful place to begin is with the 30-minute New Moon meditation that I created last week. It is a heart healing meditation where I hold space and guide you through a process of feeling the pure love that sits inside each one of our hearts... and expanding it. There is such potential here for you to open up a new pathway of self-love. If you feel a yes, the link to exchange is here ($11) and it is a meditation you can come back to over and over and over again. As additional guidance through the shifts in the lunar cycles, I create New Moon Tarot Reading videos which you can watch here on my YouTube channel. The reading for Scorpio had a beautiful message from Gaia about the shift in HER energy and the pathway to transformation that she is offering from the heart to the third eye. The wisdom from our Guides was repeatedly to let go of clinging to the past and come to a place of completion. Perhaps spend an hour with me in this video as you eat lunch or make dinner and let the cards and my energy offer you a sweet place to rest and integrate what is happening for you individually within the collective humanity right now. I continue to tune in weekly with the Gaia's Love Podcast and am loving the dialogue and healing that is happening in our weekly Viv's Energy Gym community. There is always room for you, if you feel called to join us! My life in this moment is so good, filled with such joy and deep satisfaction in the ways that I am blessed to spend my time. My husband and I are finding a new groove with our youngest away at college, our three animals keeping us entertained! The seasons are changing here in the Midwest; we have closed our pool and are blowing leaves every weekend as the trees change colors here at our home. My cup runneth over is a phrase that I am literally living... and I share this joy with you now! 2022 is going to be a year filled with such prosperity, magic, and play... and there is still much to do before we arrive at that threshold. I look forward to hearing from you with any reflections. And I will be sharing another post on the 11-11 Portal about my 8-week online course, Awakening The Guides. Until then, so much love! Viv Vivienne Gerard | Scribe / Teacher / Healer |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
April 2023