I trust you are well on this beautiful sunny day here in Cincinnati! It's funny, as I was writing those words, I could hear the theme song from the old 80's show, WKRP in Cincinnati, dancing through my head! I couldn't resist sharing this quick flashback with you also - the lyrics are so perfect! (giggling as I write this!) When we first moved to the United States in 1982, I remember watching this show and being fascinated with the funny cast of characters, not really caring where Cincinnati was. Little did I know that Cincinnati would become my permanent home, the center around which my work, family, play, and life revolve! It is a curious journey indeed, these winding roads that we take in our human experiences. Believing Is Seeing...Over the past two years, I have been exploring this idea of Consciousness expanding within humanity. I first shared my reflections in June of 2016, describing Consciousness as Love. This feeling or idea that our experience of being a human can be so much greater, so much more joyous, so much more ALIVE than we have understood possible! In the many months and ups and downs since that first video, I have reflected and meditated and continued sharing my deepening understanding of what I know in my Soul to be true... Humanity is reaching a tipping point where Love Wins! Love Wins and Fear Loses. It may feel like I'm ruining the ending of a familiar and really good story with that statement! The fight between Good and Evil... Darkness and Light... Love and Fear have provided the contrasts that have made this human experience so inviting to Souls wanting to expand their Consciousness and evolution rapidly. We CHOOSE to come to this planet because of the promised contrast... because of the physical thrill and delight of feeling all of these human emotions. I describe this Soul-human journey in One Day: ![]() "But as we are playing with time, space and the density of matter, the joy is in the contrast. ... Having a human incarnation and feeling the frustration of not understanding or remembering the greatness of the Soul. And then transitioning back to being a Soul again and going “Oh, man! How did I not understand that?! How did I not see that?! How can it be so dense to be a human?” So then we come back into another incarnation with higher expectations and bigger goals, convinced that this time we’re going to remember what it’s like to be in the higher dimension and how awesome we are as Souls! We land back in the human body and find that it’s the same density, the same heaviness, and the same contrast. Uggghhh… And we transition back into the non-physical Soul again, saying “Awww, no, I forgot again?!” Then back to another human incarnation where we don’t get done what we think we’re going to get done… and then we’re back to being a Soul again, going “Awww, how did I forget?!” There’s this exciting, beautiful, powerful loop – Soul to human, human to Soul, Soul to human, human to Soul… And it’s just Extraordinary!" So for me to say that the contrast is going to end may feel like a spoiler for the Souls who came for that exact reason! This is the funny thing about the twisting roads we take... the Soul already knows that at the end of the human lifetime, we return to being Love. Always. Love already Wins and always Wins! If we believe that to be true, then as Souls in human bodies, why can we not believe that we can create THAT existence here in the physical form also? Believing Is Seeing...![]() Bliss has a beautiful Song that always inspires me called One Wish and this line from the song is one of my deepest Truths. "I've seen a place, much more than a dream, a place of such beauty, it hurts just to see, a place of no pain, no crying, no war, where peace is the treasure that has been restored." In my meditations and videos and Reflections-blogs, I am steady in my Knowing and in my Believing of this New Earth, this New Reality that is already forming. I open the doorway to the vibration of the New Earth every Sunday on the Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditations and I sit firmly in my seat every Tuesday, holding the vibration again on SO's Soul Stories. I KNOW this New Reality. I am living in this expanded vibration of Love more time in my week than I am not. Believing Is Seeing...As an energy healer, I have found Kundalini yoga (which focuses on the movement of energy through the body) and acupuncture (which supports the movement of energy through the body through needles) to be the most effective modalities or practices for me to keep my Body-Mind-Spirit healthy and strong. This morning in my acupuncture session, I asked my beautiful healer-friend, Kristin, to focus the acupuncture on expanding my energetic ability to receive. During that one hour session, I asked for my Consciousness to receive a clearer vision of the New Earth than what I already understood so far. This is the crystal clear answer that my Soul offered: "It's already here. It's in the vibration, in the sounds. The (New) Earth is Calm. It's Laughter. It's Higher (vibration). All the contrast is gone. It's only getting better. There's no room for shadow or negativity, it just doesn't exist. It's Inspiration. You FEEL it (the New Earth). We Believe it before we see it. We Feel it before we see it. The eyes are the last part to integrate. Everything else before the eyes. We hear it (through music, nature). We feel it (through vibration). We smell it (through nature). We taste it through the water. We see it last." Believing Is Seeing...![]() On the last few Sunday meditations, I have noticed that I am guided to end the hour with two to three minutes of opening our physical eyes and integrating what the Third Eye has seen with what the human eyes see in front of us. This integration practice is such a beautiful example of what I am describing in this letter to you. The Third Eye... the Heart... the Soul... KNOWS and FEELS what is happening on our planet. The physical eyes are simply trying to make sense of and decipher what we already know to be true inside. Believing Is Seeing...And so I say to you today... Love Wins. Love is already winning! Fear Loses. Fear is already losing! So choose to release fear. Over and over and over again. In each moment where it pops up, holds us back and limits us, having us doubt ourselves, our lives, our choices, our gifts, our visions. Simply release the fear in the moment you feel it. COME BACK to the powerful Heart that sits at the Center of this human experience. And Expand Love. In each tiny moment, expand Love. Choose Love. BE Love. Over and over and over again! Believing Is Seeing...![]() When we are children, we grow up wanting to change the world. Be famous! Make an impact. Leave this world better than it was when we arrived. It is NEVER too late to change the world. And I promise you, it happens in every small moment where we each show up and act from Love. Lose the fear and Expand the Love.... and YES, we change our world. Believing Is Seeing...From my centered, steady, and ever-expanding Heart to Yours, Viv One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
The collective power of #metoo is profound. A simple statement that carries the weight, the magnitude of so much pain and trauma. It is humbling to witness the courage of so many individuals speaking their truth, bringing their personal stories out to be seen in public forums. As an energy healer, it is also miraculous to feel the vibrational shift happening as a result now within humanity. Awareness is the first step towards change... and this deeper awareness of the imbalance of power and respect between the masculine and feminine is spreading rapidly. It feels important during this emotional time to also continue (or maybe to finally begin) our individual journeys of healing. I know that as each individual heals, there is a matching shift in the collective vibration of all. So now, more than ever, self-love and self-care is a priority. I offer these simple, tangible steps to empower each of us that you can do today: ![]() 1. Pause and Exhale: Put your hand gently on your heart and allow yourself to feel compassion for all of these voices and stories of pain. With the exhale, allow the pain to begin releasing from your heart. With the inhale, breathe in peace. Exhale again... Inhale again... Exhale again... With each breath, feel yourself releasing any matches you have to what you have read or seen. With a deeper exhale, release as much as you are able to in in this moment of your own pain from your own stories. As you inhale, allow yourself to breathe in the possibility that greater Love is coming into humanity from this sharing of #metoo. 2. Allow In More Light: Physically, by getting outside into the sunshine, allow the heat of the sun to touch your body and to soothe any heaviness. To warm your body with Pure Love. And energetically, to cast out the shadowy places where these stories have been hiding. Give yourself permission to be in the sunshine, be in the Light more this week than perhaps you normally would. Knowing that absorbing the physical Light creates an energetic healing that then radiates out from each of us. ![]() 3. Drink More Water: Our bodies are made up of water and our cells store emotional memories in the physical structures of our bodies. So set the intention that you are going to internally rinse your body of any matches to the pain and suffering of humanity by drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day. Claim in each sip that the water you bring into your body is filled with Light and Love and is healing every cell that makes up your human form. Visualize the healing water moving through your body and releasing out as waste when you go to the bathroom. And then drink more water. 4. Take A Bath: Tonight... each night for the next week. Add a half cup of bath (epsom or Himalayan sea) salts, some essential oils, perhaps rose petals. Saline (salt water) is a cleansing agent that helps to detoxify our bodies. As your emotional body is releasing pain, the physical body can also release toxicity with the support of the salt water. Listen to your favorite soothing music, and at the end of your bath, set the intention that as the water drains out of the tub, it takes with it whatever pain you are willing to release. For the day. For yourself. And for the collective energy field. ![]() 5. Meditate, Chant, or Pray: Begin and end each day with a few minutes of inner harmony. Inner peace. Perhaps the beginning of a journey of forgiving. Of feeling compassion. Of BEING Love. Here in this moment. We are already whole, complete Beings of Love. As we unravel the stories and patterns that have limited us, we come into greater alignment with who we are at our Core. And that is Always Love. So as you go to sleep in the evening, connect in to your own Source of Love, in whatever form that takes for you. And as you wake up in the morning, FEEL the Truth of Who You Are. The centered Love that sits inside each of us. And begin your day from your own Knowing that you are whole. And complete. And Love. If you are looking for guidance in your daily meditation practice, the 22-minute Infinite Embodiment meditation teaches you a practice that helps to heal and empower the individual, the collective, and Gaia's energy. We are ALL taking this #metoo journey of greater awareness together. As we do so, let us each allow time and space to continue (or to begin) healing. SO Much Love... One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. This has been an intense and difficult week for humanity, as any of the stories listed in the headlines of the news confirm. "Our planet is shaking us awake" and leaders in positions of power are revealing their true characters in ways that are shocking and disappointing to many. It can perhaps feel impossible at times to connect in with the vibration of peace and love, with such resistance in the collective energy field. And so I arrive in your awareness today with a simple message that can powerfully guide us individually and collectively into healing. ![]() Let us pause for a moment and FEEL the vibration of an ideal world. One humanity, collaborating with joy, delight, and intelligence. Co-creating solutions that empower individuals. Bringing resources so that everyone always has exactly what they need and more, in every corner of our world. This is a vibration of strength... of unity... of harmony... of love... of abundance. Now my suggestion is to find your individual match to this vibration. And then Hold The Vibration with me. This is the most important part of co-creation. Seeing in your mind's eye what the event, moment, experience looks like in the physical form. Dropping into your body to FEEL the emotions and activations happening in your energy chakras. And then to harness, almost like you are taking a potion and putting it in a bottle, your VIBRATION for that experience. ![]() Much like a photograph that is shared on social media, the image that you see holds all of the vibration of that moment. All of the details. It is the same for what you are wanting to manifest. The vibration holds the power of it. Brings the power into the NOW. So that the action steps for that manifestation present themselves naturally. You, individually, can feel your role in the co-creation of that vision for an ideal world, for a new Earth, a new Gaia. Those things that are like the vibration being held in your mind, body, and spirit can now make themselves towards you, with ease and grace. It begins with the vibration being clear, alive, vibrant... and then you Hold The Vibration. As each individual begins to make this shift of empowerment, focus, and intention, the fear and heaviness of this external reality that we see through our screens and our news can be replaced... and the new vibration manifested... co-created in this Now moment. This is a daily practice. Perhaps many times throughout the day! And it can take a second, a minute, or you can devote a half hour. The vibration is a FEELING... a feeling. ![]() So join me in clarifying your vision for your ideal world, feeling it, and then holding that feeling. Again and again and again and again. As this new vibration ripples across our world, one person at a time, the Universal Laws of Creation and Attraction support Manifestation. Simple and so, so powerful. And it begins with me. With you. With each of us. As the New Moon in Libra arrives on Thursday, it is a powerful time to clarify your vision for the new world and set your intention of a daily practice to hold the vibration with and for Gaia and humanity. If you are in the Cincinnati area, we gather live at my home for dinner, intention-setting, meditation and play! You can claim your seat here. On Sundays, I guide a group meditation where we harness the potential of all that we are, focusing our attention in the Now moment, allowing the vibration and the next steps to harmonize. It is a joyful and powerful hour and you can learn more here. And just for fun and play, I invite you to join the GuruGanesha Band next Saturday in Indianapolis and next Sunday in Cincinnati as the "People of Love" gather! Guided by this talented band of musicians, we honor our journey of Life and celebrate together with an evening of magic! You can purchase tickets here (100% of profits support children at Ramana's Garden). What a beautiful time to be a Soul in a human body, here on this planet Earth! I delight in the gift of sharing my journey with you and co-creating together. So much love, "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I am writing to you on a beautiful Saturday in Autumn here in the Midwest, in my home in Cincinnati. We have a kaleidoscope of colors in every direction as far as I can see, as the leaves are changing their colors and falling to the ground. This is a season of change, even though this summer has stretched a bit longer into the fall (much to my delight!). The trees are reminding us that it is time to let go and to begin the regeneration / recycling process that is inherent in humanity and nature. As I have reflected on what to share of my journey for this week, the word that is most present is Conduit. Conduit - "A channel for conveying water or other fluid; a person or organization that acts as a channel for the transmission of something; a tube for protecting electric wiring..." ![]() For many of us, the conduit / channel for water is an easy and familiar one to understand and visualize. We can see where the water sits in a reservoir or dam... and then is funneled through pipes, with the support of pumps and compressors into the network underneath the earth... up through the pipes... into our individual homes. And then we control the faucet as we turn the water on and off when we need it. That water supplies us with life. We use it to cook, to clean, to drink, to take care of our bodies. Water is an essential element for our human bodies and so we pay attention to how those conduits are transferring that water into our experience. What we perhaps do not visualize as easily is the process through which energy flows in and out of our daily human experience. The conduits are unseen. The reservoir is not visible. And so many of us do not pay attention to how energy is flowing and moving through our physical bodies and in our human lives. It is my firm belief that our understanding of, and increasing awareness of, our roles as Conduits of Energy is the KEY to healing life as we know it on this planet. And each of us is individually responsible for our own energy flow. Let us go back to the example of water. When we need more water, we turn the faucet on. It's a conscious choice to allow more water to come into our glass or sink. When we are complete or satiated, we close the valve and the water supply remains harnessed, waiting for the next time we open the flow. It is the same for us with our energy. As we develop practices that help us navigate or manage the flow of energy into our physical bodies, we become more efficient with how we use the energy. ![]() Meditation is the gateway - the faucet. Some may call it prayer or mindfulness or yoga... there are many ways to meditate, but the foundation through all of them is the same. It is a focused awareness where you harness the potential of your own energy. The more you do it, the more you trust the flow and the faucet... the more you are able to manage the flow of energy through you. The beauty of this is that it's as simple as using a faucet for water. Anyone of any age can do this. It is not the exclusive secret of just a few. It is available to ALL. As we become more comfortable with this process of managing our energy, it is natural to come into alignment with the greater collective energy. We start to understand where the reservoir of energy is coming from, just like the reservoir of water. Staying with this example, we can see what happens when the attention of many is focused on water at a collective level, especially when we have an abundance or a lack of it. When there is flooding, a community will bring their attention on how to support that extra water being directed in ways that serve the greater good. It is the same when we are in lack in a drought. We conserve water as a community and we start to share our resources. Using that imagery, it is easier to see our individual impact on the collective, global energy field of our ONE humanity. As each individual becomes aware of his / her own power to harness energy, we can start to connect this energy into our Earth, much like solar panels harness the power of the sun or wind turbines harness the power of the wind. ![]() Humans are able to do that same process. We have an immense individual reservoir of Source energy outside of this planet that is available in every moment to every individual. As we individually start connecting ourselves to that Universal Source of energy and we fill ourselves up first, there is naturally going to be an abundance, an excess that we can then direct and funnel down into our Earth to help power up the energy supply of our planet. We send our extra energy through the ground, into the invisible piping just like the water, creating a new field of excess energy within the foundation of the earth... available for those who need support to draw from in times of need. With this vision, we are able to co-create a reservoir of energy held in the ground, unseen but so, so powerful. We, as humans, become the conduits. Our Source energy flows through our physical form, through our energy chakras, and into Gaia, our planet, through the earth. And then that energy resource, that surplus, brings equilibrium. I call this process Infinite Embodiment and I offer an activation, a portal through which we can ALL create our own ways of being conduits of energy. Mine is just one example. ![]() I invite you to explore this 22-minute meditation and then share it with those whom you know. Let us start co-creating this web, this wave of healing that is ready to move around our planet. Let us all step actively into this role of owning our full potential, our full power, our harnessed energy and maximizing it for the good of ALL. These are exciting, yes - chaotic, and also, absolutely beautiful times to be alive on Gaia, Earth! Autumn is a time of much play and delight here in my own journey. The next New Moon Circle is on Thursday, October 19th at my home. I am excited to chat, eat a yummy dinner, and set intentions with all of those who are able to attend, so claim your seat here. On Sunday, October 22nd, the GuruGanesha Band is coming to Cincinnati for the second time and it is going to be a celebration of music, dance, and sacred chanting with the highest vibration possible! It is my hope that you are able to join us for this amazing evening. The link to purchase tickets is here (100% of profits supports children at Ramana's Garden). And each week, we tune in to our own channels or transmission of energy on the Sunday group meditation call. If you have not yet joined this community, I invite you to come and play, expanding your understanding of how you move energy through your physical space. It is one of my favorite hours of the week! Wishing you a beautiful Autumn weekend, filled with magical colors and lights and sounds! So much love from my heart to yours, "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. |
AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024