I trust you are well and enjoying this beautiful transition from summer to fall. We are hopefully concluding a heat wave here in Cincinnati that is moving us rapidly through our seasonal transition as all the leaves are falling to the ground and the grass is turning brown. As I write this email today, I am preparing to leave on Friday morning for a week with The Trees... The Sequoia Trees in California. My beautiful friends have rented a house and a few of us are claiming a week away to be still and recharge after a very busy summer. I am filled with gratitude and joy as I tune into the sacred space The Trees and my friends are holding for all of us! Many years ago I was in ceremony at the conclusion of a ten-month energy reading program where I remembered many of the skills that I know I have practiced in other lifetimes. Hosted by our Teacher and friend, a small group of us gathered in her home to apply and expand all that we had learned. ![]() As we started our Circle time, I was lying on the floor next to my best friend, and the music that was playing was an album by Deuter called "Garden Of The Gods." While we laid there, allowing the energy to move through us and begin healing old wounds, a piece of music began to play called "Gaia Dreaming Herself Awake." (You can listen to it by clicking on the photo to the left...) At the time, I was not familiar with the word Gaia. I only knew that the song was awakening my Soul, my heart, my body in a way I had never experienced before. It's an instrumental piece filled with hope, optimism, joy... with a variety of instruments all combining to make the most beautiful harmonic gift of sound. My friend and I were side by side, fully in the experience, listening to the music... and that moment has forever been held sacred in my heart. Over the past five years, as I have practiced energy reading and opened the portal of healing gifts that I have practiced in other incarnations here on this beautiful planet, my reverence for Gaia / Earth has become a priority in the work that I do. A year and a half ago, I wrote about My Soul Journey in my book One Day: My Soul Journey in the Gaia Tribe, describing how Love / Consciousness is expanding on our planet and guiding us towards a time of Awakening unlike any other experienced by humanity here on Earth. ![]() In the time since the book was published, the messages have only continued to increase in strength and number as I connect with our planet and Source in meditation time and healing sessions. Gaia / Earth is dreaming herself Awake. What I believe this means is that our planet, as a unique energy field to herself, a Being of Consciousness that holds space for all Souls in human bodies who play in her womb... Gaia / Earth has a dream for her OWN experience. For her OWN evolution. Just as we, Souls in human bodies, have dreams, hopes for the ways we want to experience our human journey. So, too, does Earth have dreams for her experience. Those dreams are only known to her energy field. And yet, as we exist within that field, we are co-creating with her and are impacted by her visions. There is much talk about this time of Awakening within humanity. I see it. Those around me see it. Many spiritual leaders and healers that I follow see it and talk about it. Perhaps an interesting question for us to ponder is WHY is this Awakening taking place NOW? I believe that humans are Awakening because Gaia / Earth is dreaming herself awake. Her vision for her journey is guiding her own evolution. As Beings within her energy field, as she awakens... so, too, do we. As the speed of her Awakening picks up... so, too, does ours. ![]() It is much like the mother who has a baby in her womb. The activities and emotions of the mother dictate the activity and experience for the baby. If the mother is happy, the baby within that womb feels the vibration of happiness. If the mother is surrounded by chaos and stress and feels the tension in her muscles, her bone, her blood, her breath... so, too, does the baby. Yes, the reverse is also true, that the stress of the baby in the womb also adds to the stress of the mother. There is much chaos and turbulence co-creating right now within humanity and within the physical and energetic structure of our planet. Which came first and which is more powerful is something many could debate for hours. My invitation is for us to shift our perspective. What if Gaia IS Dreaming Herself awake? What if she has a vision, a dream... of Paradise? What if the vibration she chooses to hold in her womb is ONLY that of Love and Joy and Harmony and Peace? I believe that is where this Awakening is guiding all of humanity... towards a Dream that Gaia holds steady. How we arrive there is still unknown. And yet, tuning into the beauty of the possibility of Paradise offers us gentle guidance during stressful times. I connect in with our planet, with Source, with humanity every day when I meditate and the vibration I continue to feel is that of Love and Celebration. Even as things feel turbulent. ![]() I invite you to tune into the daily messages I receive and flow through my Consciousness / my Voice, sharing what I feel to be true in the moment in our Collective energy, as experienced here in my individual journey. Gaia's Love is now at Episode 55 and I continue to be delighted by the joy and hope and certainty that All Is Well experienced in this space! This past Sunday, our Gaia's Crystal Grid Meditation was a pure stream of Love, a Wave of Love that washed over all of us on the call. The recording is available through your exchange here and I invite you to claim an hour and feel the beauty... the incredible gentleness... and strength... of the energy that is pouring into our planet right now. We are so held and guided during this time of Awakening by our planet and by all Beings. Over the past three weeks, I have recorded the content for my next book, One Day: Gaia's Gifts. I am humbled by and delighting in the inspiring stories from the Gaia Tribe that will be shared when the transcription for this book is complete. As I expand the containers I hold, I am amazed by and blissfully enjoying the Tribe that is gathering! I am seeing the Awakening of humanity happen as more and more Beautiful Souls show up. Those who are going to guide many humans through this time of Awakening are connecting and sharing their Gifts. I invite you to explore Awakening The Guides, an 8-week program that I created specifically to Guide the Guides... to Teach the Teachers. You will know if and when this program is for you and I trust the timing of all who begin this journey. It is profoundly beautiful. I am so grateful to each of you for the Light you bring to my world and into humanity. Thank you for being on this journey with me. And now... I prepare to meet The Trees! Sending SO Much Love, Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
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AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024