We are now halfway through this powerful year of 2018 and the word that best captures the energies I feel happening in my own life and here on this planet is "Landing." Landing:
Humanity is made up of over 7 billion individuals, each having our own unique experiences of Life here on this planet. ALL of these individuals, however, make up the Collective energy, the Collective Consciousness that moves through all of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. When an Awakening happens in one area of the world through politics, weather, health, finances... social media now ripples that Awakening through communities virtually. Those who are ready for a shift then become engaged in the activity that caught their attention. I believe the purpose of Awakening at this time on Earth is to help us land more firmly in our own power, our own Awareness, our own Soul-human journey. We are here on Gaia to have a physical experience, to bring the formless into form by embodying Consciousness or Love. And to expand it from one human to another. Becoming more Centered and steady in who we are, knowing what Soul purpose we are here to fulfill, and allowing the beauty and the joy of this journey to move through us... THAT is the delight of being alive in a human body at this time on this planet! Yes, the word "Landing" feels so sweet. Perhaps we can visualize the internal and collective celebration that a community of travelers share when an airplane that has just been through some turbulence lands safely on the ground at the airport! Or the boat that has been a difficult voyage connects its rope to the dock and gets firmly attached to land again. Landing naturally implies safety, security, a sense of Coming Home. And that is the shift in the energies that I feel possible for all of us in this month of July. I believe we learn best through examples and so I bring a few of my own "Landing" stories forward for you here. My Home...![]() My husband, children, and I have been in our physical home in Cincinnati for five years now. After a recent meditation, I drew a sketch of the way I energetically "see" our home and the changes I envision making to our front garden and entrance. Taking the feelings or the energy that I have known to be true about this place where I live and work and landing... bringing into form... grounding onto paper... that vibration allowed me to then share it with my family. My husband and I have spent some time since walking around our property, sharing the ways that we see that sketch of our home being implemented. And so it has created a deeper connection to guide us forward over the next six months to a year. This sketch for our home was the foundation of the Intention Grid from a recent Sunday meditation. If you are also feeling the pull to land more firmly in your own home or transition to your next new home, this meditation provides beautiful guidance. My Morning Routine...I enjoy reading about the routines and practices of those leaders who model fulfilling and successful lives. Committing firmly to a consistent daily practice seems to be a common thread through their stories. Over the years, I have played with different ways to start my day and this summer I have landed in a routine that flows so beautifully for me. I share it in the hopes that it inspires you to stay committed (or begin a commitment!) to your own daily practice. ![]() 6:30 - Wake up, take Star (my dog) out for his morning duties, put on my running clothes 6:45 - Unless it is pouring rain, I run / jog for 30 minutes, following the same path through the neighborhood. There is something so powerful for me in feeling the physical strength of my body while listening to music that inspires me and being surrounded by the ever-changing beauty of nature. I clear my mind and remember my connection to Life, all of Life, as I watch the sun rise. 7:15 - When I get home, I change my clothes, get more water to drink, and then go to my Sanctuary room by my office for 45 minutes of Kundalini yoga. More music, deep breathing, and a conscious awareness of how energy is moving through my body. This has been such an important addition to my morning routine! 8:00 - I make a smoothie (THE BEST meal of the day!) and then take a salt-infused bath, where I chant the Kirtan Kriya to the guidance of Nirinjan Kaur's music, allowing the agenda for my day to take form in that meditation time. 9:00 - After getting dressed and ready for the day, I sit in my chair and record the Gaia's Love podcast into my phone. I prioritize any tasks for the day and then scribe (audio record) any copy or content that is needed for the projects I am working on at the time. 10:00 - I am in my home office, creating the podcast and diving into my work for the day... calm, focused, priority to-do list written down in my journal, eagerly anticipating all that the day will bring! It's always a work in progress, but I have made the inner commitment and landed in a sustainable morning practice that helps me flow in alignment with my Soul's Gifts. My Work...When I started My Soul Journey two and a half years ago, I did not have a clear vision for where I was headed. It felt like I was taking one blind step forward into the next, trusting that there was land that would appear under my feet. I knew I was a good coach and that I had lots of ideas to share, but what form that would all take and how it would be expressed in my own unique way... I had no idea! And so I have played with different creations and offerings and forms of sharing my Gifts. I have found the ones that felt good to me and slowly and more firmly let go of the pieces that did not. Over time, the foundational platforms for my business have taken form. In flashes of inspiration in my meditation time, I would see the possibility of how they all connected and what the whole might be. This past April, at the end of a meditation, I scribed the way that Oprah introduces me one day in an interview. The final pieces of that channeled introduction took form this month with the creation of Gaia's Love podcast. I share a couple nuggets of the words I wrote then with you now: ![]() "Vivienne is the author of the One Day series of books that are guiding Humanity through our current shift in Consciousness. Her books are written for Soul-humans of ALL ages, from the very young in 'Gaia Grows Up!' to the very ancient in 'My Soul Journey in the Gaia Tribe.' Her next book is titled "Gaia's Gifts'... Viv hosts the monthly Gaia's Love Festivals on the New Moon in locations around the world (coming soon!). Combining music, chanting, meditation, and channeling of energy, these popular gatherings are healing communities. Wherever you live, you can join her virtually on her Sunday meditations or Tuesday video chats, and you can tune into her Scribed Messages daily on the Gaia's Love podcast. ..." When my Soul offers such a clear message, I follow the guidance and bring the formless into form! It has been a beautiful time of coming into alignment with the "future me," as Esther Hicks would say. With all of these pieces in place, my focus is now shifting to Sharing. Sharing my story... sharing my Gifts... sharing the flow of Love and Source energy that moves through me when I am coaching, guiding meditations, and holding space. Fully landed, I am consciously choosing to expand my Circles and be the Guide for many that I came here to be. I am enjoying every moment of this beautiful journey. It is a sweet time in my Life and I feel supported and steady, ready for all that is arriving next. I trust that my examples of these July energies of Landing serve your journey also. Join Me...As you move through the turbulence that can happen as we prepare to land, I am here. You can join me virtually for Sunday meditations to clear some energy or schedule a one-on-one session to receive more support. I am going to be contacting local yoga and dance studios and places where I can offer live meditation groups and workshops. If you have a local favorite place where you feel I could provide value, please let me know! ![]() If you have not yet ordered your copy of One Day: Gaia Grows Up!, i invite you to consider doing so today. This beautiful little book is filled with such a powerful vibration of Love and healing. It is a treasure to be shared with children and adults of all ages. And, best of all, you support the gift of more Art With Intention sessions for children with Autism! (This photo is from our book signing party at my home, as one of the Artists creates his first ever Intention Grid with me!) We gather for the New Moon Circle on Friday the 13th of July. If you are local, you can exchange here. And if you are not local but still want to be a part of the collective energy field that I hold during each New Moon, you can claim a 20-minute Intention-Setting session via the phone here. Yesterday's Gaia's Love podcast is a reading from One Day: Gaia Grows Up!, a description of how I experience the energy chakra centers in our bodies, with suggested mantras to activate each chakra. If you have not yet listened to a Gaia's Love episode, I invite you to check out Episode 13 on I-Tunes, Sound Cloud, or YouTube. Enjoy! This weekend is our extended Family Reunion and my children are home from a week of vacation with their father, and so I land in the richness of time spent with those I love for a few beautiful days. (No Sunday meditation this week - I'll be cooking breakfast for a group of hungry teenagers!) May your July be filled with beautiful Light and Love as you land more firmly in your own Soul-human Journey! SO Much Love, One Day Is Here! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
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December 2024