Yesterday morning I arrived for my weekly Kundalini Yoga class (after being out of town and missing the past two classes!) and our instructor shared that the day's kriya was to assist in releasing toxins from the body. The message of releasing has been showing up all week and this little wink from my yoga guide, Catherine, put the exclamation mark on the theme! And so I bring it here into this reflective space also. Releasing - "Allowing something to move, act, or flow freely; setting free; removing restrictions or obligations from someone or something so that they become available for other activity; removing from a fixed position; allowing something to return to its resting position by ceasing to put pressure on it; allowing information to be generally available..." I begin with the physical version of releasing, using the description provided by 3HO for the Navel Center and Elimination Kriya yesterday: "In our modern life style, we seldom walk or exercise the body enough to promote good elimination through the bowels. The buildup of wasters in the digestive tract prevents good absorption of nutrients and provides a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. If the elimination is blocked in the main channels, your body will try to expel the toxins via the skin in pimples, rashes, boils, etc. This kriya works out the entire eliminative system. Then the sexual energy and breath energy are stimulated and circulated." I have nurses as clients and they understand the importance of the physical release of toxins through sweat, urine, and the bowels in order to allow the physical body to stay healthy and strong. However, these same nurses are like many of us - so aware of the physical need for health and yet often ignoring the energetic and spiritual releasing to stay healthy and strong. ![]() In almost every meditation I guide myself and clients through, there is a process that we begin with of releasing stuck and blocked energy through our physical bodies, down to our feet, and then into the Earth - much like composting - releasing waste and allowing the nutrients of the Earth to transform that waste into new energy. We can view our energetic bodies in the same way. Practicing this process of releasing baggage or sludge that we have accumulated from others' projections onto us; from the ways we want to save and fix others so we absorb for them; from the critical voices in our own heads that add layers of judgment and doubt; and from the lineage and the collective energies of our past and our current societies - there's a LOT that accumulates energetically inside each one of us! Much like in a healthy digestive system, when we exercise, eat healthy, and drink plenty of water, then our bodies are healthy processors of eliminating waste. Likewise in the energetic and spiritual bodies, when we create stillness and bring our attention to the gunk that accumulates, then we can easily allow it to be released. Practices like meditation, prayer, chanting, yoga, walking or being in nature, journaling, laying under the stars... simple time to reflect and bring our attention to our energetic body allows us the time and space to clear out what no longer serves. When we are able to release old stories, old patterns, old beliefs, limitations, blocks, judgments, criticisms, old programming... we begin to find breathing space again. ![]() We feel a sense of calm. Stillness. We have clarity. Steadiness. Strength. An understanding at a Soul level of who we came here to be. And that is where the magic begins - in that clear, energetic space. We are then able to create, to allow more of our Infinite Soul to embody our physical form. To feel into our next steps and allow inspired action to evolve. In that new space within, we can fill up with our own Truth and our own Knowing. And there is always the element of choice. Much like in a body, we can choose to fill back up with more junk food, more judgment of the fact that we're eating the junk food, more sitting, more numbing out on our screens, and the cycle will repeat. We accumulate until we realize we feel like gunk... and then we make the changes to release and start over again! This cycle is so familiar to us that we often repeat it without even realizing we are stuck in the pattern. Awareness is always the first step to lasting change. And so I bring this forward to your awareness. What do your patterns look like? Does it inspire you and invigorate you to wake up each day and begin your routine? What is the alignment of your body, mind, spirit? Is there room for releasing in order to allow more creating? If you are like most Soul-humans on this planet, including myself, my guess is there is ALWAYS room for more releasing, re-centering, and refocusing on creating! Often, when we are caught in patterns that are somewhat unconscious and also familiar, the guidance of a trusted Soul offering an objective perspective, helping us see through a new lens how and why we are in the pattern, can be the game-changer. Awareness.. support... clarity... inspired action... Creating New. ![]() One of my Soul Gifts is to see from the perspective of the Eagle, soaring above, understanding how the Infinite Soul is constantly engaging in the limited, physical body here in our journeys. Remembering and guiding from that higher view is one of my greatest delights! During this powerful time in the New Moon of Leo where we are discovering our roles as leaders, you may find that you need support to help you release. I am ready and so happy to provide that guidance when it feels in alignment for you. You can learn more here. In my own Soul-human walk, I am also releasing in so many powerful and beautiful ways:
We are gathering as always on Sunday at 10am ET to explore and practice this dance, aligning for the last week in this Abundance series for Viben Now!. Join us or listen to the replay next week. Be gentle during this time of releasing and nourish the body, mind, spirit. You already know how to practice tender self-care. Simply allow yourself to receive more. You first... so that you then have an infinite supply to support those around you. "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Nam Vivienne Gerard - Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
Jen Bugajsky
7/31/2017 14:54:50
Perfect timing to read your article. Release and Allow... And in this new moon phase, stepping into a leadership role (my word of the month for Aug). Releasing the hold the masculine had in my life and allowing the divine feminine to pour her nurturing, caring, and loving spirit within me. Healing the mother wound and balancing masc/fem energies. Allowing a new relationship with my own mother to emerge and allowing myself to lean into my new role as mother with my own kids.
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December 2024