I trust you are well! I started writing this letter to you on Friday, when the sun was pouring into my office and beautiful orbs of light from the sun-catcher were dancing around the room. A perfect time to write! Typically, each week, my words flow through easily and the delivery is simple and feels wonderful. Yesterday, however, I found myself struggling to clarify my thoughts and pushing to meet this self-imposed deadline I had for sending the letter out on Friday. The resistance I was experiencing yesterday started on Wednesday morning, the day of our Super Blue Blood (Full) Moon. The last few days have been irritating and uncomfortable for me, with many of my stories and blocks being reflected back to me by those I love and trust. ![]() This is an intense time of more Light and healing energy streaming into our planet and I see it... I feel it... I know it to be True. It can be confusing to know this, though, or to hear it from other people, and simultaneously be feeling the frustration and irritation (with everything!) that seems in contrast to more light and healing energy. Isn't more light and healing supposed to make us feel good? Make us happy?! Light brings illumination, as we know through the example of Full Moons, flashlights, and spotlights. AND... illumination brings our gunk out of its places where we can normally hide it. Perhaps this has been your story this week, too. I find in my own journey and in the healing work I do with my clients that illumination, while uncomfortable, ultimately brings us deeper and deeper into our own clarity and knowing. Knowing:
The definitions above identify the ways in which we know: we can learn, study, and gather information to inform our Mind-Body-Spirit; we can intuitively sense Consciousness, awareness, which adds to our knowing; and we can learn how to access the "secret" or Universal knowledge that is actually available to ALL Souls in human bodies. It feels like an example here would be helpful! If you are a Harry Potter fan like I am, you are familiar with the way in which Hermione gathers her knowing. She studies, she reads, she prepares for all of her classes, and then the answers are readily accessible for her. One of my favorite aspects of her character was the enthusiastic way in which Hermione wanted to share all that she was learning and how she didn't really care that everyone around her didn't know the answer! Her trust in her knowing was beautiful to watch. In contrast, the main character, Harry, showed how intuition - the Soul - can provide an immediate knowing. His trust in the ways that energy and visions moved through his awareness guided him in his journey to becoming such a powerful wizard. And then there is the Universal knowledge of energy, of collective Consciousness, of past-future-present which the professors taught... but each wizard had to learn how to access and integrate on his/her own. The combination of all three was the Mastery of Magic illustrated in the series! ![]() As Souls in human bodies, we are all here to develop a trust in our own knowing. It is in our own knowing that we identify what makes us unique, what our purpose is for being alive on this planet, and then how to bring our gifts forward into humanity and our world. We gather and clarify our own knowing throughout our lifetime. There are periods where we are so certain and solid in our knowing and can shout our Truth from the rooftops! And then there are those times when we have no idea why we are here! We doubt and question... and our gunk comes up yet again to be explored. That was my journey this week. I had amazing clarity and felt pure Love pouring through me on Tuesday's SO's Soul Stories, in absolute alignment and trust of my own knowing. And then for Wednesday's Full Moon, everything felt foggy and unclear and I was irritated at all that was happening around me. Mostly at myself for creating such extreme contrasts! In the past, I would judge this contrast as being "wrong" or moving "backwards" on my path of evolution. What I have found in the last few years is that sitting still in that uncomfortable space... questioning and feeling... journaling... trusting that there is always clarity on the other side... I always eventually deepen into my own knowing. I used to seek validation externally, wanting the approval of those around me, and taking all advice offered. Over time, I have learned to take the advice, turn inward, and then trust the certainty of my own knowing, which comes through in meditation time. ![]() Deepak's mantra of "All that I seek is within..." is true. In a recent meditation, he offered this guidance: "Going within and connecting with our Higher Selves reaffirms that validation comes from the inside. The home of pure Love and acceptance. Soul Referral is using our Soul as the reference point, instead of seeking approval elsewhere. ...The desires of your heart are identified through meditation... and they guide you to the highest expression of yourself. That expression is pure and unlimited Love.Both for yourself and for others." Trusting that clarity is always unfolding guides us towards that clarity. And trusting that our Soul is here for its highest expression in the physical form guides us towards that highest expression. So in this time of more light pouring into our planet and showing us the contrasts, I offer a beautiful word that always guides me: Trust. Trust. One of my favorite parts of the monthly O Magazine is the last page, where Oprah shares her "What I know for sure" reflections. Today I am adding a few of my own knowings! "I know for sure" that:
I could continue... and yet, this is what most serves for now! ![]() As you read my words, I invite you to explore what they bring up in you. Perhaps you have knowings of your own that have been shifting, moving, and clarifying also this week. Take a few moments to write them down. Pause, close your eyes, and go inward. Trust what flows through. There is an individual strengthening that happens when we tap into the collective field of energy, of Consciousness... when we allow Source energy to move in and through trusted containers. If you have not yet experienced a Sunday meditation hour with me and the Source energy that flows through me, you are missing a beautiful opportunity to expand Love. This is when I feel the most powerful connection to Gaia, to our planet, and to all that She is healing with humanity. The ways in which energy moves, the tools that She guides me to share, the pure Love and Consciousness that Source flows through to support this space... there are not words to explain the vibration fully. And so I simply invite you experience it for yourself. Your presence provides the activation you are seeking. You can claim this hour for yourself here. This is a beautiful time to be alive, to be a Soul moving around on Gaia in these physical bodies. Let's enjoy the Journey! Sending so much love from my heart to yours! Vivienne Gerard – Teacher / Scribe / Healer / Energy Guide
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AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024