I trust you are well. It has been a turbulent time on our planet with powerful weather patterns that have brought great disruption to humanity, along with the ripples of a Full Moon in Pisces, astrologically. I am writing this message to you today from a space of deep reflection. A few weeks ago, I received a vision or message of a natural disaster that I believed would happen this past Monday. I have never been more grateful to be wrong. Watching the news reports recently of the impact of hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, storm surges - the devastation that has touched the lives of so many people around our world is staggering. Adding more disaster and turmoil to what was already such a difficult time for so many would have perhaps been unbearable. I spent most of Monday, September 11th sitting quietly in nature, feeling the power and the beauty and the grace of our Earth. Listening to the sounds of the animals, the wind, the water around me. Tuning in with all of my senses to the stability and peace and love that is present in every moment. Being Love. Sending Love. As I do on every anniversary of this difficult day, I honored the memory of all of those who dies on 9-11-2001. Like I am sure so many other people around the world experienced, it was an emotional and yet also deeply beautiful day of remembering. My Soul Journey...My commitment always in my life is to continue understanding and deepening into my own Soul journey, here in this human experience. This week has offered me a profound series of lessons that are still unfolding. Being wrong, especially when it came from such a pure place of inner clarity, has been humbling... and simultaneously deeply healing. I am sharing my experience of the many little signs and guided nuggets from this week, trusting that speaking my Truth continues to serve me and all of those, including you, reading this. It is difficult to find words for what I have felt this week... I hope this is received with the vulnerability and love moving through me as I write. When I first shared my message about the potential earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, I started with a brief glimpse into a past life where I had NOT trusted my intuition and not guided my community, resulting in the loss of my Tribe. On Tuesday, as I sat in meditation and laid quietly in my bed, contemplating, listening to a beautiful OM chant by Buddhist monks, this past life kept coming forward in my awareness. What I slowly started to realize is that speaking my Truth at this time healed the pain and suffering that was still present for me from that lifetime. It is hard to put words to how deep the grief was that I experienced through that realization. There was no logical reason for it because everyone I loved on the West Coast and those I don't know but still love as fellow humans were all okay. And yet, here in Cincinnati, I could feel the loss as if it was real. Often when I am looking for spiritual guidance, I turn to The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd. On Wednesday night, I opened the book up randomly to a page. The word that had been sitting in my mind that day, Humility, was of course on the page that was in front of me. The 31st Gene Key in its Shadow is about Arrogance, in its Gift is Leadership, and in its Siddhi is Humility. This Gene Key is about the power of Words, of Language, of Messages that are shared with the world. I could feel the releasing of the karma and the suffering that I had unknowingly held start to move as I read the words again. This 31st Gene Key is a primary one in my profile, representing my Evolution in my Life's Purpose. "It truly is the heart that separates the Shadow frequencies (the voice of our fear) from the Gift frequencies (the voice of our creativity and Love). ... (At the Siddhi level), there is no need to be anywhere or do anything other than what you are doing. True humility arises from the truth that you cannot ever do anything wrong." "No Time..."While I was moving through the week, taking care of my family and showing up with an open heart for my client sessions, I could feel this gentle space of uncertainty - the unknown - sitting underneath me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was a sense of something important shifting and re-calibrating inside of me. More guidance arrived... One of my friends had sent me a link to a Wayne Dyer / Eckhart Tolle conversation that I had been listening to off and on. During this amazing conversation, Dr. Dyer mentions the story of a woman, Anita Moorjani, who had a near death experience and talks about this idea of "no time." I will share her words here. "During my near-death experience (NDE), it felt as if I were connected to the entire universe and everything contained within it; and it seemed that the cosmos was alive, dynamic, and conscious. I found that every thought, emotion, or action I made while expressing through the physical body had an effect on the Whole. In fact, in that realm of Oneness, it felt as though the whole universe were an extension of me. This realization has, of course, dramatically changed the way I view things. We’re all co-creating this world and our lives within it through our emotions, thoughts, and actions. Before my near-death experience, probably because of my culture, I used to think that the purpose of life was to attain nirvana—that is, to evolve beyond the reincarnation cycle of birth and death, striving never to come back into the physical. If I’d grown up completely immersed in Western culture, maybe I would have been trying to get to heaven. This is actually a fairly common goal, regardless of culture—to live in such a way as to secure a perfect afterlife. But after my NDE, I feel differently. Even though I know I’ll go on living beyond this plane, and I don’t fear physical death anymore, I’ve lost my desire to be anywhere but the place I am now. Interestingly, I’ve become more grounded and focused on seeing the perfection of life in this moment, rather than focusing on the other realm. This is primarily because the concept of reincarnation in its conventional form of a progression of lifetimes, running sequentially one after the other, wasn’t supported by my NDE. I realized that time doesn’t move in a linear fashion unless we’re using the filter of our physical bodies and minds. Once we’re no longer limited by our earthly senses, every moment exists simultaneously. I’ve come to think that the concept of reincarnation is really just an interpretation, a way for our intellect to make sense of all existence happening at once. We think in terms of “time passing,” but in my NDE, it felt as though time just is, and we’re moving through it. This means that not only do all points of time exist simultaneously, but also that in the other realm, we can go faster, slower, or even backward and sideways. In the physical plane, however, our sensory organs limit us. Our eyes take in what they see in this instant; our ears hear in the same way. The mind can only exist in one moment, and then it strings those moments together to form a linear progression. But when we spill out of our bodies, we cross all time and space with awareness—not sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. We’re pure consciousness. Because of this, I believe that when someone has a glimpse of what have previously been interpreted as “past lives,” they’re actually accessing parallel or simultaneous existences, because all time exists at once. And because we’re all connected, it’s possible to achieve states of consciousness where glimpses of others’ reality seep through into our present moment, entering our consciousness as though they were memories." As I read her words, I could feel the Truth of what she was describing. How could a disaster that didn't happen feel so real to me in the moment, that it was as if I was grieving the deaths of those people who were still alive? Ms. Moorjani's words brought relief... ease... forgiveness. As I continued trusting the signs that were presenting themselves to me, I watched another video by Dr. Dyer where he describes a past life regression that he had after he was cured of cancer. He also describes his moment of "no time," a dissolving of time where memories and reality merged for him in a way that makes no logical human sense. Peace...As I was sitting with all of these pieces, on Friday I read a beautiful blog post titled Peace by my friend, Anella Wetter, where she validated the experience I had been having all week - continuing to go inward, to trust our own inner Knowing and Guidance. "In this moment, I know nothing, because I’ve never known this moment before. This moment is the accumulation of past moments, but it’s a moment like none other. In this moment, I both know all of me and nothing of me." Thank you, Anella. And so there was more time yesterday afternoon spent quietly listening to music, being still, trusting that inner healing was happening that would help me make sense of my outer reality. This morning, as usual, I went for a run and hit shuffle on my phone's music. The playlist is a beautiful summary of my journey this week so I share it here for you... for those times where perhaps you also are judging yourself for making a mistake and finding your way back to forgiveness and self-love. Loving Me For Me ... Two Worlds ... By the Grace of God ... I'm Wrong ... I Am Light ... At the end of my run, the feelings I had been experiencing all week finally had a word, a vibration that I could put as a framework underneath. The word is Grace. When I returned home, I opened The Gene Keys back up to where I remember reading about Grace. The 22nd Gene Key in its Shadow is Dishonor, in its Gift is Graciousness, and in its Siddhi is Grace. This has been my cycle of healing - the feeling I had of dishonor for being wrong, the redemption I gave myself of graciousness, and the receiving I felt of Grace - the Divine Breath that always heals. This Gene Key cannot be simply summarized, so I offer just a few tiny beautiful nuggets of what Richard Rudd shares: "We are all here to be tested, over and over, until we show that our faith in nature herself can never again be lost. Grace is a presence that descends on humanity, and like all the Siddhis, it requires that we meet it halfway, which for us humans may seem a very long way. When true Grace descends, it wipes out all your past Karma in a flash. ... Grace softens your rough edges, puts a permanent end to your fear and leaves you in no doubt whatsoever about your divinity. It also ensures that you never again forget. ... One who has been touched by Grace is always touched by Grace. If it happened to you in one millennia ago in another universe or in another incarnation, it will never leave you. It will go on bathing you again and again. Grace is the very breath of the Divine. It is always there, waiting for us high above, if we only persist in our sacrifices. Wherever there is oppression, there is the possibility of Grace. if you can face oppression with a gracious spirit and a forgiving heart, Grace will come to you sooner or later. Grace is your true nature. It is your inheritance. It is the soul of the world. As a feminine spirit, Grace calls upon each of us to listen and receive her message and blessings. Above all, remember this: through Grace, the universe has but a single wish - for you to remember that you are Love and there is nothing in you but Love." Yes... my message is always of Love... and the gift of Grace in this moment is a reminder for myself that I am Love. Every Sunday morning I show up in service with the same message of Love and connection to the Divine / Source. I invite you to join us. So much love from my heart to yours, "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo Vivienne Gerard – Author / Healer / Guide / Lover of Souls and Humanity Clearing Past Patterns to Co-Create an Empowered NOW Join me on My Soul Journey on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
1 Comment
9/19/2017 17:00:09
Ah, Viv, here we are again, sharing life's experiences and together, moving to deeper understandings of ourselves and our universe. A beautiful post, dear friend. Deep and rich, the essence of he teacher you are. ❤️
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December 2024