![]() Happy Friday the 13th.. and the day of a Full Moon! A perfect time to play with my intentions for this new year that is finally starting to feel like it's underway. Did it seem like the transition lagged a bit for you, too, as we stepped into 2017? Well, now it feels like we are full momentum forward! Becoming MORE. Expanding... defined as "becoming or making larger or more extensive; giving a fuller version of". Expansion used to feel like effort to me. I worked for a construction firm for five years, and any time a client mentioned the word "expansion," it implied lots of money (good for the firm!), time, manpower, and materials. Energy OUT. The familiar masculine / action paradigm. Pushing. Building. Making a change happen. Which in much of our world's history has been a good thing as we created more than existed before. I believe that effort is one of the old belief systems that is dissolving in this time of change in our world, though. So, what exactly do I mean by that? Have you ever been "in flow" with a project, where every piece seemed to fall easily into place, with this simple joy and alignment? No effort required, just a fun alignment and allowing. Being in the moment, feeling energy moving through your body and heart, dancing with delight in the play of it all. My hope is that you have many of those projects and moments come to mind! That is how life is meant to be. Like it or not, we are here as spiritual beings in physical bodies, and spiritual beings aren't full of effort! It's just the density of this physical world that makes us believe that we have to work hard and push to get things done. Expanding feels different to me these days. It feels like it happens IN-side of me FIRST. In my gut, my belly, my solar plexus, this third chakra energy center that says "I AM." "I AM here." Inside. Becoming more than I was yesterday. Expanding from the inside out. Aligning with the "fuller version" of who I AM already as the wise spiritual being living life in this limited physical body. There's no need for effort any more. Just a quiet listening, tuning in to what feels right in THIS moment, and then the next, and the next... Yes, there is still doing and action in my life. Often a lot of action! But it is from an inspired, aligned space, where it feels like everything is falling into place with ease and grace. And if it stops feeling that way... I STOP until I feel back in that flow! Because I know that pushing through, forcing things to happen means something's off. Something's not quite right yet. So I need to pause and tune back in again. This seems like such an important topic to contemplate as we begin a new year. Listening to our intuition, our own knowing of what needs to happen next. Even if it's completely unexpected or illogical - those are actually the BEST nuggets of guidance! And so today I share my own quiet, joyful knowing with you... my intentions for how I see myself expanding in 2017. Not because my intentions should be anyone else's intentions, but to provide an example of a process where I tune in and feel into a "fuller version" of myself. I allow a quiet, reflective space for my third chakra to say "I AM making myself larger or more extensive" in these ways next. I'm not figuring out the resources or action steps required, but feeling INside what most serves my Soul first. And then inspired action will follow. With no effort! I hope my intention grid process in this week's Healing Our Souls video inspires you to create time and space to tune into your own intentions for this new year, if you haven't already. As always, please share your reflections or perhaps your own intention grid with us over in the Facebook Soul Shine Tribe! One of the 2017 intentions I shared is to expand the weekly virtual Viben meditation community, as we become "more extensive" in spreading peace around the world. If you are new to our community, I invite you to learn more here. Wishing all of us an amazing year of becoming even more than ever before! "Divine Teacher, Beloved Friend, I bow to you Again and Again
Lotus sitting on the water, beyond all time and space, this is your way, this is your grace." ~ Ong Namo
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AuthorVivienne Gerard Archives
December 2024