Sound...Everything is vibration / energy and here in the human body, we are able to play with vibration through the sound of our voice. Often it is not even the words that we say that are received by another individual - it's the energy that is transmitted through those words!
I share the unique Sound of my Infinite Soul expressed through this finite body known as Vivienne in many ways. You can join me for free:
Enjoy playing! xoxoxo The goal of life
is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. ~ Joseph Campbell |
Let's Meditate!

Welcome to my collection of free meditations, intended to introduce you to new ways of playing with energy and visualization for healing.
I believe that meditation is the key to unlock your Truth and your Inner Knowing... and that you can do it with a little fun!
These guided meditations are a way for you to learn some new steps by listening to my voice as you practice, and then turning off my recording and playing with these new tools as you make them your own.
YOU know best what pacing and rhythm works for you, where you need more time to pause and explore what's coming up, when you feel complete with the experience. Use these as introductions to listen to a few times and then take over the reins and play with the pieces that work best for you.
What I have found is that in the spaces between the visualizations and energy moving, there is a quiet pause where you can hear and feel your own breathing. Where you have NO thought. And then quietly, you can hear your Voice whisper to you and guide you. That pure gap is where you can heal and expand.
My hope is that meditation becomes a daily practice for you and for all those with whom you interact.
And that our planet can begin healing through everyone claiming this consistent sacred space of stillness for themselves. Lead the way, my Friends! xoxo
I believe that meditation is the key to unlock your Truth and your Inner Knowing... and that you can do it with a little fun!
These guided meditations are a way for you to learn some new steps by listening to my voice as you practice, and then turning off my recording and playing with these new tools as you make them your own.
YOU know best what pacing and rhythm works for you, where you need more time to pause and explore what's coming up, when you feel complete with the experience. Use these as introductions to listen to a few times and then take over the reins and play with the pieces that work best for you.
What I have found is that in the spaces between the visualizations and energy moving, there is a quiet pause where you can hear and feel your own breathing. Where you have NO thought. And then quietly, you can hear your Voice whisper to you and guide you. That pure gap is where you can heal and expand.
My hope is that meditation becomes a daily practice for you and for all those with whom you interact.
And that our planet can begin healing through everyone claiming this consistent sacred space of stillness for themselves. Lead the way, my Friends! xoxo
"There is a space that exists with us and around us
Where angels sing on rays of light
And love pours forth
Love pours forth
Love pours forth
From the heart of the Universe"
~ Heart of the Universe, Snatam Kaur
Where angels sing on rays of light
And love pours forth
Love pours forth
Love pours forth
From the heart of the Universe"
~ Heart of the Universe, Snatam Kaur
A Meditative Podcast!
In April of 2016, I started hosting a weekly guided meditation call on Sundays. It started out as Soul Shine, evolved into Viben, and then Viben Now! in the spring of 2017, and then into its next evolution, The TimeKeepers' Message of the Week. That was followed by Gaia's Crystal Grids, Gaia's Love Here Now, and its latest (and potentially last!) evolution - Being With Viv. This hour each month now is one of my greatest delights, teaching me about Source and Presence in the most magical ways!
I am continuing to offer the live calls every Second Sunday of the month for an exchange of $11 because I know the impact made when a group brings our focus to the NOW moment together. We harness the pure potential of ALL of our Souls in the community gathering... and energy moves! That tangible shift is most powerful within the first few days of the call, and then stays connected to the audio recording for always.
What I realized a year after opening the space is that the original recordings offer great value and they were not serving the world by sitting locked up in my online software vault! So I created a virtual Viben's Gold container, and they are available for free on Sound Cloud.
These audios can be listened to as a full guided meditation or simply as conversation in the background where the nuggets you need will present themselves in your awareness.
As you find value in the energy visualizations and personal stories I share each week, please share the recordings with those you love.
In April of 2016, I started hosting a weekly guided meditation call on Sundays. It started out as Soul Shine, evolved into Viben, and then Viben Now! in the spring of 2017, and then into its next evolution, The TimeKeepers' Message of the Week. That was followed by Gaia's Crystal Grids, Gaia's Love Here Now, and its latest (and potentially last!) evolution - Being With Viv. This hour each month now is one of my greatest delights, teaching me about Source and Presence in the most magical ways!
I am continuing to offer the live calls every Second Sunday of the month for an exchange of $11 because I know the impact made when a group brings our focus to the NOW moment together. We harness the pure potential of ALL of our Souls in the community gathering... and energy moves! That tangible shift is most powerful within the first few days of the call, and then stays connected to the audio recording for always.
What I realized a year after opening the space is that the original recordings offer great value and they were not serving the world by sitting locked up in my online software vault! So I created a virtual Viben's Gold container, and they are available for free on Sound Cloud.
These audios can be listened to as a full guided meditation or simply as conversation in the background where the nuggets you need will present themselves in your awareness.
As you find value in the energy visualizations and personal stories I share each week, please share the recordings with those you love.
Viben's Gold...
These lyrics from the first Soul Shine (Viben) call in April of 2016 continue to guide us...
When you can't find the light that guides you on the cloudy days,
When the stars ain't shinin' bright, you feel like you've lost your way,
When those candle lights of home burn so very far away,
Well, you got to let your Soul Shine, just like my daddy used to say.
Soul Shine, it's better than Sunshine
It's better than Moonshine
And it's damn sure better than rain!"
~ Allman Brothers Band - Soulshine
When you can't find the light that guides you on the cloudy days,
When the stars ain't shinin' bright, you feel like you've lost your way,
When those candle lights of home burn so very far away,
Well, you got to let your Soul Shine, just like my daddy used to say.
Soul Shine, it's better than Sunshine
It's better than Moonshine
And it's damn sure better than rain!"
~ Allman Brothers Band - Soulshine
Guided Meditations...
So many options and ways to meditate! In this space, I share a few of my creations with you. I encourage you to play with where you feel pulled and see what new tools and visualizations you can bring into your new or existing meditation practice. Enjoy!
Purifying Breath
Purifying Breath is an activation and gift for everyone who listens, as you use breath to create a new pathway for energy to flow through your physical body.
Join me for this 40 minute powerful meditation as we explore this fundamental concept of Breath and connect it to releasing toxic energies and receiving pure abundance. |
30 Daily Guided MeditationsWhen I first started my own business, I challenged myself to show up fully present and create a meditation each morning for 30 days. The topics varied depending on what was happening in and around me, but it was a fascinating energetic ride!
Click here and you can begin at the beginning with Day One, or play with feeling which one might be matching the vibration you are holding for your day... and then let the meditation process guide you in further. |
Un Regalo de mi CorazónQuiero darle a mis amigos que hablán español un regalo de mí corazón. Una meditación con el proceso que yo practico cada día - pero esta vez en español. La lengua de amor y de mi corazón.
Por favor, perdóname por mis muchos errores durante nuestro tiempo junto! Mucho amor a usted siempre... |
Energy FlowingGood Morning! As you start your day (or take a pause in the middle of your day), these three steps help you become fully present, in your body, open to receiving the gifts Life brings you. This is a great 15+ minute daily practice meditation that you can easily adjust once you're comfortable with the steps... and then make it your own and turn off my voice guiding you!
Chakra MagicIt's a new way to play with moving energy through your chakras! Described as a column of "revolving wheels of light and color," the energetic chain of chakras extends from the feet to the top of your head.
This is a powerful 12 minute guided meditation based on ideas introduced by Diane Stein in The Women's Book of Healing. Magic! |
Nothing Becomes Everything
Many of us wonder what meditation really means. Can your brain ever really get "quiet" or "still?" What does that even look like?! It's actually the most peaceful space you can imagine, to rest and breathe and BE.
Join me for a 15 minute guided meditation into No-thingness. |
Winning The Lottery!
If you did NOT win the Powerball Lottery in the USA in January 2017, this meditation is for you! Harness the energy created by the lottery fever that swept through this country and anchor it into your own reality with this 30 minute playful meditation. $1.6 billion dollars worth of energy... it's powerful! |
Take A Walk With MeLet's get outside and connect back into the world around us for a while! Join me as we discover new perspectives in your neighborhood and allow a sense of peace to arrive back in these busy bodies of ours.
This 50 minute walking meditation shows you how to practice conscious releasing of stuck energies and open up to receiving pure energy from nature. Grab your water bottle and headphones! |
Changing The StoryWe all get caught up in our stories... the patterns that we believe to be true about our life and the world we're experiencing on a daily basis. We repeat them so often that the begin to feel like fact to our weary brains - unmovable and irrefutable.
This 15 minute peaceful meditation shows you how to pause the loop of those thoughts and Change The Story, one thought at a time. |
Pausing TimeTime seems to rush by us at an ever-increasing speed, as one week merges quickly into the next. Claiming breathing room to pause and re-calibrate our pace seems impossible...and yet it is always just a choice.
Often the simple act of bringing our attention inward and finding clarity in a moment of silence can transform our day. And our lives. One moment claimed ... and then the next. It begins with this first choice of Pausing Time for a (gasp!) 40 minute meditation! |
My Meditation Library
If you have enjoyed your journey through these free meditations, I invite you to explore my ever-growing Meditation Library. Many of the meditations are from my live Sunday group meditation calls, recorded and accessible for an exchange of $2.22 each. I am also opening up the flow wider into the world through my meditations available for purchase on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, etc, so look for me there, too!
Thank you for spending time in meditation with me. I honor your journey! xoxoxo
Thank you for spending time in meditation with me. I honor your journey! xoxoxo