"There is a space
That exists with us
And around us
Where angels sing on rays of light
And love pours forth
Love pours forth
Love pours forth
From the heart of the Universe"
~ Heart of the Universe, Snatam Kaur
That exists with us
And around us
Where angels sing on rays of light
And love pours forth
Love pours forth
Love pours forth
From the heart of the Universe"
~ Heart of the Universe, Snatam Kaur
A Meditative Podcast...
Introducing Viben's Gold!
In April of 2016, I started hosting a weekly guided meditation call on Sundays. It started out as Soul Shine, evolved into Viben last fall, Viben Now! in the spring of 2017, and then into its deepest evolution: The TimeKeepers' Message of the Week. This hour each week is one of my greatest delights, teaching me about Source and Presence in the most magical ways!
I am continuing to offer the live calls each Sunday for your exchange of $11 because I know the impact made when a group brings our focus to the NOW moment together. We harness the pure potential of ALL of our Souls in the community gathering... and energy moves! That tangible shift is most powerful within the first few days of the call, and then stays connected to the audio recording for always.
What I have realized recently is that the older recordings continue to offer great value and they are not serving the world by sitting locked up in my online software vault! So I am bringing them into the Viben's Gold container, and sharing them for free via YouTube and in podcast form via Sound Cloud.
These audios can be listened to as a full guided meditation or simply as conversation in the background where the nuggets you need will present themselves in your awareness.
As you find value in the energy visualizations and personal stories I share each week, please share the recordings with those you love.
Let's co-create more healing in our world... one NOW moment at a time!
These lyrics from the first Soul Shine (Viben) call in April of 2016 continue to guide us...
When you can't find the light that guides you on the cloudy days,
When the stars ain't shinin' bright, you feel like you've lost your way,
When those candle lights of home burn so very far away,
Well, you got to let your Soul Shine, just like my daddy used to say.
Soul Shine, it's better than Sunshine
It's better than Moonshine
And it's damn sure better than rain!"
~ Allman Brothers Band - Soulshine
When the stars ain't shinin' bright, you feel like you've lost your way,
When those candle lights of home burn so very far away,
Well, you got to let your Soul Shine, just like my daddy used to say.
Soul Shine, it's better than Sunshine
It's better than Moonshine
And it's damn sure better than rain!"
~ Allman Brothers Band - Soulshine
Podcast Descriptions by Date:
Today we connected into the way that energy naturally wants to flow through our physical bodies / vehicles in this human life. Becoming a Conduit of Energy, we opened up the flow from Universal / Source energy above and allowed fluid movement through us into Gaia / Earth.
Life can often feel overwhelming, especially when we are trying to prioritize all that we are juggling. And so... we pause... check in with our bodies... create some space... and then allow our Souls to guide our Action Steps. The process that we practiced today can be applied each morning, helping you to feel into your priorities for each day. You might be surprised by what is most important to your Soul!
The natural disasters keep unfolding across the globe and it is painful to witness others in pain. Unraveling our Individual energy from this Collective density takes time and attention. And yet, that is the way to most be of service in our communities and in our world. Showing up for ourselves and others in a centered and steady vibration. We practiced this by connecting to the energy of the Dolphin, with its individual signature whistle, as it travels within the pod of its community. Beautiful!
August 2017: Harmony
Aug 27 |
We explore the mystery of the oceans this week through the ancient wisdom of the Sea Turtle, representing Source in motion with the message to Trust Your Inner Vision. Absolutely gorgeous!
Aug 20 |
No call this week as I pause for the weekend to honor the Solar Eclipse.
Aug 13 |
Aug 6 |
July 2017: Abundance
July 30 |
July 23 |
A New Moon in Leo brings the wide-open possibilities of stepping more powerfully into our brilliant, creative selves! Inviting the spiritual to embody more deeply into the physical journey we are taking here in this lifetime.
July 16 |
Oh our Bodies... they are so complex and so beautiful! And how we run energy through them is a constant space of learning. Today we took our time, allowing an Abundance of Well-being to flow through the physical body.
July 9 |
On this Full Moon in Capricorn weekend, we watched from the Director's Chair as the Ancestral Beliefs about Abundance in our family lineage played on the stage in front of us. And then we allowed space for the easy release of those pieces that no longer serve our Abundance. Amazing!!
July 2 |
Abundance Theme begins today! We started our exploration of the "prosperity of life" by aligning with the support all around us, including our planet in which we thrive. And then we focused on what abundance looks and feels like for each of us so that we can begin integrating that vision INTO ourselves to hold and expand. So much fun!!!
June 2017:
June 18 |
Happy Father's Day! We celebrate and honor the harmony of the masculine and feminine within each one of us.
June 11 |
The blend of physical and spiritual is dancing in new and powerful ways. Today we visualized lying in a field under the "Strawberry" Full Moon in Sagittarius, exploring transformation and integration into this Now moment. Such fun!!
June 4 |
As we begin the summer months, I am renaming the Viben calls - "Viben Now!" to reflect the power of being in the Present Moment for each group meditation.
We begin with this first call of exploring the new dance between physical and spiritual for each of us individually. This shift is being reflected externally in the current empowerment of the local / state government's response to the United States' withdrawal from the Paris climate accord. What is being activated in you as we look at the future of our planet? |
May 2017:
May 28 |
On this Memorial Day weekend, we honor the memories of those who have served our country... and those who have transitioned from this life. Being present to the gifts around us in every moment - Life is good.
May 21 |
This time of year marks the graduation for many students from one level to the next. The transition can bring up so many emotions for us, so today we explored how we make our way through changes, releasing fear as we go. xoxo
May 14 |
Happy Mother's Day in the States! Today, we celebrated the role of nurturer that so many women play for us in our lives, including our own Mama Gaia (Earth) that holds us in her womb in every moment. Reverence...
May 7 |
This was my first international Viben call... and the microphone on my phone decided to stop working without me realizing it! It was an amazing meditation that was never recorded. :) So I went back to the same beach a couple days later when I was grounded and relaxed, laid on a towel by my phone, and recorded a half hour audio of the waves while I held space for you, the listener. It is so peaceful. Enjoy...
April 2017:
Apr 30 |
No call this week as I attended a retreat.
Apr 23 |
Today we played with Adventure, "moving into the new and unknown with the trusting spirit of a child, innocent and open and vulnerable." Such a fun call!!!
Apr 16 |
On this beautiful Spring morning, we envisioned a garden, filled with hope and the possibilities of all yet to come in our lives. And then we played in that space, allowing Source to inspire us with all of the joy and pleasure arriving!
Apr 9 |
We arrive at yet another Full Moon... offering illumination of ALL of who we are here to be in this lifetime. xoxo
Apr 2 |
As we begin a new month and a new season, it feels important to tune in quietly to our visions - "a vivid mental image of what the future will or could be like."
March 2017:
Mar 26 |
What are the possibilities that can flow forward when we allow more and force less? Today we played with releasing resistance and allowing, allowing, allowing...
Mar 19 |
We explored a new way of Listening today, allowing ourselves to hear the deeper truth of what those around us are expressing through their vibration. Beautiful!
Mar 12 |
On this Full Moon weekend, we moved slowly, clearing stuck energy and connecting in fully with the Source energy within each of us. And then we spent the last ten minutes looking at the landscape of our lives in front of us, exploring what our next steps look like. So fun!
Mar 5 |
There are many definitions for Compassion within relationships, and the one we explored today was the Buddhist understanding of "Love plus meditation." Being aware, alert, and giving with no expectation to receive in return. Putting that into daily practice is the joy of relationships!
February 2017:
Feb 26 |
As we arrive at a New Moon that is filled with possibilities, we begin by shedding a layer that no longer serves. Using the visual of a snake shedding the layer of skin it has outgrown, we stepped forward into the new month with greater clarity and wisdom. (Even if you don't like snakes, like me, this was a super cool process to play with together!)
Feb 19 |
Today we cleared energy in our Throat Chakras and then played with visualizing and feeling Solutions to our "Problems" in life. Picture a wide open blue sky, with endless possibilities available in each moment!
Feb 12 |
On this full moon weekend, we visualized our connection to Source and then dissolved the barriers that stand in between us. So powerful. xoxo
Feb 5 |
Today we released old beliefs of limitation and anchored in a knowing that "Believing is Seeing."
January 2017:
Jan 29 |
We are holding steady today, this week, this year. Lots of changes happening in and around us, so we spent time feeling the play of spiritual energy moving through the physical body. Balancing and finding steadiness through Earth energy moving up into each of our chakras. Tools to practice daily!
Jan 22 |
We are entering a new time on our Earth, a period of empowerment and alignment that we have not known before. And it all begins with the individual coming into harmony and balance with Self, loving our own uniqueness first and then sharing our Soul Gifts with the world. Stillness... then Peace... then Joyful Expression. xoxo
Jan 15 |
Expansion happens best when it evolves from a solid, grounded center, so today we filled ourselves up from the INSIDE first. Then we connected with Source for inspiration and wisdom... and visualized our third chakras filling with brilliant yellow light and expanding out, out, out! So beautiful!
Jan 8 |
Intensity of Presence was the theme of today's call! This weekend All of the Planets went Direct, meaning forward momentum for everyone amplified at a cosmic level. So we spent most of the call focusing on grounding IN, listening to the quiet voice inside of ourselves, and then feeling any inspired action to take next. Or not! What an incredible way to step into this New Year of 2017. xoxo
Jan 1 |
Happy New Year! We opened up 2017 together, by first pausing to reflect back on and honor all that we experienced in 2016. It was a foggy morning outside in Cincinnati and we used that imagery to "see" and anchor in a few intentions for the new year ahead of us. Beautiful!
December 2016:
Dec 26 |
Happy Holidays! Today we explored Giving and Receiving - what our flow of energy looks like from this past weekend, this past month, this past year. Losing the judgment of how we exchange with others and allowing in more alignment and flow for 2017!
Dec 18 |
Let's Play! Remember when you were a child and you got lost in the delight of playing? What was your favorite play memory? We started there today and expanded into the feeling of delight in our bodies, allowing that joy to guide our next steps for the holidays.
Dec 11 |
When we make big claims to the Universe (like "outrageous abundance"!), we often have to find the places where we are NOT at peace with the claim yet. Today we explored Equilibrium - finding balance between opposing forces. Often that is our Mind fighting to control our lives, so we started by creating space for our busy minds, slowing down the pace of thoughts, and then surrendering into the quiet calm that follows. Ahhhh....
Dec 4 |
"Make Peace with Outrageous Abundance".... was today's theme! Raising the bar on how much joy and pleasure we allow into our lives can be a daily practice with this energy tool. Let's have some FUN!
November 2016:
Nov 27 |
After a busy holiday weekend with family and friends, we spent time today unwinding our energetic space from them! Using the image of a Spotlight from Source, we shined a light on each of our chakras, clearing out what was ready to move and Giving Thanks for the gifts all around us in every moment.
Nov 20 |
Lots of grounding on today's call, releasing energy that was ready to move through into Mama Earth. And then we explored how we allow in Support - from Source, from our friends and family, from Life.
Nov 13 |
We cleared big energy on today's call!! The collective ripple across the world from the US Presidential elections brought up emotional matches in all of us. So we took our time creating space in and around our physical bodies and then released the energies that were ready to move. This is a good recording to come back to any time you especially feel the density of being human. :)
Nov 6 |
This was our first Viben call... on the morning of the Daylight Savings Time change... on the first weekend of November... as we enter the US Presidential election week - lots of new beginnings! So we put attention on our bodies, our emotions, and our intentions for next steps. A beautiful opportunity to clear your fears, either before or after the election! xoxo
October 2016:
Oct 30 |
No call for this week as I attended a retreat.
Oct 23 |
The theme for today was Harmony... within ourselves and within our families and communities. My guest on this week's Healing Our Souls episode described his Soul Team and his Ego Team - we're hanging out with our Soul Teams for this call! xoxo
Oct 16 |
Another full moon, but this time it's a Super Moon, bringing more illumination of our stuck places. We went slowly today, taking our time to release old energies and open up to new Mantras from our Higher Selves. Absolute Bliss...
Oct 9 |
Mama Earth is shaking things up in the Caribbean and here in the US with Hurricane Matthew, as the political waters of the presidential election get muddier also. This time of Truth-Telling and clearing out of stuck places carries over into our personal relationships and responsibilities. Let's take a look at our Priorities and release what is ready to move out of our space.
Oct 2 |
Oh man, it's a month of Relationships and Balance, according to many astrologers. And we're feeling it already! We started October with time to reflect on our balance between Being and Doing, and then looked at our relationships with Self first and then with another significant person in our lives. Settle in, folks... it's a time for big learning and expansion!
September 2016:
Sept 25 |
Today was an Initiation, an invitation to surrender control and step into your own Creation. Such a fun, powerful time together! I shared wisdom from the 51st Gene Key (The Gene Keys book by Richard Rudd) and we ended with a beautiful, ancient mantra - "Om Nimah Shivaya."
Sept 18 |
As we celebrate a Full Moon in Pisces and a Lunar Eclipse, it felt like the perfect time to clear out some stuck energy in our chakras! We used the image of moonlight and sunlight streaming into our crowns and balancing out our bodies as the light connected through to the Earth. Perfect way to step into the Fall Equinox this week! xoxo
Sept 11
Today we deeply honored Love through the lives lived and sacrifices made by the 2,996 Souls who died on September 11th. We never forget and we continually choose to be more Loving, more Kind, more Alive here in this gift of Life.
Sept 4
On this Labor Day holiday weekend, we gathered our energy back in from the summer adventures and settled in for the expansion of the Fall season. The theme was "Unplugging" - releasing the valve that holds the flow of our creativity and allowing new possibilities to emerge of our gifts in this world. Such a fun play today!!
August 2016:
Aug 28
Have you ever played the card game "Bullshit"?! If not, this is your chance! Today we looked at the parallels between this game and the adventure of Humanity we are all living... how we always have the opportunity to take chances and open up our hearts over and over again.
Aug 21
As we partner with the Earth to release our stuck places, we can play with our own centering, balancing, and flowing of energy down and out. This time spent bringing our attention to Loving Our Selves first allows love to ripple out into our world - at a faster and faster pace.
Aug 14
Watching the Olympics, it is impossible not to be in awe of the mastery that these athletes have over their bodies, minds, and spirits. "Rule Yourself" is an ad featuring Michael Phelps, and today we explored how that focus and commitment he displays can be implemented in our own lives in our own ways.
Aug 7
As I landed at the beach for a week of vacation with a houseful of family and friends, we explored Collaboration vs. Doing it Myself. Sometimes life brings us to the edges of our solid ground (physically and emotionally!) and we stand in front of the vast ocean, learning again and again to trust in support and abundance.
July 2016:
July 31
Detachment - a theme for the week, the month, the year?! Trusting that we are fully supported and there is a bigger plan than we can understand in this moment. Partnering our bodies again with this Earth on which we walk - how could it not be an amazing journey? :)
July 24
Our topic this week was Breakthroughs - pushing through the barriers that keep us small in this world. When we are centered and solid in our own knowing, we can create from a place of already being full and enough. That's when it becomes FUN!
July 17
My favorite call so far! We aligned our pace with the Heartbeat of the Universe - Source and Earth dancing in delight through and with each individual Soul. "You be the change you want to see," my friends. xoxo
July 10
Separation has been a theme in the news this week, with divisive issues bringing emotions to the surface. We explored this idea of Separation vs. One / Unity / Love, tracing it back to the first original Breath / Source that created all Life. And then we felt into our individual roles within this community of our world - how do we use our Voices to create more Love and Healing? I invite you to explore this for yourself also.
July 3
On this Independence Day weekend in the US, we discussed rebellion versus revolution, tracing this country's story back to the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Such wisdom on how we give up our power and then have the choice to claim it back, spreading more and more love throughout our lives and those around us. FUN!!
June 2016:
June 26
We took our time centering our awareness and connecting into the Earth and with Source this week and then played with aligning our Chakras between the two balancing forces. Slow and steady....
June 19
The celebration of Father's Day allowed us to explore the childhood of our Dads, perhaps seeing a different perspective of their role in our soul journeys. We also played with Source IN us and a way to create a bubble around our energy space to feel our own edges. :)
June 12
As I wrapped up a retreat weekend, we played with Community - the virtual and physical groups we interact with in our daily lives. How we show up in each of those places is a constant deepening into more Trust and Transparency, as we define who we are at the Core. We explored a few of our communities and then began untangling our energy from each. So interesting!
June 5
This week we played with our Exchange with Source / God / Creator, and how that mirrors our exchanges in our lives. Trust is the key to a powerful co-creation, allowing signs to guide us along our path. We also looked at a few examples of how we can measure our exchanges - Joy, Love, and Money. xoxo
May 2016:
May 29
Oh the beautiful play of this call! We took our time landing in the powerful community being held by Source in the center. And then we honored Memorial Day lessons as both Student and Teacher, celebrating the pure joy and gift of being Alive in this lifetime!
May 22
Another Full Moon arrived, and we explored the joy and wonder of Embodiment here in the physical form - how we choose to inhabit these human, complex, gorgeous bodies! And then we untangled from a stuck place/relationship and opened up space for new creation. Yes....
May 15
As the pace of life picks up with summer approaching, we SLOWED IT DOWN by exploring how to Trust and Surrender to the Path of Least Resistance in your life. The last fifteen minutes were spent back-floating in your own River of Abundance... so fun!
May 8
In honor of Mother's Day, we explored our Soul Contracts with our mothers, viewing their journeys as separate from ours with their own lessons to learn in this lifetime. And then finding the places where their lessons interacted with the ones we came here to learn ourselves - powerful!
May 1
On this week's call, we played with our Names - what they mean, what feelings arise in us as we remember our name being called over the years, what the fullness of our names could look and feel like when viewed from Source's eyes.
April 2016:
April 24 |
As we made our way through a Full Moon this week, we explored ways in which Truth can illuminate areas of growth in ourselves and relationships in our lives.
April 17 |
On our first Soul Shine call, we explored the topic of "I Am" - based in our third chakra, through the concept of identifying with our cell phones. Do we cease to exist if the physical construct of the phone is lost or is our identification based more on the connections / energy moving through the physical object?