Home ~ Gaia ~ EarthOptimal Health of Mind-Body-Soul implies a safety within... a knowing that we are exactly where we chose to be and All Is Well.
For many Souls in human bodies, that sense of safety is still unknown because the Choice to be here... ON GAIA / EARTH... is one that has not been fully accepted. The intensity of the collective energy of 8+ billion humans makes Earth feel like a messy, not-so-safe experience. And so the Soul tends to hang out above the body, barely participating in the human journey. How do we shift this out-of-body experience? How do we become more embodied? Perhaps a simple place to begin is by exploring the original Choice of coming to Earth. What is it about this planet that drew our Soul's attention? Who / what is Gaia? Allow me to introduce you to a new way of experiencing Earth. I Am Home... |
Home ~ Gaia ~ Earth

Gaia is the name of the ancient Greek goddess of the Earth.
And also the name by which this planet is known in our Universe.
I describe the creation of Gaia as I understand it in my book, One Day: My Soul Journey in the Gaia Tribe:
"We gathered and analyzed and thought and dreamed and played... and we breathed into existence... Gaia. What we know now as Gaia.
Gaia. Earth.
It was a Star. In form. With a bubble around it to protect it from other thought forms.
It was an energy bubble. We created an energy field around our planet to hold in all that would be created within that bubble.
We created a cocoon, a womb.
Our intention was that Gaia would be a space for creativity to expand and multiply within the energy field that we created. That creativity would multiply and expand in this incubator. So we breathed that energy field into the consciousness of Earth."
And also the name by which this planet is known in our Universe.
I describe the creation of Gaia as I understand it in my book, One Day: My Soul Journey in the Gaia Tribe:
"We gathered and analyzed and thought and dreamed and played... and we breathed into existence... Gaia. What we know now as Gaia.
Gaia. Earth.
It was a Star. In form. With a bubble around it to protect it from other thought forms.
It was an energy bubble. We created an energy field around our planet to hold in all that would be created within that bubble.
We created a cocoon, a womb.
Our intention was that Gaia would be a space for creativity to expand and multiply within the energy field that we created. That creativity would multiply and expand in this incubator. So we breathed that energy field into the consciousness of Earth."
I expanded on my understanding of the vibration of the Name / Sound of Gaia in the Gaia's Love Podcast, episode #252.
A name holds a consciousness, a feeling, an energy... and the vibration of Gaia is so much more than that of Earth. We are being invited into recognizing the larger expression of our planet at this time, with all of the expansiveness She is bringing to humanity. |
I continued my reflections about this beautiful experience of Gaia in my book One Day: Gaia's Gifts, a collection of stories about energy portals here on this planet, ready to be activated through our Awareness.
I invite you to get to know Gaia more intimately at a Soul level through these stories! xoxoxo
I invite you to get to know Gaia more intimately at a Soul level through these stories! xoxoxo
Science and Love...
Merriam-Webster defines Gaia as "the hypothesis that the living and nonliving components of earth function as a single system in such a way that the living component regulates and maintains conditions (such as the temperature of the ocean or composition of the atmosphere) so as to be suitable for life; also: this system regarded as a single organism."
Or in other words - humans (part of the living components of earth) are also responsible for regulating the conditions that make life possible on our planet.
This awareness of how intimately we are co-creating our own living conditions with our earth is becoming clearer and more powerful. A Google search of climate change brings up 1 billion results - yes, it appears that climate change is a real thing, regardless of the denials from politicians or other leaders. We are seeing and feeling the effects of warmer temperatures, disrupted weather patterns, rising ocean waters, greater and more numerous natural disasters.
So what do we do about this?!
One natural response to this situation is Fear. I don't need to list the things you can be afraid of - any news channel will give your mind plenty to chew on about environmentalism!
The other response (that perhaps takes a more conscious choice) is Love.
Which is always coming from a deep sense of Trust in the infinite perfection of existence. A knowing that All Is Well.
All is exactly as it is meant to be.
And it's simply a choice in each moment to focus on what we CAN control - tapping into our own individual power, with all that we have the ability to directly impact in our daily lives and experiences.
As each of us steps into our own Truth and Power, bringing our clarity and our gifts forward...
THEN we can really start "functioning as a single system, a single organism."
One living, breathing, cohesive unit of energy - a humanity that honors our earth and a planet that flourishes in her support of humanity.
Or in other words - humans (part of the living components of earth) are also responsible for regulating the conditions that make life possible on our planet.
This awareness of how intimately we are co-creating our own living conditions with our earth is becoming clearer and more powerful. A Google search of climate change brings up 1 billion results - yes, it appears that climate change is a real thing, regardless of the denials from politicians or other leaders. We are seeing and feeling the effects of warmer temperatures, disrupted weather patterns, rising ocean waters, greater and more numerous natural disasters.
So what do we do about this?!
One natural response to this situation is Fear. I don't need to list the things you can be afraid of - any news channel will give your mind plenty to chew on about environmentalism!
The other response (that perhaps takes a more conscious choice) is Love.
Which is always coming from a deep sense of Trust in the infinite perfection of existence. A knowing that All Is Well.
All is exactly as it is meant to be.
And it's simply a choice in each moment to focus on what we CAN control - tapping into our own individual power, with all that we have the ability to directly impact in our daily lives and experiences.
As each of us steps into our own Truth and Power, bringing our clarity and our gifts forward...
THEN we can really start "functioning as a single system, a single organism."
One living, breathing, cohesive unit of energy - a humanity that honors our earth and a planet that flourishes in her support of humanity.
Stepping into Truth...
Ahhh... the million dollar question!
So how do we as individuals within ONE humanity step into our own Truth and Power?
When the global and local conversations continue to come from fear, the implication is that everything is broken. Our planet is broken. Each of us are broken.
So how do we as individuals within ONE humanity step into our own Truth and Power?
When the global and local conversations continue to come from fear, the implication is that everything is broken. Our planet is broken. Each of us are broken.

My answer is - you are already whole and complete.
See yourself as healed.
See Gaia as healed.
And then align with the action steps that present themselves from that KNOWING that ALL IS WELL.
It sounds so simple... and it really is so simple.
When we start from a place of knowing that everything is happening right here in this now moment and everything that is happening is absolutely perfect, then we can start to relax.
We can come back into a place of trusting. We can start allowing... flowing... aligning with the natural rhythm of our Universe.
And solutions come forward that we couldn't see or even dream of before in that place of everything feeling broken, sick, or stuck.
My answer is - you are already whole and complete.
See yourself as healed.
See Gaia as healed.
And then align with the action steps that present themselves from that KNOWING that ALL IS WELL.
It sounds so simple... and it really is so simple.
When we start from a place of knowing that everything is happening right here in this now moment and everything that is happening is absolutely perfect, then we can start to relax.
We can come back into a place of trusting. We can start allowing... flowing... aligning with the natural rhythm of our Universe.
And solutions come forward that we couldn't see or even dream of before in that place of everything feeling broken, sick, or stuck.
Okay - seriously, how?!
Many of the offerings I share here on my website come from this deep trust in the perfection of co-creation... each one of us bringing our full presence into this new NOW moment and allowing energy to flow through us. From that place, new solutions evolve quickly and with the greatest of ease.
Here are a few of the creations that have flowed through me to support honoring the perfection of Gaia and Humanity:
The #IAmHereNowGaia movement inspires each of us to share the beauty of this planet via technology, keeping our focus on the tiny moments of connection we can have all day / every day!
The Gaia's Love Podcast offers short weekly (used to be daily!) nuggets of wisdom and guidance for all of us humans playing on Gaia today!
The Gaia's Love Festivals bring Source / Humanity / Gaia together in Energy Portals around the world, focusing on love and connection as ONE harmonious organism.
Monthly Being With Viv live guided meditations / energy clearings to help us as humans feel safe in our choice to be here on Gaia and to tap into our potential to co-create in new ways!
And then you can read through the I Am Home area, which is filled with ways to love ourselves more fully and step into our greatest Soul's Gifts here on Gaia!
Thank you for being on this journey with me... it is amazing to be alive at this time on our beautiful planet!
Here are a few of the creations that have flowed through me to support honoring the perfection of Gaia and Humanity:
The #IAmHereNowGaia movement inspires each of us to share the beauty of this planet via technology, keeping our focus on the tiny moments of connection we can have all day / every day!
The Gaia's Love Podcast offers short weekly (used to be daily!) nuggets of wisdom and guidance for all of us humans playing on Gaia today!
The Gaia's Love Festivals bring Source / Humanity / Gaia together in Energy Portals around the world, focusing on love and connection as ONE harmonious organism.
Monthly Being With Viv live guided meditations / energy clearings to help us as humans feel safe in our choice to be here on Gaia and to tap into our potential to co-create in new ways!
And then you can read through the I Am Home area, which is filled with ways to love ourselves more fully and step into our greatest Soul's Gifts here on Gaia!
Thank you for being on this journey with me... it is amazing to be alive at this time on our beautiful planet!