Thank you!
I am delighted you are joining me to explore "Belonging Here" Course. The logistical details are below for your easy access... take your time moving through each element and allow the awareness to land and open up new possibilities for you. I am holding space for your continued evolution and deepening into the beauty of this human experience.
Much love!! xooxo Pre-work...We begin our Journey through meditation... becoming still and listening to what is happening in and around us energetically. Landing fully here in this moment, in this body, in this lifetime.
The meditation video below was recorded during the live Masterclass in 2023, but I host these Infinite Embodiment Attunements each month on the second Sunday at 10am ET, so you will have a taste of what's available on a regular basis. |
If you are new to the way I guide meditation, no worries, I will be welcoming you into our time together as we get settled, so you will easily drop in.
My video will be on as I say hello and offer a few opening thoughts and then I will switch the main screen to an inspirational image as I close my eyes and begin guiding the meditation process. All lines except for mine stay muted to allow you your own experience.
Here is the Spotify playlist I was listening to during the meditation, if you want to play it on a separate device while you join me.
Settle into a comfy spot, close your eyes, and let your Body and Mind slow down for a quiet hour with your Soul. Once we are complete, I suggest drinking extra water and allowing yourself to ease back into your day.
My video will be on as I say hello and offer a few opening thoughts and then I will switch the main screen to an inspirational image as I close my eyes and begin guiding the meditation process. All lines except for mine stay muted to allow you your own experience.
Here is the Spotify playlist I was listening to during the meditation, if you want to play it on a separate device while you join me.
Settle into a comfy spot, close your eyes, and let your Body and Mind slow down for a quiet hour with your Soul. Once we are complete, I suggest drinking extra water and allowing yourself to ease back into your day.
February 2023 Infinite Embodiment Attunement
Healing Integration...
As with every meditation and energy clearing that I guide, I suggest that you build in five minutes of stillness before we begin each call to allow yourself to land, slow down the pace, and fully arrive for this time with your Soul.
After the call ends, give yourself a buffer, a cocoon of 15-30 minutes to journal, sketch, reflect, or voice record into your phone any reflections, ideas, or images that came through during your meditation time. Often as we sit and bring the non-physical into the physical, the spiritual into the seen, our ideas take on more form and our action steps become clear.
If you are inspired to share any of your reflections, I invite you to send me an email or tag/message me on Instagram, where I also bring my reflections from meditations.
Energy work is manifested in the physical body through Water, and so I always suggest that you drink an extra glass or two of Water after the meditation. And nourish your body with a yummy meal!
After the call ends, give yourself a buffer, a cocoon of 15-30 minutes to journal, sketch, reflect, or voice record into your phone any reflections, ideas, or images that came through during your meditation time. Often as we sit and bring the non-physical into the physical, the spiritual into the seen, our ideas take on more form and our action steps become clear.
If you are inspired to share any of your reflections, I invite you to send me an email or tag/message me on Instagram, where I also bring my reflections from meditations.
Energy work is manifested in the physical body through Water, and so I always suggest that you drink an extra glass or two of Water after the meditation. And nourish your body with a yummy meal!
When I was preparing the theme and content for this Masterclass, I sat with my Light Seers Tarot deck and asked for guidance. These three cards below showed the way we will be flowing through our time together. See how it resonates...
Day One...
#15 The Devil ... The image alone is so powerful, isn't it?! Showing the addictive nature of that romanticized version of "love." As we begin on Monday, this theme of addiction and temptation from the Light Seers Tarot deck is a clear guide for us.
"The Devil reaches out his hand, granting a release from the mundane with promises of earthly and material pleasures. While sometimes this release is healthy and necessary, he hides the fact that he offers everything you can become addicted to. From alcohol, drugs, work, and sex, to more nuanced addictions like codependent relationships or how others make you feel - anything that can entrap you or overtake your life can be harmful in excess.
The Devil is a nudge to delve into your own shadows.
He will bring you there and then it's up to you to either fall fully into darkness, or to work on healing your own relationship with your beautiful heart.
Illuminate the things that are vying for your time, your energy, and your love that leave you feeling empty. Remember that addictions don't necessarily look scary and demonic until they do. Seek liberation from the bindings that are keeping you trapped and untether yourself.
In the darkness, I am free to heal everything."
"The Devil reaches out his hand, granting a release from the mundane with promises of earthly and material pleasures. While sometimes this release is healthy and necessary, he hides the fact that he offers everything you can become addicted to. From alcohol, drugs, work, and sex, to more nuanced addictions like codependent relationships or how others make you feel - anything that can entrap you or overtake your life can be harmful in excess.
The Devil is a nudge to delve into your own shadows.
He will bring you there and then it's up to you to either fall fully into darkness, or to work on healing your own relationship with your beautiful heart.
Illuminate the things that are vying for your time, your energy, and your love that leave you feeling empty. Remember that addictions don't necessarily look scary and demonic until they do. Seek liberation from the bindings that are keeping you trapped and untether yourself.
In the darkness, I am free to heal everything."
Masterclass Format:
Opening up space for tomorrow's session...
* If you have the sense there are still some deeper pieces or layers, the recording is available for you to listen to again at your convenience.
- I will be sharing my reflections on today' topic, offering you a new perspective to explore.
- I encourage you to do the extra self-study work and go deeper into the content I share. There is some powerful healing that happens when we are willing to sit with some of the uncomfortable places in ourselves.
Opening up space for tomorrow's session...
* If you have the sense there are still some deeper pieces or layers, the recording is available for you to listen to again at your convenience.
If you are new to this concept of muscle-testing / applied kinesiology, I encourage you to do some research and explore it on your own. It changed my life when I began applying and trusting it!
I share a few of my own reflections in this YouTube video below, recorded on vacation in Michigan by the lake, beautiful energy! Enjoy...
I share a few of my own reflections in this YouTube video below, recorded on vacation in Michigan by the lake, beautiful energy! Enjoy...
Happy Valentine's Day! I am so honored that you are choosing to spend an hour with me in this conversation about loving ourselves and belonging here! xoxoxo
Day Two...
7 of Swords ... And the illumination guides our path! Carrying the exploration from yesterday over into today's call, this theme of Truth and Integrity from the Light Seers Tarot deck is a clear guide for us.
"While we can sometimes find ourselves the victim of someone else's deceit, it's also a nudge to act in alignment with our own highest morality. Be sure you are being honest with yourself about the nature of your reality right now. Sometimes we pretend that everything is okay, or that we are doing the best we can even when we're not.
Remember that no excuse outweighs your ability to act from a place of love and integrity. You cannot deceive your own heart, and the Universe will always bear witness to your truest intentions.
For you, alone and vulnerable under the light of the full moon, the only thing that matters is the Truth. Move forward with the lightness of conscience to guide you.
I act from a place of love and morality and the Universe witnesses my honest intentions."
"While we can sometimes find ourselves the victim of someone else's deceit, it's also a nudge to act in alignment with our own highest morality. Be sure you are being honest with yourself about the nature of your reality right now. Sometimes we pretend that everything is okay, or that we are doing the best we can even when we're not.
Remember that no excuse outweighs your ability to act from a place of love and integrity. You cannot deceive your own heart, and the Universe will always bear witness to your truest intentions.
For you, alone and vulnerable under the light of the full moon, the only thing that matters is the Truth. Move forward with the lightness of conscience to guide you.
I act from a place of love and morality and the Universe witnesses my honest intentions."
Masterclass Format:
Creating healing that guides us into tomorrow's session...
* If you have the sense there are still some deeper pieces or layers, the recording is available for you to listen to again at your convenience.
- In today's class, I will be guiding a visualization / meditation for part of our time together. If you can be in a quiet, comfy place for the call with no distractions, the meditation will be a powerful experience for you!
- I encourage you to do the extra self-study work and go deeper into the content I share. There is some powerful healing that happens when we are willing to sit with some of the uncomfortable places in ourselves.
Creating healing that guides us into tomorrow's session...
* If you have the sense there are still some deeper pieces or layers, the recording is available for you to listen to again at your convenience.
Here is the Spotify playlist I was listening to as I guided the visualization, if you want to play it on a separate device while you listen.
And today we tune into the possibilities... what is available for us as we strengthen our KNOWING that we belong. Here. Wherever we find ourselves. We belong. Until we choose to change the situations and create new ones - our own empowered human journey.
Day Three...
8 of Wands ... Transmuting shadow into gifts! Carrying the awareness from yesterday over into today's call, this theme of action and trust from the Light Seers Tarot deck is a clear guide for us.
"Action! You know those moments in life that feel like a sprint? This type of speedy energy is at play. It's inspirational. It's fiery. It's positive. And it's now. If you have a gut feeling that needs to be acted upon, listen to it.
With all of this movement, avoid being swept along by an unpredictable tide by having clarity about your desires and direction. Harness this beautiful window of swift opportunity!
In shadow, the 8 of Wands suggests there is some sticky energy influencing your situation. You want to move, but ack... if your foot's not stuck in the mud, then you've locked your keys in the car! If you're fluctuating between having a tendency to hesitate and running so fast that you're burning out, it's time to bring some balanced momentum into your compulsion.
Consistent movement that feels right in your heart is the best place to start."
"Action! You know those moments in life that feel like a sprint? This type of speedy energy is at play. It's inspirational. It's fiery. It's positive. And it's now. If you have a gut feeling that needs to be acted upon, listen to it.
With all of this movement, avoid being swept along by an unpredictable tide by having clarity about your desires and direction. Harness this beautiful window of swift opportunity!
In shadow, the 8 of Wands suggests there is some sticky energy influencing your situation. You want to move, but ack... if your foot's not stuck in the mud, then you've locked your keys in the car! If you're fluctuating between having a tendency to hesitate and running so fast that you're burning out, it's time to bring some balanced momentum into your compulsion.
Consistent movement that feels right in your heart is the best place to start."
* If you have the sense there are still some deeper pieces or layers, the recording is available for you to listen to again at your convenience.
When we have a shift in awareness or Consciousness, the magic is our ability to INTEGRATE that shift into our lives. To apply what we have learned and understood and make our lives MORE than they were before. Our love BIGGER than it was before the new information arrived. So... here's what the tarot cards offered us:
#18 The Moon ... So beautiful! I love the Light Seers Tarot deck guidance here.
"When we're faced with uncertainty and illusion, it can feel like we are drowning. Trust that you will be okay, even if you can't seem to distinguish up from down right now. When you stop struggling to see that you simply cannot see because it remains obscured behind shadows of the moonlight, you will experience a deep release that will allow you to float to the surface of your Truth.
The Moon card asks you to go within, find comfort in the darkness, and to calmly listen to the whispers of your own intuition. There is divinity and magic here.
When you fall into the Moon's still waters, your inner wisdom will embrace you, and push you towards the light. She will reinvigorate your creativity and resurrect your spark as long as you go beyond your own fears to find her.
Dive into her healing embrace, breathe past insecurities, and let her dimly lit magic guide you home.
I am safe and I reach new levels of unconscious knowing as I surrender to the will of the Universe."
"When we're faced with uncertainty and illusion, it can feel like we are drowning. Trust that you will be okay, even if you can't seem to distinguish up from down right now. When you stop struggling to see that you simply cannot see because it remains obscured behind shadows of the moonlight, you will experience a deep release that will allow you to float to the surface of your Truth.
The Moon card asks you to go within, find comfort in the darkness, and to calmly listen to the whispers of your own intuition. There is divinity and magic here.
When you fall into the Moon's still waters, your inner wisdom will embrace you, and push you towards the light. She will reinvigorate your creativity and resurrect your spark as long as you go beyond your own fears to find her.
Dive into her healing embrace, breathe past insecurities, and let her dimly lit magic guide you home.
I am safe and I reach new levels of unconscious knowing as I surrender to the will of the Universe."
Extra Support:
If you find that the energy activated in these sessions needs soothing or a quiet virtual cocoon in which you can be with what's moving, this next offer for Quietly Listening is not included in the Course but may be just what you need.
The exchange is US $111 and the info and schedule for the sessions is here. xoxo
The exchange is US $111 and the info and schedule for the sessions is here. xoxo
Quietly Listening
If you are not familiar with these sessions that Andrea and I host every other Wednesday night at 9pm ET, you can learn more here.
I have already created a Belonging Here Playlist on Spotify (used in the live course) which you can listen to during the session, as Andrea and I will be doing. Or you can lie in silence or turn on your own favorite healing music.
Find a comfy, quiet space to lie down. Get yourself cuddled up and settled into your cocoon and then close your eyes and lie on your back with your palms up to receive.
The virtual acupuncture will last for about 20-25 minutes as Andrea moves the energy for the community gathered. You may feel warmth or energy moving through your body... you may get more relaxed and your mind will wander... you may fall asleep... you may travel out into the Universe with your Soul... all of it is perfect. Trust that the integration that most serves your completion of this Masterclass is exactly what your Soul-Body-Mind are co-creating for you.
Once the virtual acupuncture is complete, we suggest lying for another 20 minutes to let the energy continue flowing. Or maybe you fall asleep and wake up in the morning!
We recommend bringing a glass of water into the healing space with you to have it be infused by the energy of the session. The next day, begin with that glass of water and then drink extra water. Energy work requires replenishment and water is the best form!
I have already created a Belonging Here Playlist on Spotify (used in the live course) which you can listen to during the session, as Andrea and I will be doing. Or you can lie in silence or turn on your own favorite healing music.
Find a comfy, quiet space to lie down. Get yourself cuddled up and settled into your cocoon and then close your eyes and lie on your back with your palms up to receive.
The virtual acupuncture will last for about 20-25 minutes as Andrea moves the energy for the community gathered. You may feel warmth or energy moving through your body... you may get more relaxed and your mind will wander... you may fall asleep... you may travel out into the Universe with your Soul... all of it is perfect. Trust that the integration that most serves your completion of this Masterclass is exactly what your Soul-Body-Mind are co-creating for you.
Once the virtual acupuncture is complete, we suggest lying for another 20 minutes to let the energy continue flowing. Or maybe you fall asleep and wake up in the morning!
We recommend bringing a glass of water into the healing space with you to have it be infused by the energy of the session. The next day, begin with that glass of water and then drink extra water. Energy work requires replenishment and water is the best form!
Next Steps Together...
Thank you for choosing to dive into this journey with me! I trust that what you were seeking clarity in is in process or already clear for you. Keep following the path of your intuition... you already know what you desire to experience / feel in your Belonging Here. Stand steady in that desire and trust the signs.
If you find that you are eager to continue our journey together, there are several options for you to explore. I trust the Divine Timing of alignment, so if / when it is time, I will be so happy to be in energy space with you again!
Activation Sessions - In-person (if you're local to Cincinnati) and virtual via Zoom or phone
The Practicum - A virtual community with lots of class options to explore
More Courses - A library of online courses to support your evolution at your own pace
And you can follow me on social media at the links below...
If you find that you are eager to continue our journey together, there are several options for you to explore. I trust the Divine Timing of alignment, so if / when it is time, I will be so happy to be in energy space with you again!
Activation Sessions - In-person (if you're local to Cincinnati) and virtual via Zoom or phone
The Practicum - A virtual community with lots of class options to explore
More Courses - A library of online courses to support your evolution at your own pace
And you can follow me on social media at the links below...