"Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in the Aquarius sign between about January 21 and about February 20, while under the sidereal Zodiac, the sun is in Aquarius from approximately February 15 to March 14, depending on the leap year. In astrology, Aquarius is considered an air sign, positive sign, and one of the four fixed signs. Aquarius is said to be ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus." ~ Wikipedia
Thank You!
I am so pleased you are tuning into the power of this Aquarius New Moon through meditation and intention-setting! I look forward to guiding you through a process of connecting into the energies available to support us at this time... and harnessing that momentum to apply it to your own journey. Enjoy the gifts I created and collected for you below! xoxo
2025 New Moon in Aquarius
1. New Moon Tarot Card Reading
Once a month I pull cards to tap into the energy of the upcoming lunar cycle and create a video. This month's video is posted below. The past ones for this sign are available on my YouTube channel or Instagram Videos.
The music I was listening to is Snatam Kaur's album here.
2. Guided Meditation

The audio recording for the meditation is available below on the afternoon / evening of the New Moon date in 2025. This page will remain active until the next New Moon in Aquarius (2026) and then a new page set up for the next year. So you may come back as often as you feel guided to tune into this vibration!
As with any meditation I guide, I invite you to take a few minutes to slow the pace down... stretch out your body and shake off any stuck energy... take a seat and get settled in... be in a comfy spot where you will not be interrupted for the next half hour... close your eyes... relax your body... and let's meditate.
As with any meditation I guide, I invite you to take a few minutes to slow the pace down... stretch out your body and shake off any stuck energy... take a seat and get settled in... be in a comfy spot where you will not be interrupted for the next half hour... close your eyes... relax your body... and let's meditate.
3. Setting Intentions

The New Moon is a time of wide open night skies, filled with stars that can guide us into brand new possibilities. Setting intentions at this time of the lunar cycle is powerful... especially when many are doing it together in the same energetic container.
A few days before the New Moon, I will draw a new Circle (like the one to the right) on a large easel sized white paper, and begin hand-writing in intentions as they are sent to me by those participating in the New Moon Meditation. This specific Manifestation Circle will stay open for three days around the New Moon and I'll keep writing in intentions (email to me here). When complete, I will burn the paper in our fire pit and release the intentions To The Stars... knowing the manifestations will be sent Back to us here on Earth! xoxoxo
I post updates on Instagram Stories (@Infinite.Embodiment.in.Gaia) so that you can feel the power of our group's intentions. The Meditation and this Manifestation Circle are connected energetically, so as each one of us listens to the meditation, we are activating together the group's intentions, increasing the momentum! SO EXCITING!!
A few days before the New Moon, I will draw a new Circle (like the one to the right) on a large easel sized white paper, and begin hand-writing in intentions as they are sent to me by those participating in the New Moon Meditation. This specific Manifestation Circle will stay open for three days around the New Moon and I'll keep writing in intentions (email to me here). When complete, I will burn the paper in our fire pit and release the intentions To The Stars... knowing the manifestations will be sent Back to us here on Earth! xoxoxo
I post updates on Instagram Stories (@Infinite.Embodiment.in.Gaia) so that you can feel the power of our group's intentions. The Meditation and this Manifestation Circle are connected energetically, so as each one of us listens to the meditation, we are activating together the group's intentions, increasing the momentum! SO EXCITING!!
Virual Manifestation Circle
We are gathering via Zoom on Tuesday, January 28th at 5pm ET to share our intentions in real time in community!
The call info is:
Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 814 8709 2683
Passcode: 363495
The call info is:
Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 814 8709 2683
Passcode: 363495
Past New Moons in Aquarius
In 2022 I combined all of the New Moon resources over the years, bringing all of the past guided meditations I have created for Aquarius into this space. My gift to you! Enjoy listening and tuning more deeply into Aquarius energy. xoxo
2024 Feb:
Energy Reading
Guided Meditation
2023 Jan:
Energy Reading
Links to the 2022 Strength and 2023 Prosperity energy recordings. xoxo
Guided Meditation
Energy Reading
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
Thank You!
Thank you for joining me in this space! If you have friends / family who would enjoy participating in this way with us at the New Moon, please forward the link to my Store and they can exchange for $33 to also dive in deeper and receive the meditation!